
Showing posts from March 23, 2008

Food is Next

As if the Corporate stragulation on energy is not enough to bankrupt the American Family, we now have Commodity speculators driving up the costs of wheta and rice, two mainstays of the human diet. The price of wheat is rising so fast because of specualtive commodity brokers that many small to mid sized bakers throughout America are fearing that they will be priced out of the marketplace. How could " The Bread Basket of The World" as America was once known, now have a wheat shortage. Does this make any sense to anyone? Now, rice prices are soaring throughout the world causing many Nations to place restrictions on exporting rice. The rice prices will soon effect the ability to obtain rice in America. Rice is a staple of many lower and middle class families in America. What will they eat? Where oh where is the Congressional Leadership? Instaed of worrying about the Election, shouldn't the Congressional Leadership be worrying about the fate of the American People?

Economic Shambles

With the Country heading towards economic meltdown, the three major remaining Presidential Candidates made statements yesterday. McCain, do nothing, the Bush policies are fine. Clinton, $30 Billion economic stimulus plan, including job retraining, community grants, etc. Obama, $30 Billion, some form of mortgage relief, and community based funding. There is a much easier plan - REGULATE THE CREDIT CARD COMPANIES- REVERSE THE BANKRUPTCY BILL. If all Credit Card interest was regulated by law to prime plus 5% it will allow those in debt to begin paying their debt. Free up credit limits, make consumers more comfortable with again using their credit cards, and spur on some sales. The Bankruptcy Bill must have the restrictive provisions removed. Allow a person the same protection as a Corporation. When did Corporations become more important that people, oh I forgot, when Regan became Acting President. If the Democrats want to prove that they are different from The Republicans, they must stand

At What Cost

click here to learn more Does the cost of the Iraq war affect you? YES!!!! - The United States of America has sacrificed its Middle Class to pursue this war. Look at the cost of war and decide. Could We have spent this money more wisely? If the US had spent this money on an alternative energy program, how many jobs would have been created? How many families would now have affordable energy thus leaving more disposal income to improve other aspects of their lives. Where is the Leadership in the Congress. Does anyone have any plans other than their own self-preservation?

Just a Rough Patch

President Bush announced today that that the economy is strong and we are just going through a rough patch. He will give small business a tax incentive to invest in new equipment. I am sure that this will help the thousands of small stores on America's Main Streets overcome the worst financial recession since the Great Depression. do these guys have a clue what is going on? McCain said he doesn't support helping homeowners that are in trouble but is all for the Bear sterns bailout. That is the essence of the Government in power for the last 7 years, help filthy rich screw the poor and middle class. Where is the $1.10 meal for a family of 4. A Family of 4 receiving Food Stamps is expect to be able to provide their meals at the rate of a $1.10 per meal based on their monthly allowance and the number of meals needed in a month. Are we sure this is still America? Why is there no money for the States to repair infrastructure , no money for Health Care, no money to feed the poor,

The State of The Economy

As the Feds rush to rescue billionaires such as Bear Stern and the other major banks in the US, Main Street Business is facing economic blight with no end in sight, and no rescue from the Feds. Do you have to be a Billionaire that has plundered the wealth of your company to get help from the Feds? As the Feds look for a fix to the broken economy the Credit Card Banks are still charging 39.9% interest with the blessings of the Government This is such an easy fix. Talk about predatory lending, this is worse than borrowing money from a loan shark, yet the government fiddles while the American Businessman and the middle and lower class families burn. All interest should be restricted by law, no more than 5% over prime. The Feds are loaning banks money in the billions of dollars at lower interest rates while the banks put it on the streets at LOAN SHARK rates, is this a criminal enterprise? Do any of the Presidential Candidates have a clue what is happening to the American Family and their