
Showing posts from May 11, 2008

The Republican Spiral

The Republican Party under the leadership of G.W. Bush and their presumptive Presidential nominee appear to be spiraling downward and cannot keep their vengeance, hatred and fear mongering beneath the surface. This week saw the President bring partisan American politics overseas where he gave a speech distorting the Democratic Policy of negotiating with sovereign governments. Mr. Bush chooses to say that the policy is to negotiate with terrorist, and McCain took up the mantra and repeated the same thing. There is a big difference between negating with a terrorist group and a government elected by the people being governed. This is a difference that the Bush Administration could not distinguish when they decided to invade Iraq. President Bush also paid a visit to his kissing buddies the Saudi Royals who told him no more oil production their profit margin is just right, thank you. Nineteen of the twenty-one 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, yet the Bush Administration decided to inv

Saudis to Bush - Drop Dead

President Bush stopped in Saudi Arabia today for another make out session with the Saudi Price, and to supposedly talk to them about oil production. The Saudis told him outright that they will not raise oil production to lower the world price. Remember G.W. Bush told us in the debate with Al Gore that the way to deal with oil producers and keep the prices stable was to "jawbone" with them, and that he was capable of "jawboning" because he was an oilman. Looks like another Bush lie. The Bush trip was rather successful, he went to Israel, disparaged the democratic candidate for President, reiterated the fear that Americans should have if a Democrat becomes President, and talked to the Saudis about the price of oil, and accomplished nothing. Another Bush Administration success. Meanwhile back at home the Republican Candidate for President gave a speech saying that the Iraq war would be over by 2013, someone didn't tell him that G.W. Bush told the American People th

Bush Does it Again

Today George W. Bush representing the Presidency of the United States of America addressed the Israeli Keenest in honor of Israeli's 60Th Anniversary. Unfortunately Mr. Bush was speaking as President of the United States and engaged in partisan politics throughout the speech. In a veiled reference to Senator Obma's statement that he would engage in dialogue with other countries including Iran, Mr. Bush stated that " Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with terrorist and radicals as if some ingenious argument will persuade them that they have been wrong all along" The Some in this statement is obviously a political attack against Senator Obama's statement that he was willing to negotiate with all governments in the pursuit of peace over war. Besides taking this political fight over seas Mr. Bush twisted the platform of Senator Obama, he has never said that he would negotiate with terrorist. Mr. Bush then went on to tell how this policy of diplomacy was wr

Senator Edwards Endorses Senator Obama

Today, Wednesday May 14th, 2008, former Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee John Edwards announced his endorsement of Senator Barack Obama at a packed rally in Flint, MI. Senator Edwards used the occasion to re-iterate the key issues that his own Presidential campaign highlighted, national health care, equal educational funding, poverty, and hunger. In a sometimes crusader voice and tone, Senator Edwards took the time to shine a favorable light on Senator Clinton before extolling the virtues of Senator Obama and the hope and promise for the revitalization of the American Dream. John Edwards, (D), NC, spoke of a country that has spiraled into a country of two classes, the privileged and the rest of the citizens. Mr. Edwards spoke of An America where those who are better off economically receive the best educational opportunities while the small town and inner city residents settle for a less than acceptable education. The packed house responded with partisan cheers as Mr. Edwards ralli

Bush Warns of Iraq Disaster

President Bush gave an interview to Politico and Yahoo News in the Oval Office today. In the interview Bush expressed concern about leaving an unfinished war to a Democrat successor. Bush warned that a Democratic Plan to withdrawn from Iraq would create a disaster in the region. These statements bring to mind a flood of questions: 1. Isn't the Iraqi Occupation already a disaster? 2. Are we to believe based upon Bush's handling of the Iraqi Occupation, and he is a Republican, that it would only reason that the Nation would want another Republican to be in charge of the continued occupation? 3. Didn't the invasion of a Sovereign nation and the execution of their elected President already cause a disaster in the region? It is obvious from the statements in this interview that the Republicans will seek to instill fear in the electorate as they did in the previous Presidential election. The Republicans have already called upon their key fear monger to start oiling up the propaga

John McCain the Lobbyists’ Candidate

John McCain’s handpicked Republican Coordinator, John Goodyear resigned after news broke that he lobbied for the repressive military regime of Myanmar, formerly Burma. Mr. Goodyear is the CEO of the DCI lobbying firm DCI which lobbied on behalf of the Myanmar Junta. Also resigning for ties to the same Washington, D.C lobbying firm DCI was John Davenport. These are not the only two lobbyists that are on the Senior Staff of the John McCain for President Campaign Staff. Super Lobbyist Charlie Black is also a senior adviser and spokesman for the McCain Campaign. Mr., Black is head of BKSH and considered to be one of the most effective influence peddlers in Washington, D, C, Mr. Black’s client list is a virtual who’s who of the largest Telecom, and Oil Corporations in the world. Mr. McCain has already deflected one lobbying scandal involving a major Telecom lobbyist, Vicki Iseman, who lobbied on behalf of Paxson Communications. Paxson Communication through Vicki Iseman provided the McCain f

Mother's Day 2008

Mother's Day in The U.S.A. was influenced by Mother's against war after the Civil War. Julia Howe Ward wrote the Mother's Day Proclamation in 1870 as a pacifist plea against the ravishes of war. Mother’s Day Proclamation Arise, then, women of this day! Arise all women who have hearts, whether our baptism be that of water or of fears! Say firmly: "We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies. Our husbands shall not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience. We women of one country will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs. From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. It says "Disarm, Disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance of justice. "Blood does not wipe our dishonor nor violence indicate possession. As men have often fo