
Showing posts from August 24, 2008

McCain VP adds to Lack of Knowledge

John McCain picked the Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin to be his Vice-Presidential running mate. Although I was not thrilled with Senator Obama's pick of Senator Joe Biden to be his running mate at least I can understand the reasoning. Senator Biden offers the Obama ticket international expertise and legislative prowess. What will Governor Sarah Palin offer to the McCain ticket? Governor Sarah Palin is the Governor of a State that is flush with cash and does not need to provide services to a major population. Her economic expertise is questionable, her international expertise is non-existent and her vision of the American future is the typical Republican Party line. The only reason that the desperate McCain campaign could have made the choice of Sarah Palin is in hopes of capturing the woman vote that feels disenfranchised by the defeat of Senator Clinton. Senator McCain has run a campaign based on slandering Senator Obama as a celebrity, and now he picks a real celebrity, a for

Obama Acceptance Speech

Senator Obama delivered a modified stock campaign speech in accepting the Democratic nomination on a most historic day. On the 45th Anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream Speech" Senator Barack Obama accepted the nomination for President of a major political party. Senator Obama was able to articulate both a vision for continuing the dream and a plan to attaining the objective. At times Senator Obama showed flashes of conviction, anger and disgust at the current Republican Policies now plaguing our Nation and hindering the dreams of the American population. The Senator was able to eloquently present a vision for the future while reminding the listeners of the failures of this Republican Administration and the Republican Party represented by Senator John McCain. Senator Obama shows an understanding of the plight of the American Family that the Republican Candidate fails to see. " We meet at one of those defining moments, a moment when our nation is at

Bill Clinton Smacks it Out of The Park

Former President Bill Clinton showed why he is one of the most persuasive speakers in Politics at The Democratic National Convention in Denver last night. President Clinton publicly buried the hatchet with Senator Obama stating that the election of Senator Obama will have his full support. After the necessary conciliatory remarks about supporting Obaa President Clinton listed a litany of Democratic Ideals that should prevail after eight years of the devastation that has been created by the current Republican Administration. President Clinton spelled out the reasons why we can not afford a John McCain Presidency with these simple eloquent lines: "Our nation is in trouble on two fronts: The American Dream is under siege at home, and America's leadership in the world has been weakened. Middle class and low-income Americans are hurting, with incomes declining; job losses, poverty and inequality rising; mortgage foreclosures and credit card debt increasing; health care coverage d

Senator Clinton Does the Right Thing

Senator Hillary Clinton did the right thing for the Democratic Party by delivering an eloquent speech that explained to her supporters the importance of electing a candidate who believes in the same issues and agenda. Mrs. Clinton explained that she will support Senator Barrack Obama's bid for the Presidency because the election of Senator McCain will be a disaster for the Nation. Senator Clinton planted the seed in the minds of her supporters that it is more important for the Democratic Party to prevail in November than to continue the bitter dispute between the egos of Senator Obama and The Clinton's. Tonight former President Clinton will speak and he will also implore the Clinton supporters to rally behind Senator Obama and reassure the supporters of Mrs. Clinton that the best interest of the Party and the Nation will be the election of senator Obama as President of the Nation that is at a critical economic crossroads. When Senator Obama speaks to accept the nomination he t

DNC Firey Speeches

The Democratic Convention is filled with fiery speeches but very few specifics. The Democratic National Covention should be used as a showcase for specific concrete ideas that will affect tie lives of the average person. The speeches so far although passionate are basically vague philosophical statements on policy without specifically stated what needs to be changed, how it will be changed and when it will be changed. The Democratic Party and the Obama Campaign are missing a golden opportunity to highlight the policies that will be pursued with a Democratic President. As it stands now the American Public is being fed a diet of vague policies, personalities and partisan attacks. Saying that a McCain Administration will not benefit the Country is easy, the hard part is convincing the American People why a McCain Administration would be detrimental to the individual and what would be different with an Obama Presidency. Hopefully, over the next two nights the Democratic Party will highli

Let The Convention Begin

Today begins the Historic Democratic National Convention that will nominate Barrack Obama as the National Standard bearer for election to the Presidency. Besides the obvious show the Democratic Party and Senator Obama must present a platform full of ideas and initiatives if they really want the public to believe that this will be a Campaign and Administration that will change the direction of Nation. Since the Primary battles have ended Senator Obama has continued to move to the middle of the political spectrum and now appears to the public as being same old same old politician. The selection of Senator Biden as a Vice Presidential running mate only reinforces the perception that Senator Obama is only interested in getting elected and seizing the power and trappings of the Presidency. Yes, it is important to appeal to a wide spectrum of the electorate in order to get elected with the traditional voting public, however, a Campaign of Change could appeal to a majority of those who are di

Senator Biden Wrong Choice

The choice of Senator Joseph Biden to be the Vice Presidential nominee by Senator Barrack Obama is contrary to how Senator Obama was able to achieve the presumptive nominee status. Senator Obama was the favorite of those opposed to the Iraq War policy. Senator Obama also campaigned as if he was also opposed to the Iraq War Policy. Now he has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be his Vice Presidential running mate. Senator Biden did not oppose the Iraq War Policy and as a Senior Senator did not lead against the Iraq War Policy. So Senator Obama has already begun a dramatic shift from his campaign. If, as he said, Senator Obama was truly opposed to the Iraq War Policy, then he would not have decided on a running mate who did not oppose the war. The Democratic Party is a large Party with a diversity of ideas and agendas, however, Senator Obama's success in the primaries is directly related to his opposition to the War. How could he choose a running mate who did not use his influence to cha