
Showing posts from July 20, 2008

The McCain Surge

Lately it seems as if John McCain is running solely or his role or supposed role in supporting The Surge in Iraq. It seems McCain is mystified that Barack Obama said that knowing the facts today he still would not have voted for the Surge. John McCain seeing the world with blinders still does not understand that a majority of the American People want not want the war in Iraq, and continues to think that it is a waste of blood and treasure. Polling Data from shows a significant majority of Americans opposed to the continued occupation of Iraq, that is why Senator Obama was able to secure his current position as the presumptive Democratic Nominee. The Majority of Democrats choose Senator Obama over Senator Clinton because of Mrs. Clinton's Iraq War positions in supporting the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. What Senator McCain fails to see is that Americans are in a financial depression and do not understand the vast amount of Out resources spent on an inv

House Judiciary Hearings - Impeachment

Under Committee Chairman John Conyers (D Mich) the House Judiciary Committee held hearings today on the case for impeaching President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Although the Chairman admonished the audience that this was not an impeachment hearing Representative Dennis Kucinich (D OH) laid out enough evidence to move the proceedings to an impeachment hearing. However, the Republicans on the Committee suggested that political disagreements were not grounds for impeachment. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) stated that the hearings were nothing more than anger management and severed no purpose. Although more evidence of impeachable crimes were presented than at any other hearing to date, it still seems as if the Democratic Leadership has directed the Committee Chairman not to let the hearings delve to far into the crimes of this Administration that are definitely impeachable. The Democratic questions aimed at anchoring future Presidents while ignoring the obvious impeachable crimes of the cu

Barack Obama Berlin Speech

Senator Obama Delivered a Speech in Berlin, Germany that has a vision for the future, a vision that has been sadly lacking the past 8 years from American Politicians. The Text of the Speech is worth repeating. Here is the Text of the speech as posted on his Web Site : Remarks of Senator Barack Obama (as prepared for delivery) “A World that Stands as One” July 24th, 2008 Berlin, Germany Thank you to the citizens of Berlin and to the people of Germany. Let me thank Chancellor Merkel and Foreign Minister Steinmeier for welcoming me earlier today. Thank you Mayor Wowereit, the Berlin Senate, the police, and most of all thank you for this welcome. I come to Berlin as so many of my countrymen have come before. Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen – a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world. I know that I don’t look like the Americans who’ve previously spoken in this great city. The journey that led me here is improbable. My

Repost June 2,2008 Post

Monday, June 2, 2008 Because the Deabte is raging now this is a Repost of June 2, 2008 Solutions for A Growing America - Part 1 The number one priority for the America today is of course a viable, cohesive, renewable energy policy. This Administration seems unwilling to tackle the issue of Energy Independence for America either because it will put a crimp in the profitability of the Corporations that have supported them or because they just plain don't care because they are an Administration that has always had a short term vision. It then becomes incumbent on The Congress to lead the way and hammer out a program that will fund the research, development, installation and distribution of renewable, alternative energy. By funding research and development through American Universities and colleges, The Congress can also at the same time improve the Educational System that has fallen behind due to lack of support for the last seven plus years from the current Administration. The Congre

McCain Ideas As Old As Coal

Today John McCain announced another policy that his Administration would pursue if elected President. John McCain committed to spending 2 Billion dollars a year every year to develop clean coal technology. What an obsolete idea. Senator McCain reflects the ideas of the past. Fossil Fuels are a dead energy source. Any investment in Energy should be in sustainable, renewable, alternative energy, not in providing more money to the fossil fuel industry. Mr. McCain of course would rather support the fossil fuel industry because it is loaded with lobbyists who contribute to the RNC and the McCain Campaign. Yesterday he said he would rather win a war than win a campaign, and accused Senator Obama of the opposite. What Senator McCain fails to realize because of his antiquated thoughts is that the war we must win as a Nation is the war of running our economy on fossil free fuel sources. A forward looking Energy Policy does not include any fossil fuels or the enhancements of fossil fuel burnin

Special Post - McCain Attacks

In today's "town hall meetings" John McCain smarting from the well received Senator Obama overseas trip stated, "that he would rather win a war than win an election" and it seems to him that Senator Obama would rather "win an election than win a war". Wrong Senator McCain - there is no war to win, the United States illegally invaded and occupied a Soverign Nation without a viable reason. Senator Obama would like to end the illegal occupation. McCain also stated that he wants the troops to come home in honor and victory. No one has any thinks that the troops are dishornable and to imply that Senator Obma does is a blatant lie. There will be no Victory, because there was nothing to win, what exactly do you think we will win by illegally invading and occupying a Country? Senator McCain is so out of touch, isn't the Republican Party embarrassed that such an out of touch archaic political hack is their nominee to be President?

Obama Shows the World Class and Dignity

Senator Barack Obama on a trip throughout the Middle East is presenting the leaders of the region with the class and dignity of a Statesman. All of Mr. Obama's appearances with world leaders seem to show that the World leaders are receiving his visits well. This is a milestone for America as well as the Senator. After eight years of a foreign policy of thuggery and bullying it is refreshing to see an American Leader show the World that America can still engage the International Community on an Academic, Intellectual and Dignified way. Hopefully, the remainder of the Senator's trip will continue on this refreshing path. Back at home the right wing controlled media and their minions continue to downplay the success of the Obama trip along with the McCain Campaign. John McCain has been rendered obsolete by this trip. Senator Obama has shown that he is the best man to represent the United States on the World stage. The Iraqi Prime Minister expressed his intent to have American tr

McCain Rejected by The New York Times

John McCain wrote an editorial hoping to have it published in the New York Times to counter an Editorial written by Senator Obama and published by the New York Times. According to the Drudge Report the McCain Editorial read in part, "Now Senator Obama has been forced to acknowledge that “our troops have performed brilliantly in lowering the level of violence.” But he still denies that any political progress has resulted." Senator Obama and the rest of those who oppose the continued occupation of Iraq have never claimed that the troops did not do their assignment well, what has been said Mr. McCain is that the leadership of the Republican Bush Cheney Administration did not do their job. The Leadership of this Republican Administration have failed from the beginning of this fiasco. They failed when lied about the reasons for invading a Soverigen Nation and orchestrating the overthrow of a sitting Government and installing a Government that they controlled. They failed with all

More From Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki

In the interview with Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki by Mathias Müller von Blumencron and Bernard Zand in Baghdad for Spiege l, the following exchange occurs: " SPIEGEL : Large parts of Iraq's assets abroad remain frozen -- and inaccessible to creditors. Now, victims of the Saddam dictatorship want that money to go towards reparations. What will happen to this money when the UN Security Council mandate for Iraq expires at the end of this year? Maliki : We have hired several international law firms to deal with these assets. At the moment, they are protected by UN resolutions, American law and the personal commitment of President George W. Bush -- and we want this protection to remain in place after the end of UN mandate on Iraq. We consider the claims being lodged against this money to be unjustified. Iraq cannot be punished for crimes that were committed by the dictator. This is very important to us, and a key aspect of our negotiations over the future status of US troops in