Congress Gives Themselves a Raise
When the Auto Executives appeared before Congress much ado was made about the Executive's Salaries. Not that I condone the excessive salaries of corporate executives whose companies are failing and are seeking Federal Economic assistance while continuing to pay themselves excessive salaries, but I do find it strange that the U.S. Economic System is failing and Congress has seen fit to not only maintain their salary but have even voted themselves a raise. Being that this Congress has done absolutely nothing in the last two years they should return their salaries to the Treasury, never mind voting themselves a raise. The utter gall of these people to vote themselves a raise while the American People are suffering from the worst economic times since the Great Depression. U.S. Treasury Bills are yielding a negative APR, yet Congress thinks it is entitled to a raise. Most Americans have lost 4,000 - 7.000 dollars per year in real income because this Congress failed to stand up and act a...