
Showing posts from December 21, 2008

Holiday Sales Dismal

Preliminary Holiday Sales numbers are shown in 5-8% down from a year ago, however, preliminary numbers are usually off so expect the number to be more like 12 -20% down depending on how much fudging there is in the release of sales. Whatever the gross sales are the profit margin will be extremely thin because most sales were achieved with large markdowns throughout the Holiday shopping season. Profit margins are the true mark of the shape of the economy and they will be dismal. The U.S. still has to wait over three weeks for the nightmare of the Republican Economic policies to be over. Each and every day that goes by will do weeks' worth of damage to the already fragile economy and will add to the work the incoming Democratic Administration will have to do to try to correct the fallacies of the backward economic policies of the Republican Bush Administration which have brought our Nation to the verge of Bankruptcy. During the Christmas week, the unemployment numbers that were rele

Christmas Eve

May the spirit of Christmas Eve and the Peace that it represents cleanse us from the curse of the last eight years of the Evil of The Republicans and George W. Bush.

Biden is Right this Time

Joe Biden has been denounced by the right-wing media for stating the obvious, this economy will get worse after the holiday sales are digested and the real margins for retailers are revealed. The question becomes, "What is the plan, Joe Biden?". Some of what is going on is due to the Bankruptcy Bill which Joe Biden and the ranking Democrats supported along with the Republicans in the middle of the Republican-dominated Congress during the Republican Bush Administration. Contained within the Bankruptcy Bill was everything the Credit Card Industry based in Biden's Home State of Delaware, The provisions that Biden and other Democrats supported allowed the Credit card Companies free reign in raising interest rates, shortening the grace period, raising the late fees and legalizing loan sharking for those that issue Credit Cards. Do you want to reverse some of the damage that you caused Mr. Biden? Twist some arms in the Senate to trash the current Bankruptcy Bills and push a s

Happy Hannuakah

Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate the commemoration of the miracle of the temple oil. May this Hanukkah begin a new world of peace and understanding.

30 Days Can't Come Soon Enough

George W. Bush is scheduled to leave office in 30 Days, for the American People this will be the longest 30 days in history. The end of the Republican George W. Bush Administration can't come soon enough for the well-being of our nation. The two featured terrorists in the nightmare that has been the George W. Bush Administration, Bush and Cheney are now trying to rewrite the history of the Administration before they leave office. Yesterday on the Rewrite History Tour, the Bush segment of the Tour claimed that "No Child Left Behind was really a civil rights initiative. Wow, these people are really counting on the American remaining suckers for their lies. The No Child Left Behind Act was an unfunded bill that turned education into a test preparation agenda and eliminated cultural education and critical thinking. By no means was the No Child Left Behind Act anything but another facet of the long list of Bush doublespeak. There is probably not a real teacher on earth who has any