
Showing posts from September 7, 2008

Is Senator Biden On The McCain Ticket?

Why in the world would Senator Joe Biden say that he was not the best choice to be the Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee? Senator Biden has just armed the Republican Spin machine with enough ammunition to distract the electorate for another couple of days. Right Wing Radio was having a feast today with Senator Biden's comments about Senator Clinton being the best choice. What does that say about your running mate, Senator Biden, if you just told the world that he picked the wrong person to be his running mate? These statements would have been expected from the Republican Vice Presidential Nominee, but not from Senator Biden. As a seasoned campaigner Senator Biden is aware of the detrimental effect on the Democratic Ticket that his statement will lead to. So, the question becomes, why. Why would Senator Biden make such statements, is he in working for the McCain Campaign. I agree wholeheartedly that Senator Biden was not the best choice for the Vice Presidential Nominee for the

The Election Nightmare

A few short weeks ago it seemed as if the American Public had finally realized that the last eight years of Republican Politics had nearly destroyed the Nation. It looked as if the Nation was really ready to embrace a new direction. The Democrat Senator Barack Obama had bucked his own party's establishment and wrestled the Presidential Nomination from the likely Democratic Heir, Senator Hilary Clinton. The Republicans decided that the tried and true Politics of the Bush/Cheney Administration had worked so well that they would nominate someone who also believed in the policies of Republican failures. The Republicans nominated Senator John McCain. The message of Senator Obama was so right and powerful that the Republicans were overshadowed. Senator McCain was crisscrossing the Country with the typical Republican Campaign tactic of creating issues where there weren't any and ignoring the real needs of the Nation. Senator Obama chose Senator Joe Biden as a running mate. Senator Mc

Guest Blooger TODAY - Rago, New Jersey

Seven Years of Tribulation Today is the Seventh anniversary of the atrocious attacks of 9/11/2001. You are sitting here reading this not at your computer but at the precipice of Humanity’s Destiny. On that fateful day, the planet earth was initiated into the abysmal world of Hades, a deep dark chasm, a world as many have put it –“Through the Looking Glass” a “Matrix” or simply put- down is up and up is down. It was our destiny to reach that point, our solar system’s place in our galaxy and our galaxy’s place in the universe has been pre-determined by forces which cannot be explained away by our rudimentary understanding of physics or mechanics, synthetic creations can not come close to the orchestration of a world in chaos. The attacks of 9/11/2001 were pre-planned, and carried out with military precision, it is not mine to say it was this one or that, which were responsible, it is mine to simply say, it is one piece of a much larger mystery, a puzzle, when laid out in multi-dimensiona

Obama Must Rally the Troops

The McCain Campaign continues to bring the Presidential race down to the reactionary politics for which the Republican Party is famous. Without going through the phony issues of the day that the Republicans try to lay at the feet of Senator Obama. Senator Obama must have the conviction and the immediacy of to answer the lies, distortions, and phony claims that the Republicans will come up with on a daily basis. There is no excuse this time, the money is there, the organization is in place, the Democrats should have learned from the Gore and Kerry mistakes. Every lie, and distortion must be answered forcefully and immediately by not only the Obama campaign but also by the legions of Democrats that hold Public Office and the Leaders of the Parity. No attack can go unanswered no matter how absurd or how frivolous the charge, it must be answered forcefully and quickly. The Obama Campaign can not allow this McCain nonsenses to stand Even for one news cycle. The Obama Campaign must answer in

Proof That Biden was the Wrong Choice

The recent poll numbers are proof that Senator Obama made an awful choice in selecting Senator Biden as his Vice Presidential nominee. Senator McCain made his choice absent of any concern for the Country, not that Senator Obama should have done the same thing but he had a choice that would have been good for the ticket and good for the Country. If Senator Obama had chosen Senator Clinton, the Democrats would have had a lock on the election and would have been installing a Vice President who really understood the complexes of the Government. The rancor and bitterness of the Primary campaign clouded his judgement. Ideally at the beginning of this whole process the two of them should have decided that it would have been in the best interest of the Nation to have Senator Clinton at the top of the ticket and Senator Obama as the VP. But reason and reality are often absent from politics. If Senator Obama was the VP for eight years he would still be a young man when he ran for President in

Will Sarah Answer Questions?

After a week of the Republicans swearing by the competence and experience of their new Vice Presidential Nominee you think that she would have been all over the Sunday Talk Shows dazzling us with her Knowledge of Foreign Policy, Economic Theories and Constitutional Law. However, Sarah Palin was nowhere to be seen. Does the McCain Campaign really think that they will be able to shelter her from questions from now until the election? Do they plan on feeding her speeches and keeping her by McCain's side to add some life to the stage when he speaks. Will Sarah Palin become the lone McCain Cheerleader adding vigor to the McCain rallies where he promises us change from the Staus Quo, even though he is the Staus Quo. When will they let Sarah speak? The Nation is waiting to hear from her on the broken Republican policies of the last eight years. We want to know how she will stop McCain from being in the lobbyists pockets when his whole campaign is run by lobbyists. Do they have her in Repu