
Showing posts from July 27, 2008

Drilling is A Phony Issue

The Republican talking point of Drill Here was taken up again today by President Bush. This is now a concerted effort among Republican Lawmakers, The Bush Administration, The McCain Campaign, the right-wing Murdoch-controlled press, and television news lays blame on Democrats for the high energy costs. The same technique that the Republican Machine has used so successfully, is again being utilized to push a Drill Here agenda. It is nothing more than a giant land grant to multi-billion dollar energy companies. People involved in oil production, government agencies, and even the President have agreed that any new exploration would take at least seven years to come to market, so therefore it will have no short-term effect on the price of gasoline. In seven years, we as a Nation, should be more than 80% on our way to powering our needs with sustainable, renewable, alternative energy and only years away from being fossil fuel-free. That would be the basis of a REAL ENERGY PLAN. The Nat

Republican's True Colors Shine

The Republicans showed their true colors today in a series of unrelated events. When the House of Representatives adjourned for the August recess the Republicans staged a mutiny on the floor led by Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and other Republican Congressmen.  At the motion to adjourn the Republican Minority Leader rose to oppose adjournment claiming that the failure of the Democratic-controlled House to schedule a vote on offshore drilling was hurting the American Economy. What a joke, what is hurting the American Economy is eight years of Republican Policies and the leadership of the Republican Bush Administration. You can stick the drills in the ground right now, right this instant and there will not be any discernible effect on the price of gas or on the health of the American Economy.  What will have a discernible effect on the American Economy is to admit that the Fossil Fuel Era is ending and point America on a path towards renewable, sustainable, alternative energy so

Odds and Ends -July 31,2008

#1 Today the Commerce Department announced that we are not in a recession. Obviously, the Commerce Department has no clue about what is going on in America. I have been in retail for 35 years and this is the worst I have ever seen, aside from my personal observations, talking with many other small business owners in retail it is a consensus that business is the worst they have ever seen. Not only are we in a recession, but we are most likely on the verge of a major economic Depression (note to McCain Staff: Not a Mental Depression). #2 - In an NPR interview Speaker Pelosi said the reason that the Democrats did not choose to pursue Impeachment of the Bush-Cheney duo was because the Democratic leadership felt that it was more important to pass other legislation to deal with the recession and the energy crisis. Ms. Pelosi, you failed, not only did you not live up to the mandates of the Constitution by Impeaching an Administration that has very obviously committed "high crimes"

The Corporate Government

The Federal Reserve announced that it is extending the emergency loans to Wall Street. In an effort to ease the credit crunch the Federal Reserve will allow financial firms to continue to draw loans from the central bank into 2009 and allow them to extend the loan terms to 84 days from the current 28 day loan that are now available. The Federal Reserve in a statement said that it was taking these actions "in light of continued fragile circumstances in financial markets. With this Federal Reserve Action the Financial institutions which have handed out billions of dollars in bonuses and regularly draw billions of dollars in salaries are now able to bolster their financial reserves and continue drawing their exurbanite salaries thanks to the Treasury Money of the People of The United States. Meanwhile, these same companies are foreclosing on People's Home and charging up to 39.99% interest on credit cards. These Credit Card Banks can now borrow the money from the Government at

Obama And Afghanistan

When Senator Obama visited Iraq and was pleasantly surprised that the Government of Iraq was of the same mindset as to the withdrawal of U.S. Troops. Senator Obama has consistently expressed his dismay at the the invasion of Iraq and the continued occupation of Iraq just as a majority of the American People are dissatisfied by this incursion into a Sovereign Nation that posed no threat to the United States. When describing his plans for a 16 month withdrawal from Iraq, Senator Obama expressed his desire to move troops from Iraq to Afghanistan. I would implore Senator Obama to rethink this position. The United States can not gain anything from the continued occupation of Afghanistan. Afghanistan is very similar to Iraq in terms of a very mixed population with loyalties to their own tribal culture. Although the various Peoples that inhabit the Country of Afghanistan fight amongst themselves, they do agree on one thing. They do not like foreign occupiers. The Soviet Union spent an enormou

The Bush Depression

What plans have the Presidential Candidates announced to turn the economy around from a very deep recession back to a robust economy that was in place during the Clinton Administration. New York State is about to announce that the State budget is in the worse shape since the Great Depression. The just passed housing bill is being touted as the largest government bailout since the Great Depression by the European Press. Two more banks were taken over by the FDIC over the weekend and there is worry in financial circles that over 150 more banks will fail throughout the country in the next few months. The response from the Administration is that the economy is stable but growing slowly. The response from the McCain Campaign is that it is all in our minds, there is not a recession. The response from the Obama Campaign is that yes American families are hurting and an Obama Administration will address this with middle class tax cuts. The response from Congress is, that's right silence. Du

And McCain Continues

Today on ABC News " This Week" Show Senator McCain continued to say that Senator Obama's stand on Iraq is political. Mr. McCain even went so far as to say that Senator Obama was pandering to his "base" in order to secure his political party's nomination. The "base" that Senator McCain is referring is the majority of the American People. In various polls a majority of the American People felt that the Iraq invasion and occupation was not in the interests of the Nation and wanted the occupation and sacrifice of our soldiers to end. If Senator McCain thinks that a majority of the American People are Senator Obama's base then he must feel that he represents the minority that supports the occupation of Iraq. Senator McCain keeps accusing Senator Obama of wanting to lose the "war", but exactly what "war is Mr. McCain speaking of? Does he consider an illegal invasion and occupation of a Sovereign Nation a "war", if so this is