
Showing posts from August 17, 2008

Joe Biden Democrat VP Choice

The Obama Campaign has chosen Senator Joe Biden as the Vice Presidential contender for the Democratic ticket in the upcoming election. Senator Biden has served 30 years in the Senate it is not exactly a choice for change. In fact, the selection of Senator Biden is not a change we can believe in. Senator Biden serves the State of Delaware the corporate home of many of the Nation's credit card banks, Banks that are banging the middle class and poor in this Country with unrealistic credit card interest rates that can be raised based on credit scores and payment history of unrelated debtors, thanks to the Bankruptcy Bill supported by Senator Biden. Senator Biden is not a friend to the American Family but a Corporatist Senator who works for Corporations based in his home State of Delaware. Senator Biden also supported the Iraq War. If the Democrats were going to nominate a war supporter they would have been better off with Senator Clinton, at least she doesn't have the same negat

This Week in the McCain Mind

This week Senator McCain's campaign announced that Senator McCain's favorite song is "Dancing Queen" by ABBA. This seems a very odd choice for a 72 year old man who is a sitting Senator and is running for President of the United States. The Lyrics to Dancing Queen by ABBA are: You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen Friday night and the lights are low Looking out for the place to go Where they play the right music, getting in the swing You come in to look for a king Anybody could be that guy Night is young and the musics high With a bit of rock music, everything is fine You're in the mood for a dance And when you get the chance...You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen You're a teaser, you turn em on Le

Repost- Constitution of the United States : Preamble

We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The Preamble of the Constitution establishes the reason for the formation of the Federal Government of the United States of America. In Examining the Preamble it can be seen that the authors saw the Citizens as the most important entity in the formation of the Federal Government. The five reasons cited for forming a more perfect union are to further the lives of the Citizen of the Union. First, establish justice, goes to the heart of equality, a system that will enable a just resolution to disputes is the foundation for this civilized experiment in governing. After Justice is established than the ground rules for the other objectives is spelled out. Once the new

Repost - Solutions for A Growing America - Part 5

The current tax system is a detriment to economic growth for a majority of Americans. The foundation of this Country was built in part upon an idea of no taxation without representation. Today the same problem seems to exist. The People do not have representation, if they did the majority would be benefiting from the tax structure, not a small majority of those who have consolidated power and were able to buy representation in the seat of Government. There should be a simple tax structure without pages of exemptions and different ways to shelter income from taxation. In order to insure that each individual is able to attain the goals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the basic needs of food,shelter,clothing, and medical care must be met. People who are struggling to survive are not able to attain the lofty goals of the founding documents of this Nation. The income that is needed to secure the basic necessities of life should not be taxed by the Government. The starting poi

Repost - Solutions for A Growing America - Part 4

America has lost the respect of the International Community over the last seven and a half years under the the Policies of the current Administration. The world looked upon The U.S. with disdain after the Iraq invasion and made note of the policy of rendition, occupation, disregard for the Geneva Convention and the falling value of the U.S. dollar. The next President must reengage the World Community with diplomacy. The U.S. must again become the world leader in peaceful and productive initiatives that will bring a world market back to U.S. products. It must lead the world in disarmament policy and engage with all Nations. There is a reason that the United Nations headquarters is in New York City, it is because America was a leader in International Diplomacy. The next Administration must again lead America down the road of International Diplomacy. America should become the dominant player in the research, development and application of Alternative Energy, then this Country will have a

Repost - Solutions For A Growing America - Part 3

The Bush Administration failed to monitor and regulate the financial institutions in the last eight years. The Reagan Administration began the deregulation of the financial and insurance industries and the current Administration almost brought to completion the deregulation of these industries. When the Republicans had control of the Congress and the Presidency they were able to push through a Bankruptcy Bill which gave the financial institutions the ability to implement punishing interest rates on borrowers. The Bill allowed creditors the right to raise rates based upon a borrowers bill paying history not related to the creditor raising the rate. Creditors are charging interest rates up to 40% thanks to the Democratic support of the Republican Bankruptcy Bill. The loan sharking interest rates and easy credit approval has sunk the the working and middle class into a morass of debt that can never be repaid. It has affected the health of the financial institutions and forced the governme

Repost - Solutions For A Growing America - Part 2

The security of America was not enhanced by the invasion of Iraq, or by its occupation. The Treasure of America was squandered and the lives of good Americans are being wasted on a daily basis. Many Americans believe that the invasion and occupation was wrong but now fear that withdrawing the Military now is also wrong. They fear that it will be looked at as a U.S. surrender and somehow make the U.S look weak on the world stage. Americans believe this because of the propaganda that they have been force fed by the Bush Administration and their neo-con media minions. Admitting wrong and correcting it is an honorable course. America must admit that the invasion of Iraq was a wrongful act by a rouge administration and bring in a real International Coalition to stabilize Iraq. Ideally a Coalition comprised of the Arab League would be the International Force that is most capable of dealing with the security issues in Iraq. The Arab League would bring in a force that speaks the language, know