
Showing posts from September 14, 2008

Save Wall Street, Screw Main Street

The Republican Administration of George " Hoover " Bush and the Republican Party is quick to react when their millionaire friends are in financial difficulty, but not when average citizens face the same Financial Turmoil in their lives. Let's take a step back from the current situation. The Administration and the Republican Nominee are trying to cast the blame on the greed and lack of morality of the Wall Street Traders. Yet, the mantra of the Republican Party since the Administration of Ronald Regan has been "deregulation". They have and continue to campaign on such slogans "Get the Government out of Your Life". Senator McCain has even been quoted as saying he is a "deregulator" (MCCAIN: I am a deregulator. I believe in deregulation.). He Chaired the Commerce Committee in the Senate when the Republicans had Senate control, did he take any action to regulate the banking industry, no all his actions were to loosen the regulations that have be

The Smoke And Mirrors Stock Market Recovery

In order to take the bad news of the Economy out of the news, the Bush Administration took the aggressive steps of announcing a 2 Trillion Dollar Bailout of the Banking Industry that has been preying on the American People since the start of this Republican Administration. This Administration has allowed Banks free reign on fees, charges, over limit fees, and account fees, yet they are still broke after muti-million dollar salaries were taken by the Republican Executives that run the Banking Industry. After the announcement Wall Street Had a major rally in response to the news that the Government will insure that no bankers will loose their multi-million dollar salaries , the People through the Federal Reserve will guarantee that the Bankers will not have to sell their mansions, cook their own food or wash their own clothes. When George H.W. Bush was running against Ronald Reagan for the Republican Presidential Nomination he recognized that the Economic Agenda of Reagan was full of &

Rape-The-Public-Con Tidbits

In order to keep the lunacy of the Sarah Palin Cult on the Front Page of the Blog as long as possible today's Post will be short. Today George "Hoover" Bush, made a 260 word statement on the Economy assuring the Nation that the Government was taking action, too bad he doesn't understand what is going on and what action the Fed is taking. Remember during the last campaign it was revealed that he was a "C" student in Economics. Meanwhile, John McCain is running around the Country blaming the Democrats for the Republican Policies that got us here. Here's an interesting one from Reuters, August 30,2008: " NEW YORK, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Lehman Brothers has hired Jeb Bush, brother of the President of the United States, as an advisor to its private equity business, a source familiar with the situation said. Lehman hired another relative of U.S. President George W. Bush last year--George Walker, a second cousin, who heads up the bank's asset management bu

Sarah Palin And The Wallsia Assembly of God Cult

Who is Sarah Palin? We have learned that she is a Mother, a former mayor, the current Governor of Alaska, a Republican, an anti-abortionist, a supporter of the Bush Administration, a believer in the Republican Party Ideology of "trickle down economics", a hunter, a fossil fuel advocate, a war monger, a Christian, and a member of Assemblies of God Church in Wallisa. She kills moose, hunts wolves from helicopters, believes that the Invasion of Iraq was God's will. Her Republican political policy views should not exclude her from being in line to be the leader of the Free World, if she gets elected through a fair election, by the laws of free and fair elections as prescribed in the United States Constitution, she is entitled to hold the office to which she is elected. Normally, in the course of a Presidential Campaign the American Public becomes familiar with the candidate's biography, political ideology, policy ideas and vision of the future of our Nation. Sarah Palin w

John McCain Thinks We Are Idiots

John McCain today campaigned around the Country saying that the financial nightmare that is unfolding is the result of two years of a Democratic Congress.While the Right Wing Minions on the Radio were blaming it on the Clinton Administration. McCain now claims that he is an expert on the Economy, when in fact he publicly admitted that he doesn't know much about the Economy. Although he continues to deny this quote, we now have the magic of Video Tapes to prove that he said it. Hopefully the Video will stay up on YouTube, it seems that the McCain Campaign has a lot of people pressuring YouTube to remove Videos that are not in line with the new lies he tells. Today he again promised that as soon as he is President he will get rid of the influences of Corporate Lobbyists. If he expects us to believe this John McCain Republican Lie , he should dismiss his entire campaign staff, who are almost all Washington Lobbyists. If fact a quick search on Query the Lobbying Disclosure Act Database

Republican Deregulation Leads to Financial Disaster

The Republican Mantra still be echoed today by Sarah Palin (she must not have read the memo), since the Reagan days has been Government deregulation. The Republican Administrations of Ronald Reagan, H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush and the Republican controlled Congress during the G.W.'s term have been systematically dismantling the regulations put into place in the aftermath of the Great Depression. These regulations have served us well and have prevented the excesses of Robber Baron Capitalist, as was the case in the late 1920's that led to the Great Depression of the 1930's. The Republicans keep saying that Government has to stay out of the way of business so they will remove the regulations that insure that business plays the Capitalism Game in a way that is fair and reasonable and good for the Nation. So where do we stand after years of Government Regulations being ignored by the regulators of the Republican Administration? We stand on the verge of economic collapse. Even in toda

Carleton "Carly" Fiorina

The Senior Financial Adviser to the John McCain Campaign made the Sunday Talk Show rounds today to defend the campaign of John McCain and their choice of Sarah Palin as the Vice Presidential Nominee. This is the same John McCain Campaign Adviser that was the the CEO of Hewlitt-Packard, and on the morning cable show, "Morning Joe" on MSNBC said that the price of gasoline doesn't affect the economy much. Ms. Fiorina received over 21 Million Dollars when she was asked to resign from Hewlitt-Packard, so gasoline at a few dollars a gallon would not have much affect on her economic life, but it certainly does on a $10 an hour worker. Of course multi-millionaires like Ms. Fiorina and Senator McCain would have no idea what it is like to support yourself or your family on $10 per hour. John McCain even stated that middle class is someone who makes 5 million dollars a year. Of course when your senior economic adviser made 21 million dollars in compensation for leaving a company, it