
Showing posts from March 15, 2009

The Future of America

As the President of the United States in one of the most pivotal points of its history, President Obama can redirect the future of the Nation as only a couple of previous Presidents have been able to change the nation's Future. Abraham Lincoln was thrust into the moment and responded. FDR was thrust into the position and responded. President Obama has been thrust into another pivotal era in America's History and if he responds as he should, he too will be remembered as a President who changed the course of America's Future. For President Obama to follow in the footsteps of Lincoln and FDR he must have the internal strength to push the agenda of the future even in the face of stiff opposition from the minority party. Although his intentions were well-meaning when he tried to include the Republicans in planning the future through the legislative process, the results were less than stellar. Mr. Obama even has retained a Republican on his cabinet and tried to appoint others.

The Spring of the New Economy

The dawning of a new economy is upon not only America but the entire world. It is a time that cries out for new leadership, new laws, new regulations and new directions for all Nations. As the world economy collapses one Country after another it is obvious that the old ways of doing business do not meet the needs of a global economy. Most of the world other than Japan can trace their own economic hardships to the crisis of the American Economy caused by arbitrage, leverage, complicated financial derivative instruments and contracts based on the perception of assets. Throughout the last three decades beginning with the Reagan Administration the Republican Party and those that refer to themselves as Conservatives have been steadfastly undoing the regulations and safety nets put in place by the New Deal of the FDR Administration. They were so successful at eliminating regulations on the financial industry that the industry began creating products that had no assets behind them, such as C

IMF Says Global Recession Will Be Long

In a report issued by the IMF on the state of world economies, they come to the conclusion that the global recession will last for years and are predicting worldwide growth to be negative for the first time in 60 years. The World Bank in a statement last week had the same basic conclusion. The IMF report points to Government Stimulus Spending as the medicine needed to soften the recession and prevent it from becoming an Economic Depression. The IMF and the World Bank are both of consensus that Central Government intervention is needed by every economically advanced economy to try to stem the damage of a long-lasting recession. The Obama Administration entered office with a seemingly clear understanding of the same recommendations as the world economists at the IMF and World Bank, yet let the Republican Senators bastardize the Stimulus Bill until it came out as a tax cut for the wealthy with little upfront spending. The watered-down version of the Economic Stimulus Bill did not receive

U.S. Hostage of "Too Big To Fail"

Through the policies of deregulation and the Federal government's failure to block the formation of monopolies, U.S. Citizens are now in the untenable position of having their Government held hostage by Corporations that are "too big to fail". The George W. Bush Administration began the ransom talks with these corporations in the waning days of their tenure. Surprisingly, The Obama Administration has continued to pay the ransom to these financial corporations who are flauntingly using the ransom money to turn failed businessmen into millionaires. One of the public credos of the Republican Bush Administration was that the U.S. does not negotiate with terrorists, yet when Bear Sterns, AIG, Citigroup, and a host of other failed financial institutions told Secretary of Treasury Paulson that they would take down the world economy, negotiations began in earnest and in secret. It didn't take long for the Bush Administration to gather the 750 Billion Dollar Ransom and package

Is Obama going to Change or Not?

President Obama needs to spend some time getting a hold of his Administration and their message. Promises were made for a massive Stimulus Bill, the action taken was less than massive and included tax cuts for the wealthy. Promises were made to revive the middle class, yet no action has been taken against the predatory Credit Card Industry charging Americans loan sharking rates of upwards of 39.99%. The richest multi-national corporations continue to receive bail-out money, while the average American is being crushed by the weight of mortgages and ever-increasing local property and state taxes. AIG Executives become millionaires for driving a prospering company into the ground, while millions of Americans continue to work 50-60 hours a week for non-livable wages. There has not been a substantial plan presented to remove the US from the addiction to fossil fuels. A commission has been established to look at health care while Pharmaceutical Companies go on a buying binge. Local Hospital

Cheney Defends Bush

Former Republican Vice-President Dick Cheney made a rare appearance on a talk show Sunday, March 15,2009 to refute the known facts that the Republican Bush Administration was at the helm of the United States Executive Branch at the beginning of the economic collapse that is now besieging the American Economy. Mr. Cheney denying reality said that the Economic Collapse was not caused by Bush Administration policies and that it was beyond the control of the Administration because it was a global recession. Mr. Cheney must have forgotten the rhetoric that the Administration used throughout their tenure in claiming right up through the Presidential Election of November 2008 that the economy was strong,  healthy, and growing because of the Bush Administration Policies. In a speech in Arizona on August 1, 2003, when he was campaigning against John Kerry and John Edwards Mr. Cheney said, " The Bush tax cuts have helped our national economy create jobs for 10 consecutive months. We've