
Showing posts from June 8, 2008

Will the U.S Leave

The Iraq leaders are making noise about the United States Military leaving Iraq and are actually in talks with the Iranians about a joint security agreement. Will The Republican Bush/Cheney Administration leave Iraq when the Iraqis ask them to leave? Under the Republican Bush/Cheney war trillions of U.S. dollars have been spent in Iraq, not only to prosecute the war but also to build permanent Military Bases and the largest most expensive embassy in the world. At the end of December the UN mandate that Bush points to as justification for the invasion of Iraq comes to an end. Without a formal invitation from the Iraqi Government to continue the occupation there will not be any viable document that the Republican Bush/Cheney Administration can point to as reason to continue the occupation. The lives of tens of thousands of U.S. Military personnel and their families have been shattered, and tens of thousands of units of blood have spilled from the veins of the U.S. Military Personnel ille

McCain Attacks Supreme Court Ruling

Senator John McCain today said the ruling by the Supreme Court is “one of the worst decisions in the history of this country”. This is a mind boggling statement from a man who was held captive as a prisoner of war. This statement by Senator McCain shows the utter disrespect for the basic tenants of the United States Constitution. Does Mr. McCain think that the United States has the right to kidnap people from other countries and fly them to detention in another foreign country and hold them captive indefinitely without charges and the right to hearings? Obviously his answer is yes. Everyday Mr. McCain shows us more and more of the unbelievable anti-America positions that he subscribes to in his mind. Does he also think that the United States should not subscribe to the provisions of the Geneva Convention? Is John McCain opposed to the International Law that accepts the premise that Countries should not invade a Country or occupy a Country? Again, obliviously the answer is yes. It is cu

Things to Think About

Carly Fiorina, McCain's Chief Economic Advisor skirted the boycott of Iran while CEO of Hewlett-Packard with full knowledge that the products were being sold to Iran. Is this how she will advise McCain, by teaching him how to circumvent the system? The Supreme Court ruled that foreign detainees have a right to court. Bush disagrees. So, at least one of the 35 Articles of Impeachment introduced by Representative Kucinich has now been validated by the highest Court in the land. It will have little impact, The Bush/Cheney Republican Administration doesn't have any use for legalize. Budweiser is being pursued as a buy out by a European Company. America is On Sale. Thank you Bush/Cheney Republican Administration. With the dollar so low against world currencies ALL American Companies will become buyout targets of the rest of the world. The Oil producing Companies have been buying banks and insurance companies like they are at a fire sale. Speculators on commodity markets are the bigg

Where is the Press?

Yesterday, June 10, 2008 35 Articles of Impeachment against G.W.Bush were read into the Congressional record. One would think that the papers all over the Country would lead with that story, but nothing. Barely a mention was made on any news program, radio show or news entertainment show. The Investigative Press and the real news programs and newspapers have been lost in a maze of Corporate entertainment orientated stories and obsessions. How many hours of broadcast time was spent on the breakdown of a young pop star this year? Investigative News Journalist was a respected and necessary function of the American Political scene, it has disappeared through the Corporate takeover of media outlets. Another instance of deregulation being a detriment the society. Corporations are no longer limited in the amount of media outlets they are able to buy, so Americans are now served by a handful of corporate conglomerates that look at media outlets as money makers, not as a public service, and a v

House Impeachment of Bush

Representative Dennis Kucinich introduced 35 Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush in relation to the activities of the Bush Administration. Although opposed by Speaker Pelosi a full reading of the Articles of Impeachment was obtained by Rep. Kucinich and the words were spoken out loud and on the record of the Congress. Finally a Congressman doing his duty under the Constitution, too bad that Speaker Pelosi has to be forced to do hers. Speaker Pelosi took over the Speaker ship with great fanfare after the last midterm election that installed a Democratic Majority into the House of Representatives, since then the House of Representatives has been controlled by her agenda and Congressman such as Conyers, Wexler and Kucinich have been stifled in their investigations into the violations of the Constitution by the Bush Administration. Speaker Pelosi is entrenched in the corporate, lobbyists controlled form of Government and refuses to pursue justice for the American People because

John McCain's Economy

John McCain thinks that giving the American Tax Payer a gas tax Holiday (Eliminating the Federal Gas Tax for a set period of time) is a solution to the current economic and energy crisis that is now plaguing America due to the policies of the last seven and a half years. Eliminating the gas tax will save the average American driver about $32.00 over a three month period. Does John McCain actually think that saving the America driver $32.00 will fix the economic mess that his Party's leadership has caused? America is in this economic mess because the current Republican Administration and the Republican Congress from 2000-2006 looked adopted and pushed the Bankruptcy Bill that was written by the financial industry. A Bill that allows lenders to fix interest rates at levels exceeding 39%. The economic mess was further exacerbated by the wasteful invasion of a Sovereign Nation that destabilized the oil producing region of the Middle East. The Republican Congress and President also re

The New Republican Talking Points

This week's Republican talking point being pushed by the Republican Senators, Congressman, Radio Minions and the propaganda department at Fox news is that the Democrats are to blame for the rising gasoline prices that are affecting the world. During the week they all hit the same point, open up drilling here to alleviate the rise in gasoline prices. This short sighted approach is typical of the Republican concern for the future of America, and is typical of the distortions that they present to the American People. It has become a common instrument of propaganda to hit the same point in unison all over the media hoping that if you tell a lie enough times it will become the truth. Liberal Democrats have been calling for an Energy Policy since 1976. In a speech delivered by President Carter on April 18, 1977 he explains that America will relay more and more on foreign oil even as more domestic oil supplies were developed. In this speech President Carter explained to the American Peop