DNC Lacks Conviction
The DNC has failed to counter the Republican lies that were exposed during the debate about the Stimulus Bill, now the Nation has to accept a Bill that is jammed with Republican ideas and policies that are sure to cause this bill to fail to meet the goals that were originally intended. The DNC had vast opportunities to spend some of their overstuffed budgets on fact-based commercials and appearances by DNC members on talk radio and television shows. Instead, the DNC let Republican Senators like Senators McCain, McConnell, Graham, and Martinez dominate the airwaves with falsehoods, lies, innuendos and proposals to continue the failed Republican Ideas of Tax Cuts for the Wealthy. The duty of the DNC is not only to get Democrats elected but it is also to ensure that the policies that they espoused during their campaigns are achieved. The DNC missed the boat on the Stimulus Bill by letting the old tired failed ideology of the Republicans dominate the debate. The DNC must always be willing...