
Showing posts from February 15, 2009

DNC Lacks Conviction

The DNC has failed to counter the Republican lies that were exposed during the debate about the Stimulus Bill, now the Nation has to accept a Bill that is jammed with Republican ideas and policies that are sure to cause this bill to fail to meet the goals that were originally intended. The DNC had vast opportunities to spend some of their overstuffed budgets on fact-based commercials and appearances by DNC members on talk radio and television shows. Instead, the DNC let Republican Senators like Senators McCain, McConnell, Graham, and Martinez dominate the airwaves with falsehoods, lies, innuendos and proposals to continue the failed Republican Ideas of Tax Cuts for the Wealthy. The duty of the DNC is not only to get Democrats elected but it is also to ensure that the policies that they espoused during their campaigns are achieved. The DNC missed the boat on the Stimulus Bill by letting the old tired failed ideology of the Republicans dominate the debate. The DNC must always be willing

REPOST of 10/09/08 Blog - Dow 6000

With another steep drop in the DOW Jones Industrial Average today it is clear that Wall Street has finally realized what Main Street has known for years. The Republican Bush/Cheney Economic Policies have been a failure. The Economic Policies of the so called "Conservative" Movement of the Republican Party preaches "free market" economics. What they mean by "free markets" are markets that remove all regulatory oversight, the result of removing regulatory oversight is the current economic crisis. Senator McCain throughout his career has often referred to himself as a "deregulator" along with his other self proclaimed title of "maverick". The result of maverick deregulation has arrived for all to experience. The Dow will seek its own level, a level that will be based on a realistic investment ratio. The traders, speculators and money mangers who have for years disregarded the fundamentals of investing must now recondition themselves to in

The Lies of Greta Van Susteren

The Fox News Network, better known as the Faux News Network to most of America has a show called "On The Record" hosted by Greta Van Susteren. Ms. Van Susteren has made her show an open forum for Senator Lindsy Graham to expose his opposition to the Obama Stimulus bill. Senator Graham was a major supporter of the Bush Administration of fiscal deregulation, cutting taxes for the wealthy, and invading two Sovereign Nations. Mr. Graham was also a big supporter of the McCain/Palin ticket and offered vocal opposition to any spending in the Stimulus Bill that would redirect funds away from tax breaks for new drilling and redirecting that funding toward the future of Alternative Renewable Sustainable Energy. Mr. Graham was a major voice in the Terry Schiavo case, the most ridiculous use of the U.S. Senate that the Nation has witnessed in modern times. Mr. Graham exposes the same old tired failed philosophy of the Republican Party, that tax cuts are needed for the wealthy to stimulat

American Families Continue into Poverty

As Congress dickered for weeks the American Family slipped deeper into poverty with no end in sight. Unemployment continues to escalate and those with jobs are losing work hours and income. Now the talk is of lower wages. The average American worker was not even earning a livable wage before this downturn caused by the failed policies that the Republicans have been pushing since Ronald Reagan. Even George H.W. Bush saw the danger in the Regan Economic Agenda when he called it "voodoo economics". Now that the trance is over the Nation continues to suffer through the fallacy of economic policies that the Republicans called "trickle-down economics and "supply-side economics. No matter what name it is given the truth is that is is "failed economics". The so-called Regan Revolution started the erosion of the wealth of the American Family and it was only stemmed by the eight years of the Bill Clinton Administration. After eight years of Bush capitalizing on the

Republican Senators to Defeat in 2011

Every Republican Senator opposed the recovery bill presented by the Democratic Majority and supported by the current Obama Administration. These same Senators had no problem voting for the TARP money when proposed by the Bush Administration, even though they had no idea what the money would be used for, which companies would receive it, who would decide on the distribution or why the money was needed immediately. A Stimulus Plan that would push massive government infusions of cash into an economy that is collapsing day by day causing the American Family to descend into economic poverty. The Republican Senators have come to the conclusion that making the "Bush Tax Cuts" permanent would be a better solution than stimulating the economy with spending like every other Nation that is in an economic depression. These Republican Senators insist on clinging to an economic philosophy that has produced an economy in ruin. The fallacy that giving tax cuts to the rich will enhance a Na

Stimulus Bill Watered Down

The Stimulus Bill that was passed and has been reconciled in joint House and Senate committees is a far cry from the original bill that was touted during the lame duck time of GW Bush during the transition. The Bill that has surfaced and is awaiting President Obama's signature on February 16, 2009, includes many Republican ideas dealing with tax credits. The Democrats acquiesced to the Republicans in hopes of getting bi-partisan support including tax cuts that are valued at 42% of the total bill's expenditures. Other industrial countries that find themselves besieged by the same situation have decided to spend upwards of 20% of their GDP to stimulate their economies, while the US Bill barely approaches 2% in expenditures and almost 2% in tax cuts. Why would President Obama and the Democratic House and Senate allow the Republicans to dictate the details of the bill? Their old tired ideas of tax cuts for the rich trickling down to stimulate ye economy have already been proven to

Hannity's Insanity

There is a talk show host on Fox News, Sean Hannity, whose show is called Hannity's America, he also has a talk radio show. During the eight years of the Bush Administration, this FNC host was THE BUSH Administration Cheerleader. In his eyes and by his words George W. Bush could do no wrong. Because he was part of the Bush Administration propaganda machine Mr. Hannity had unprecedented access to the White House under the Bush Administration. When Bush first took office and the Nation started sliding into a recession, Mr. Hannity liked to refer to it as the Clinton recession even though Bush was the President for over a year. Just for laughs I turned on Mr. Hannity's show a few times in the last couple of weeks and heard him refer to the financial mess as the "Obama Recession". President Obama is not even in office for a month, it is trivial, but this is not a recession caused by the policies of President Obama, but rather a continuing recession brought on by the fail