
Showing posts from April 6, 2008

Hello Congress - Is Anyone Home There?

The 2006 Elections gave a majority to the Democrats in Congress, although a small majority, it is still a majority with Democrats holdings all the leadership positions in both the House and The Senate. Since the Election of 2006 this Democratic led Congress has not accomplished ANYTHING. The Leadership in the House has blocked all attempts by Committees that were looking into the corruption of this Administration and has stifled any Congressman who even mentioned impeachment. If we accept the premise that hearings, indictments and impeachments would have been destructive, then this should have left time for initiative, innovation, and leadership, however, this too has failed to materialize. Truman's Congress of the late 40's was nicknamed "The Do Nothing Congress", but I think that the 109 th Congress, the present Congress, has now made the 80 th Congress look like the most prolific Congress the US has ever seen. Exactly what has this Congress been working on? Durin

Headline Potpourri

On The Bush Front : The White House announced that Bush is keeping a close eye on the Airlines - I wonder if this is the same close eye that he kept on Katrina's approach. Maybe Brownie is available to head the FAA. On The McCain Front : Nothing to report because he says nothing except more of the same. McCain will be Bush 3 - Don't let this happen, America can not afford it. On The Clinton Front: Hillary offers nothing new and Bill defends the lies. Any ideas on the war? On The Obama Front: Barack continues to ride a wave of popularity, but still does not talk about substantive policy changes that will have an obvious effect on reversing the current economy and the War. On The Congressional Front: The Do nothing Congress continues to do nothing. On The Economic Front : Consumer confidence falls to a 26 year low, this takes us back to 1982, do we remember the shape we were in in 1982? Gas hit $4.00 a gallon in Chicago. 200 dump trucks circled the Capitol to protest the price

Retail Sales Worst in 13 Years

Today Retailers announced that their March sales were the slowest in 13 years, this would seem to contradict the spin that the Bush Administration has been touting that we are not in a recession. Yet again the Bush Administration would like to ignore the reality and live in a fantasy realm that the economy is fine. Let's examine where we are at today April 10,2008. The American Dollar continues to fall against world currencies, oil and gas prices continue to rise, food prices are rising, unemployment (even as counted) continues to climb, while jobs held continue to loose benefits. The banking industry is in disarray with major banks stating that they were curtailing lending even as the Fed continues to bail them out with tax payer dollars. The Congressional leadership offers no solutions and pushes no real agenda for the change that they were elected to accomplish. American blood still flows in the Middle east, Military Families are still suffering at home. The Middle Cla

Obama and Clinton Speak Up?

Today the two Democratic Presidential Candidates started to act like Democrats by directing their attacks towards the Republican presumed Presidential nominee John McCain. Both Clinton and Obama made mention to McCain's previous comments that he would have no problem staying in Iraq for 100 years. Although it was refreshing to see both Democratic contenders begin to highlight the difference between McCain and Democrats, they have a long way to go. They should be speaking out every day about the differences they have with John McCain and presenting the solutions that they will bring to the Presidency. The Presidential hopefuls are not presenting any ideas that are reflective of a new direction for our battered and bruised government. Although there has to be a Madison Avenue approach to presenting a Candidate, solutions must also be presented. The Candidates would best be served by speaking about their personal solution to a particular subject that concerns us all. By presenting a n

The Homefront

As the Senate played word games with General David Petraeus and Ryan Crocker , the U.S. ambassador to Baghdad, the news on the home front continued to be bleak. Oil Prices rose to another record and the Energy Department's Energy Information Administration predicted that summer gasoline prices in the US will average $3.60 per gallon and peak at around $4.00 per gallon. Iran, an OPEC member wants to eliminate the US Dollar as the key currency for oil. Food prices continue to rise, with the rice now hitting another all time high and doubling in a year. The price of rice in and of itself will not have an immediate drastic affect on the American food supply but it is an indicator of where worldwide food prices are heading, and that will drastically affect the prices on Americans. Housing sales continue to slump. Consumers are staying hunkered down and sales are slow throughout retail. Congress still refuses to act with the Democratic leadership still wallowing without direction. The P

McCain Campaign Denies Cost of Iraq War

Today, April 7,2008, John McCain's Economic Advisor Carly Fiorina, making the morning news shows was on Morning Joe, a MSNBC news and comment show, where she seriously stated that the Iraq war has no effect on gasoline prices in America. I disbelieving heard her say with my own ears that, "High fuel prices have nothing to do with the Iraq War" Sen. McCain has already said publicly and on news video that he does not know about economics, so shouldn't the American voter expect that he would at least hire a staff of consultants that did understand something of economics. Surely ever American can understand that if America is spending $4,681 per household, $1721 per person, $341.4 million dollars per day, that the War does have an effect on energy prices, and an effect on every aspect of every America's economic survival. Because the invasion of Iraq and the embargo before that, Iraq oil production has been way down putting a strain on world oil reserves. Because the

Florida and Michigan Delegates

Now that the Democratic National Committee has punished the States of Florida and Michigan by stripping them of their Convention Delegates for the crime of moving up their Primaries, the question is now what will be done to re-enfranchise these delegates. When the punishment was handed down the powers that be in DNC did not foresee the importance of these Delegates to the process of nominating a Candidate to run for President. So now a question of fairness comes into play. The Clinton campaign keeps putting out statements hinting that Clinton won those States. Yes, she won those States without any competition because the other Candidates stayed off the ballot as per the rules of the DNC . Only Clinton saw fit to break the rules and remain on the ballot. The Clinton Campaign can certainly not have these delegates seated based upon uncontested elections. Howard Dean, the head of the DNC hinted on talk shows that a deal will be reached before the Convention. No deal would be appropriate