
Showing posts from November 9, 2008

Don't Be Fooled by Cheap Gas

As Gas prices continue to fall due to the global recession and lack of demand, America can not become complacent about getting our Nation off of the fossil fuel nipple. With the incoming Administration professing to support Alternative Renewable Energy, the People must keep the pressure on Congress and the Democratic Obama Administration to live up to their pledge of fully funding research, development and implementation of a new energy economy. Certainly the Obama Administration will be deluged with the Economic Mess that will be left by the Republican Bush Administration, but they must not loose sight of the future. In fact a fully funded program that will develop alternative energy sources and systems will be a major factor in growing the American Economy. Massively funding the research, development and implementation of alternative energy will benefit the American Economy in the short term and the long term. It will immediately create American jobs if all funding is hinged on a pre

Stimulate The Street

Although President Elect Barack Obama held his first Press Conference and dedicated it to the Economic Devastation that the United states now faces he did not address the real economic stimulation that is needed. Mr. Obama spoke about grants to States, and extending unemployment benefits but what is desperately need is for spendable money to be put back onto the streets of the Country. The only thing that Bush seemed to understand was that money placed in the hands of the People is the quickest way to stimulate the economy, he did not go far enough. Although he and his Party pushed through rebate checks for all Americans to try to stimulate spending, they did not go far enough. The $600 Checks was about 25% of what is really needed to stimulate a surge in consumer spending and the depletion of retail inventories and wholesale stock piles. In order to get Americans working again, the finished products that are sitting on store shelves and in wholesale warehouses need to be depleted befo

Government Belongs To The Youth

When I came of age, the carrion cry was "Don't Trust Anyone over 30", of course as you age that becomes an irrelevant statement, but it still holds some truth in politics. Not that 30 is the cut off number but it represents the idea that youth is bursting with ideas, vision, imagination, ingenuity and conviction. No matter how radical you are in youth, you mellow with age, which is not always a bad thing, but it is not always a good thing. This past election of Barack Obama was accomplished with a mobilized Youth Vote. It has been many years since the Youth Vote actually showed up in mass, took action, took interest and voted, and because of that vote they changed not only the direction of the United States but also the world. It is of utmost importance for the Democratic Party to keep these young people engaged and not let them drift away from the Political Process. It is the obligation of the Democratic party to offer the youth a voice in the governance of our nation an

Why Bailout American Express?

The Federal Reserve on Monday evening granted American Express request to become a Bank Holding Company so they may take advantage of the Bailout Money that the Congress, President and Treasury Secretary are handing out to banks. Does this mean that every American Family should apply to be a Bank Holding Company so that they can also obtain relief from the massive debt that now saddles the average American Family caused by the economic ruin that the Republican Bush/Cheney Administration Policies have caused? OK, so the rules are against the average American Family becoming a bank holding company, but why should the Federal Reserve allow companies like American Express to become a Bank Holding Company to take advantage of the Bank Bailout? The Quote from Kenneth I. Chenault as reported by the press was, " we want to be best-positioned to take advantage of the various programs the federal government has introduced or may introduce to support financial institutions". Well isn

Oust Senator Lieberman

Many of the John McCain Campaign events had Senator Joseph Lieberman, former Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee, standing behind John McCain while he spewed his lies, innuendos and phony policies at these rallies. Joseph Lieberman was once a good Democrat who adhered to the Democratic party Philosophy of a Government by the People, for the People and of the People, but when the People chose not re-nominate him for the Senate on the Democratic ticket because of his steadfast support of the Republican George Bush/Cheney Administration and for supporting the illegal war in Iraq, he bolted the party, sold his morals and vanquished his ideals. Re-Elected to the Senate as an Independent while being supported by his new friends in the Republican Party, Lieberman chose to caucus with the Democrats even though he now fully supports the failed policies of the Republicans. Because the Democrats wanted to be the majority party in the Senate so that they could have a stronger voice in opposition

John McCain and Treason

Treason as defined by Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary: 1 : the betrayal of a trust : treachery 2 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family Traitor as Defined by Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary: 1 : one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty 2 : one who commits treason Treachery as Defined by Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary: 1 : violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence : treason 2 : an act of perfidy or treason In looking at these definitions can we reasonably conclude that John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin was an act of betrayal and treason on the part of John McCain? By all accounts the selection of Sarah Palin was made by Council for National Policy , an ultra secretive Conservative Religious Policy Group of wealthy Republican donors who seek to change the pol