Tarnished Bush Looks for Polish
Faux News (Faux News) continues with their obsession with George W. Bush. They are now running one of their famous "Special Reports" Hosted by Bret Baier titled, "Two Trillion with a T" in which they interview George W. Bush and Secretary Paulson among others. In the interview, Bush is allowed to give his revised version of the economic crisis unchallenged and feigns ignorance about the collapse until Paulson comes to him and discusses the collapse of Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, and AIG. Neither Bush nor Paulson accept any blame for the situation and paint themselves as saviors of the American Economy, if you read between the spoken words and interpret Bush's facial expressions it is obvious that he is lying, again. At one point he says, we were on the edge of a second Great Depression, and it was not going to happen on my watch" when defending the Bailout and the TARP money. It is clear through these interviews that Bush and Paulson want the American Pe...