
Showing posts from March 8, 2009

Tarnished Bush Looks for Polish

Faux News (Faux News) continues with their obsession with George W. Bush. They are now running one of their famous "Special Reports" Hosted by Bret Baier titled, "Two Trillion with a T" in which they interview George W. Bush and Secretary Paulson among others. In the interview, Bush is allowed to give his revised version of the economic crisis unchallenged and feigns ignorance about the collapse until Paulson comes to him and discusses the collapse of Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, and AIG. Neither Bush nor Paulson accept any blame for the situation and paint themselves as saviors of the American Economy, if you read between the spoken words and interpret Bush's facial expressions it is obvious that he is lying, again. At one point he says, we were on the edge of a second Great Depression, and it was not going to happen on my watch" when defending the Bailout and the TARP money. It is clear through these interviews that Bush and Paulson want the American Pe

Sean Hannity Claims he is NOT a Republican!!!

Starting with the pretentious title of his show, "Hannity's America", is nothing more than a show about hating President Obama, the Democratic Party, and working-class Americans. The usual guests on this show are, ex-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, ex-Governor Huckabee and Dick Morris, not exactly sure what he is supposed to be but Hannity touts him as if he is some kind of Governmental Expert, even though most of his "predictions" and analyst turn out to be wrong. On Hannity's show of March 13, 2009, Hannity claimed that he is NOT a Republican, but rather a Reagan Conservative. What exactly is a Reagan Conservative? In the eyes of people like Hannity, Reagan was the greatest President ever. People like Hannity believe that Ronald Reagan toppled the Soviet Union. That Ronald Reagan was a fiscal wizard. The myth created by People like Hannity is a glassy-eyed reinterpretation of the Administration of Ronald Reagan. Let's remember some of the Reagan Po

Madoff The Poster Child

Bernard Madoff should become the poster child for Democratic Congresspeople and Senators to push through the reinstatement of financial regulatory rules and oversight that have been dismantled and voided by the Republicans over the last thirty years. The facts of the Madoff case prove that the lack of Government oversight and regulations in the world of high finance will not only affect a few but could affect the entire economy. The Madoff case is about only one individual and yet accounts for over 50 Billion Dollars in losses to personal, charitable, and corporate wealth. If Mr. Madoff was able to accomplish what he did, is there any doubt that other investment firms throughout the country with no government oversight have been engaged in similar practices? The collapse of the financial markets could have been prevented or at least the tide could have been stemmed if the systems that were put in place during the Great Depression by the FDR Administration had been modernized not elimin

Obama's Afghanistan War

Barack Obama was able to garner early support throughout the Democratic Primaries because of his early and consistent opposition to the Bush Iraqi invasion. With 70% of the general American population opposed to the continued occupation of Iraqis, and higher numbers among Democrats, it was a key issue in Mr. Obama's early lead in some key States that thrust him into an insurmountable lead. Democrats in the liberal wing of the Party voted for Mr. Obama in overwhelming numbers because of his statements during the debates that he would remove American Troops from Iraq within 16 months of taking the office of President of the United States. Although President Obama has now issued a timetable to remove a majority of American Troops from Iraq within 19 months, he is still committing a substantial number of troops to semi-permanent placement in Iraq. This is not why the American People especially the Democratic Party voted for Mr. Obama, and the left is feeling betrayed. Aside from hi

The Uptick Rule

The Uptick Rule is officially known by the SEC as rule 10a-1, it was first implemented in 1938 by the first SEC Commissioner as a way of stemming the downward spiral of stock prices. It served the market well from 1938 through July 6, 2007, when the SEC suspended the rule claiming that the trading patterns in the "modern" trading world did not warrant it. During the last few months, the absence of the Uptick Rule was very noticeable. The Uptick Rule allows a "short sale" of stock only if the preceding sale was an uptick. This prevents traders from forcing the price of a stock down. The SEC suspended the rule believing that with so many other instruments available to "short" a stock, such as options and ETFs the Uptick Rule would be ineffective. In the current Stock Market drop of over 50%, an Uptick Rule should have slowed down the downward spiral, especially in certain securities sold short without mercy. Many stocks that have had their share prices force

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

The estimated wealth loss in the world by the IMF is estimated at 50 Trillion Dollars. The Obama American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ended up at about 800 Billion Dollars after concessions to the Republican Senators who were intent on keeping the failed policies of the Bush Administration in place. Only about 25% of the $800 Billion is targeted to be spent throughout 2009, half of which is accounted for by tax cuts that the Obama Administration conceded to the Republicans. Tax cuts in a downward spiraling economy will accomplish only one thing, It will protect the wealth of the wealthiest who are least affected by the Economic Depression. These tax cuts will cut much-needed revenue from the Federal Government. While the Republicans clamor for tax cuts, they also squawk about the deficit, the same deficit that grew out of control under the Republican Congress and the Republican Bush Administration. While the U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve have placed trillions of dollars

Obama Administration Running in Place

After the Historic Election of Barack Obama and a Democratic Majority in both the House and Senate the transition team generated a lot of media coverage by announcing that plans were being made to "hit the ground running" on January 21, 2009. Since then there have been many missteps and it now appears that the Obama Administration is running in place. The nomination of Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner hit snags right out of the gate with questions about not only his tax evasion problems but his overall view on what is needed to lift the Nation out of the severe recession and economic meltdown left by the Republican Bush Administration. Secretary Geithner does not exude confidence to the markets when he speaks and his long-awaited speech on fixing the Banking System started a downward spiral on Wall Street and Global Markets that is still spinning out of control wiping away assets by the trillions of dollars daily. The supposed plan that Geithner announced was not a plan at all

Japan Declares Depression - Is US Far Behind

Japanese Economists agree that Japan is officially in an economic Depression. Japan's problems started in the early 1990s with the collapse of its banking system. Although warned by the IMF and the Clinton Economic Advisers that the way to fix the banking crisis was to Nationalize the banks, strip away the bad assets, and sell off the good assets to new private concerns, Japan opted to continue feeding bailout money to the troubled banks thus keeping them on life support through the entire decade. These banks became known in financial circles as Zombie banks and were not effectively able to continue funding the growth of the private sector. What is interesting about the Japan Crisis is that the Clinton Financial advisers who were counseling the Japanese Government to Nationalize the Banking System have again resurfaced as the Obama Financial Advisers, yet the same recommendations that they gave to Japan are not being followed in the current US crisis. The sane solution that was rec