
Showing posts from September 21, 2008

McCain Gums up the Deal

John McCain suspended his campaign for the Presidency and tried to get out of the first scheduled Presidential Debate claiming that the crisis in Washington needed his skills. Upon arriving in Washington Mr. McCain attend a meeting called for by the President. According to attendees at the meeting McCain contributing nothing to this meeting and in fact may have interfered with the delicate negotiations that were taking place by the Republican House members trying to hammer out an acceptable Bill. The McCain campaign accidentally sent an internal memo to a reporter that told his campaign workers how to campaign while the campaign was suspended. Senator McCain should dispose of all his "Country First" posters because it is clear by his actions that the Senator has, does and always will put his blind ambition to be President "first". After the interview by Katie Couric with McCain's hand picked Vice Presidential choice, the Nation is wondering exactly what Country

Obama Outshines McCain

Senator Barrack Obama displayed why he should be the next President in the first debate with Senator John McCain. Senator Obama thoughtfully explained his positions, vision and reality of the current plight of our Nation caused by the Bush Administration with the support of John McCain over 90% of the time. John McCain stayed true to his campaign slogans which has has been taught by his Rovian handlers and worked the same tired lines in too as many answers as he could. The reality is clear and could not have been driven home any better than the events of this week. The Nation has been destroyed by the policies of the current Administration and the Republican economic philosophy that John McCain supports. He showed the Nation tonight that he is a tired old man that should have retired years ago. He wants to continue to occupy Iraq so that the American Blood and Treasure that the Republicans spent there is not wasted. Senator McCain that blood and Treasure has already been wasted, wasted

Can Congress Muster the Guts

Can the United States Congress act on behalf of the People for the first time in many, many years? We will see, it looks like the Democrats are willing to go along with the Bailout Plan while the Republicans in the House have suddenly refused to play ball and want a different piece of legislation's, as of yet unveiled. The Democrats should do the same, they first make sure this is necessary, it certainly reeks of social and economic injustice, then they should present a plan that fits the actual need. Yesterday in the mist of the Financial Bailout hearings and conferences Congress sent the Automobile Industry a 25 Million Dollar Bailout Package, now the FDIC says it it in need of 150 Billion Dollars. The Credit Card Banks haven't even stepped up to the plate yet, image how much they will be requesting, 2-3 trillion dollars because of rapidly rising Credit Card Defaults. None of these Companies should have been Bailed Out, but now that Freddie and Fannie were, maybe it is time t

Look at The Mess You Made George

The Republican Talking Heads are all over the Right Wing Faux News and the Right Wing Radio Stations trying to lay the current fiscal nightmare at the feet of the Democrats, as if somehow the Democrats infiltrated the Executive and Regulatory Branches of The Federal Government and were running a shadow Government under the noses of the Republican Administration. Did someone just wake up and realize that all the financial institutions were infiltrated by those pesky Liberal Democrats? Do they really expect the American People top believe this one? President George "Hoover" Bush was in office for 8 months when the 9/11/01 attacks occurred, yet the Republicans tried to lay the blame for the National Security Flaws at the feet of the Clinton Administration. Now 8 years later they are trying to lay the blame of the Fiscal Implosion at the feet of the Clinton Administration and on the Democratic Controlled Congress which has only had a slight majority for less than two years. The R

President Hoover Speaks to The Nation

In a Special Heart to Heart Talk with the American People President George "Hoover" Bush addressed the Nation on the economic catastrophe that is facing the Nation because of his Republican Administration's lack of oversight and enforcement of the regulations upon the Corporations and Corporatist who support the deregulation of the "Free Markets" and the failed policies of the Republicans. President George" Hoover" Bush let the American People know that there is no choice but to accept his Republican Administration's Bailout Plan. The President told the American People that if they do not accept the Bailout Plan that is necessary because of 30 Years of Failed Republican Policies that the Nation will sink into a recession and lose millions of jobs, and not be able to send their children to college or to buy a new car, that doesn't sound much different than the way we have been living the last eight years under the Failed Policies of the Republic

McCain Suspends Campaign

John McCain today announced that he is suspending his campaign to return to Washington to help negotiate the economic bailout. I smell a new Campaign Mantra, "I would Rather Save the Nation, then win a Presidential Campaign". More likely the reasons are that he sees that the Republican Policies that have led us to this disaster is disgusting the American People and the Republican Brand is tarnished beyond repair. Or Could it be that he fears the debate with Senator Obama which his campaign is trying to cancel. Or the third possibility is that McCain is up to his eyeballs in this financial disaster and wants to insure that no damage is done to his name and Campaign. Or the fourth possibility is that his Campaign Staff which is packed with lobbyists that were paid lobbyists for the deregulation of the banking industry will soon all be under investigation for their involvement in the collapse of our National Financial System. One thing is for sure, Senator John "Me First&q

Stop The Robbery

Let's look at the facts. Since the so called "Reagan Revolution" which was basically a movement by greedy self proclaimed conservatives have pushed the Republican Party and made the Democratic Party acquiesce to their wishes have systematically taken apart the safe guards put on the Financial Industries by the Roosevelt "New Deal" that kept them from gambling with their liquidity thus insuring their solvency. The results of all the deregulation and the lack of oversight from the Bush Republican Administration has put the American Economy at the edge of the abyss. Now after years of the CEO and Executives of the Financial Companies plundering the wealth of these companies, they suddenly realize that there is no more to take, so now they want the Government to provide them with more cash so that they continue to take them extraordinary salaries, bonuses and expense accountants. We have small business that can't even get a $5,000 loan to enable them to hang on

McCain Needs To Fire Himself

John McCain is running around the Country proclaiming he is now the candidate of reform and that government regulations are needed to deal with the financial collapse of the United States Financial Markets. McCain is trying to point the finger at Senator Obama as a cause of the collapse because he took campaign contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac while failing to mention that Senior Members McCain Campaign Staff were lobbyists for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who have spread money around Washington for years in order to get deregulation. Senator McCain's staff is packed with lobbyists on leave from their multi-million dollar lobbying jobs, yet McCain runs around proclaiming that he will end the practice. This is the same Senator McCain who proclaimed himself "the deregulator" while campaigning against George Bush for the Republican nomination in 2000. The basic tenant of the so called "Reagan Conservatives" that the Republican Party wishes to emulate is

McCain First

Senator McCain now has a new laugh line in his speeches, he really does think this is all a game. Now he likes to throw in the line" That's not putting the Country First, that's putting Obama First" then stand there with that gleeful snicker like a little boy who just kissed his first girl. If the Nation wasn't in such Dire Straits and this election wasn't so important to the future of the Nation, watching McCain would actually be funny. The only one in this election putting themselves first is Senator John "Me First" McCain, who insists on running for the Presidency even though he knows that he is not qualified and most likely will not be able to fulfill his term due to health and age issues. Yet he decided to run to fulfill some kind of inexplicable ambition or narcissistic goal that he had buried within his mind. Somewhere in McCain's mind, he must feel that he is owed the Presidency for some reason that only he would know. Any Human Being who

Palin And First Dude "Screw The Law"

The Arrival of the Republican lawyers of the Bush Regime, The Republican Party, and the McCain Campaign gave the Palin's the courage to say to the State Legislative Investigation Committee that they would not answer the Subpoena issued to the First Dude. The reason given was that it was a partisan investigation and they would not comply. Ms. Palin is a Republican, The Legislature of Alaska is a Republican-dominated body, and the District Attorney is a Republican where is the partisanship here? Am I missing something it is Republicans investigating Republicans? The Investigation was initiated before Sarah was plunged onto the National Scene by the very unpatriotic choice of John McCain. So, we can already see the flashes of the Bush Regime in Sarah Palin, just as Bush ordered his people not to comply with Congressional Subpoenas, Ms. Plain has already decided that She and the First Dude do not have to comply with the Law. Is there a truth that they would like to hide from the electo