Making America Better with Solutions
There are issues that come up election cycle after election cycle that are never resolved. The Tax issue is one of those issues that is always talked about but never fixed. In the current election cycle the tax issue is only talked about in terms of keeping the tax cuts for the wealthy as passed by the current Administration or letting them expire at a given time. This dialogue does not look to the future benefit of the Nation, but rather only to the wealthy of today. As the income tax structure now stands in America there is a scale of tax percentages that rise as income rises, on the surface that would seem to be a progressive tax structure. However, if we go back to the foundation of the Country, that it was created on the premise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it would seem that taxable income should only start after the basic needs of an individual are met. For instance, assuming that the average person in America needs $50,000 a year to meet their basic needs, the...