
Showing posts from April 20, 2008

Making America Better with Solutions

There are issues that come up election cycle after election cycle that are never resolved. The Tax issue is one of those issues that is always talked about but never fixed. In the current election cycle the tax issue is only talked about in terms of keeping the tax cuts for the wealthy as passed by the current Administration or letting them expire at a given time. This dialogue does not look to the future benefit of the Nation, but rather only to the wealthy of today. As the income tax structure now stands in America there is a scale of tax percentages that rise as income rises, on the surface that would seem to be a progressive tax structure. However, if we go back to the foundation of the Country, that it was created on the premise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it would seem that taxable income should only start after the basic needs of an individual are met. For instance, assuming that the average person in America needs $50,000 a year to meet their basic needs, the

The Bush Fantasy

On April 22, 2008 President Bush stated that we are not in a recession, we are in a slowdown. Mr. Bush lives in a fantasy world. The state of the American Economy is in dire straits. The American Family is struggling to survive on all fronts. The price of gasoline, food, home heating energy, electricity and health care are pushing average American Families beyond their economic means. There is a major disconnect between what this man sees and what is reality. Just as during Katrina, he complimented the FEMA head, “heck of a job Brownie”, while people where suffering and distressed, with little help forthcoming from FEMA. Mr. Bush thought everything was just fine. In Iraq, according to Mr. Bush, we have, pre-empted WMD’s, liberated the Iraqi people, brought democracy to the Iraqi People, stopped the insurgency, and are now on a good course. None of these premises are true. Under the Bush leadership, we have invaded a Sovereign Nation, thrown a People into Civil War, gave a base from whi

John McCain

The release of John McCain's tax returns revealed some interesting facts. Senator McCain has a 100% disability claim that he receives over $50,000 a year for from the Military. There is nothing wrong with that if an individual needs the money. There is nothing wrong with a former POW accepting disability payments. What is wrong is that Senator McCain does not need the money and has consistently voted to weaken and eliminate Veteran's Benefits. Mr. McCain thinks nothing of accepting the disability money, along with his Congressional Salary, Congressional Health Care, and having an extremely wealthy wife. Senator McCain has many recorded votes pertaining to Veterans and their benefits. Mr. McCain often votes against Bills that would improve or expand Veterans benefits. Many Veterans groups feel that Mc Cain has failed to protect the rights and benefits of the Veterans even while supporting an illegal occupation of a Sovereign Nation. Mr. Mc Cain has to get a better understanding

Clinton Obama Ticket

If the Democrats could come together to realize that the most important part of this campaign is to win the Presidency in 2008 maybe some rational thinking would come into play. Ideally a Clinton/Obama ticket would be the best that the democrats could offer to the American People. If the Democrats can forget about all the rancor and ill will that this campaign has created they would see that the best thing for the Democratic Party would be to swallow some pride and look to the future. Although the fairness of having Senator Clinton at the top of the ticket is questionable it would be best for the Country and The Party if this were the case. Senator Obama is a young man, if he were to be the Vice -President for eight years he would still be a young and dynamic Presidential Candidate in 2016. The Democrats must unify and come up with a platform that addressees the issues which concern the American People, the blood and treasure being wasted in Iraq, the energy crisis, the food crisis, th

The Greatness of The USA

The Greatness of the U.S.A. is in the founding documents of the Nation. The United States of America Founding Fathers were products of the age of Enlightenment. As students of the Age of Enlightenment the Founders of the United States were liberal intellectuals who had a high ideal of the structure of the Government that they wanted to form. The Founding Documents were constructed by men who had a vision for the future and an understanding of the past. Using the tools of the Age of Reason and The Age of Enlightenment the Founders were able to construct documents that would remain dynamic and changeable while still maintaining a foundation that would be constant. The Founders were influenced by the French Document the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in writing the Declaration of the United States of America. After declaring that Men and Citizens were entitled to the Natural Rights bestowed through life, the Founders laid the Foundation of how the new Government would

Earth Week

On Earth Week it has been customary to see how we as a population are affecting the earth, our home and what we can do to improve our interaction with our environment. Although awareness has risen tremendously over the years, thanks mostly from the Global Warming PR campaign, there really has not been an equal amount of real change. It is the year 2008 and American, the leader of the industrial revolution, is still running industries in the same way by burning fossil fuels to produce energy. America was the leader in the industrial revolution so too it must take the leadership role in the Energy Revolution. America must harness the ingenuity, inventiveness and drive to lead the world in an Energy Revolution that will free Society from the bondage of fossil fuel. The importance of an Energy Revolution has never been clearer than it is on this Earth Day in 2008. America is being held hostage by the importers of fossil fuels. The American Family is suffering economically on all fronts by

Jack Cafferty and China

In an article written by By David Pierson, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer April 20, 2008, he reports on the protest by Chinese Americans over comments made by Jack Cafferty of CNN. On the April 9 airing of "The Situation Room," Cafferty said of America's relationship with China: "We continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export . . . jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we're buying from Wal-Mart. So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed. I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years." In the article written by Mr. Pierson he quotes John He, an organizer of the event, "It's really unacceptable. It maliciously attacks all Chinese. This would not be accepted if it was directed at any other ethnic group." Obviously Mr. Cafferty was referring to the Chinese Government, the the