
Showing posts from June 15, 2008

Democrats Fund The Bush War Again!

Under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi the Democrats have again gone along with the Bush War Plan and have refunded the Iraq War to the tune of 165 Billion dollars. Does Speaker Pelosi realize that the Democratic Platform in the midterm elections was to scale back on the Bush War? Does she realize that the American People voted in the Democrats to tackle the war issue not to acquiesce to the Bush War Plan? Exactly when will the Democrats in Congress rise up against the poor leadership and demand an agenda that is in the best interest of the American People. If the Bush war was not being funded by the Treasure of the American People would the infrastructure of America be in the miserable shape that it is now? Would the Americans in Iowa be swimming in a flood if their levies had been improved by the money that has been spent on the quagmire of the Bush War? It is a shame that the Democratic leadership has seen fit to maintain the status quo and not challenge the detrimental course that

Bush Wants 58 Bases in Iraq

The Bush Administration is pushing for the Iraqi Government to sign a treaty that will not be called a treaty. The Bush Administration does not want to call it a treaty because than it would have to go to the U.S. Senate for ratification. This treaty is being taken up by the Iraqi Parliament for ratification but as with everything the Bush Administration has done throughout their tenure, they are trying to circumvent U.S. law by parsing words within the treaty so that they can argue that it is not a treaty, and therefore does not have to go to the U.S. Senate for ratification. This treaty would enable the U.S. Government to keep 58 permanent bases in Iraq and would pledge defensive help from the U.S. to the Iraqi Government. 58 United States Bases, think about this. Are there 58 U.S. Military Bases in the Continental United States? Why would the U.s. need 58 permanent bases in Iraq. Wasn't it the presence of U.S. Military bases in the Middle East that was cited as being one of th

Bush wants His War to Continue

On Wednesday President Bush stated," They want to retreat from Iraq and hope that nothing bad happens. But wishful thinking is no way to fight a war and to protect the American people." By this statement we can see that Mr. Bush is still in denial. This was not a war, it was an invasion of a Sovereign Nation and the overthrow of their duly elected government, and the replacement of their government by a puppet regime beholden to the Bush Administration. Exactly what are the American People being protected from? What did the People of Iraq do to America? What did the Government of Iraq do America? Why does Mr. Bush persist in saying that the Invasion of Iraq was to protect the American People. The Bush War in Iraq was to protect the oil interests of oil companies. Iraq did not invade America, America invaded Iraq. In trying win votes for McCain and maintain his war Mr. Bush said," In a time of war we need a President who understands that we must defeat the enemy overseas

Domestic Drilling Solves NOTHING

Today the Republican Mantra was once again, domestic oil drilling on public lands and off shore. Allowing drilling on Public Lands and off shore has been a goal of the Bush Administration since they entered office. This was one of the few agenda items that they weren't able to push through following the fervor of 9/11, so they are still pushing in the final months before the Administration must give up the helm. Today, the Republican Propaganda machine pushed the line that allowing off shore drilling would lower gas prices. This is a typical Republican Propaganda tactic, keep repeating a lie and it will take on a truth of its own among the people. The Truth is that if right now, this instance, oil companies were allowed to begin drilling the first drop of gas produced would be 5-7 years from today. The only way allowing drilling would have any affect on gas prices today is if all the speculators and Commodity traders suddenly unwound all their oil and gas futures contracts and t

Bush Farewell Tour

As G.W. Bush travels through Europe on what is his farewell tour he must recognize the damage that the Republican Bush Cheney Administration has done to the foreign relations between the European Countries and The United States. Throughout his European tour Bush has become reflective, determined, sorrowful, and arrogant. Some interesting comments have recently been spoken by President Bush on this farewell tour. Recently he commented that there could be another Bush in the White House citing the virtues of Brother Jeb. According to G.W, brother Jeb has fine executive skills as demonstrated by his Florida Governorship. Then there was the report that Bush wants Bin Laden before he leaves the Presidency. It seems that he thinks that the Bin Laden capture would cleanse his Presidential Legacy. Besides the fact that the Bush Administration policy on the capture of Bin Laden has run the gamut from, get him "dead or alive", to, " I don't really send that much time thinkin

Democrats Fund Bush War

The 110th Congress will again fund the Bush War with another 165 million dollars. The 110th Congress has a majority of Democrats elected under an anti war platform. Under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi, the 100th Congress has failed to live up to any of the campaign promises on which they ran for election. The 110th Congress will go down in History as the most unaccomplished Congress in Modern U.S. History.

Republicans Wish You A Happy Father's Day

Isn't it nice that the Republicans can wish you a Happy Father's Day. It will be a Happy Father's Day when you pull into the gas station. It will be a Happy Father's Day for the Hundreds of Thousands of Fathers whose Sons and Daughters are serving as occupiers for the Republican Bush/Cheney Administration. It will be a Happy Father's Day for thousands of Fathers whose children were needlessly killed as occupiers. It Will be a Happy Father's Day for tens of thousands of Fathers whose children have been maimed and disabled as occupiers of a sovereign country. It will be a Happy Father's Day when Fathers go to the grocery store and decide which items they will have to do without because of the stagnant wages and higher prices from the Republican Bush Cheney Administration Policies. It will be an extremely Happy Father's Day as Fathers across the Nation reflect on the prospect of not being able to maintain the family home, or take their children to a doctor.