
Showing posts from October 19, 2008

Georgia is on the Right Track

Recent polls in Georgia show Barack Obama at a virtual tie with John McCain. Georgia is a State that the McCain Campaign thought they didn't have to try to win. It is a State that the Republicans took for granted. It looks, however, that Georgia will be a State that will be too close to call on Election Night. Georgia holds 15 Electoral College Votes , but more than that, it will prove that the Citizens from Coast to Coast, Northern States and Southern States, Midwestern States and Southwestern States, East Coast States and West Coast States see the truth and will shed themselves of the fear that the Republican Party sells and give our Country a fighting chance at survival with our Freedoms, Values, Vision and Soul in tact. The Great State of Georgia is ready for a Federal Government that won't let States wallow in unemployment, hunger and poverty. A Federal Government that won't try to privatize Social Security and allow the money to be gambled on Wall Street, as John McCa

Scare Tactics

Today's headlines are full of stories planted by Republicans and their sympathizers to try to move McCain into the lead through fear. We have seen this tactic before from the Republicans. They have used the threat of terrorism, the gay marriage debate and now they are trying to blame a worldwide financial depression on Senator Barack Obama. In the October 24, 2008 New York Post, Charles Gasparino writes an article with the headline, An Obama Panic? He then goes on throughout the article pointing to the proposed tax policy as a reason for the tumbling financial markets. This is more than a fear tactic, it is an outright lie. Financial markets are tumbling because of a flood of unregulated Credit Default Swaps, that were left unregulated by the policies of Greenspan and the Republican Congress of 1998. The world is not in a panic because the United States is on the verge of electing a progressive who realizes that the strength of an economy comes from those that produce a product or

The McCain/Palin Comedy Team Keeps Rolling

John McCain has decided that his new running mate is Joe. Today he met with a multiple guys named Joe and then introduced them at his rally by pointing to this Joe and that Joe. I really think the man has just lost his mind and is just intent on cruising and telling jokes for the next 12 days because he cannot be seriously running for President of the United States. Every time I watch one of his rallies I keep waiting for the clowns to pop out. This has to be a joke, this is not really a man running for the Presidency of the United States of America, where the financial health of the entire Nation depends on Credit Default Swaps and their value or lack of value. Does this man realize that the fate of the Nation's and the World's banking system relies on finding a solution to an unregulated market that has captured and now holds hostage all of the world's credit tied up in suspect credit default swaps? The McCain Campaign has announced, yes they have announced, that Senator

Two Weeks to Go

In exactly two weeks we will know if the country will head towards a new future with the election of Senator Obama or if we will continue to cling to the past with the election of Senator McCain. Senator Obama seems to believe that the past eight years have been a failure, and Senator McCain continues to tout the righteousness of the last eight years. The McCain Campaign continues to speak about a "victory" in Iraq without telling us exactly what it is we are trying to "win", and what it is that we will "win". His running mate when challenged by hecklers always says. " the troops are fighting for your right to protest". The Iraq invasion has nothing to do with our rights in America. This is just another Republican twist of verbiage. The policy that can change the course of America is our Energy Policy. The Federal Government under the next Administration must commit to massively funding the change from a fossil fuel economy to an alternative, ren

The New McCain Word of the Day

We are all aware of the desperation of the McCain Campaign, each and every day they try to get something negative to stick to Senator Obama without regard to fact or truth. Today it is "Watergate". Yes, you heard right, "Watergate" The McCain Campaign has taken to comparing the amount of money that the Obama Campaign has raised and is spending to "Watergate". In typical McCain fashion he is distorting history and expects that the American People are stupid enough to buy into it. Let us quickly review the circumstances of the Watergate Scandal. The Watergate Scandal began when five men associated with the re-election committee of Republican President Richard M. Nixon broke into the campaign headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate Office Building. In the succeeding years the office of the Republican President Nixon tried to cover up their involvement and began a series of lies and stonewalling of the investigations. The Watergate b

Mississippi, Do It!

Recent Mississippi 2008 Presidential Polls show only a 10% spread between McCain, who is leading and Obama, the underdog. In 2004 Mississippi went for Bush over Kerry by a 59% to 40%. Mississippi has only voted for one Democratic President since 1968. Mississippi also has the distinction of voting all of its Presidential Electoral Votes for a third party candidate, more than any other State in the Union. The importance of Mississippi turning out in mass, and giving a victory to Obama can not be overstated. It would mean that the Citizens of Mississippi are ready and willing to lead the Nation to a new era of dynamically changing the American Federal Government to one that once again addresses the needs of the Citizens over the business of the Military Industrial Complex and the Fossil Fuel industry to one that cherishes and nurtures the American Individual. The Nation stands at an enormous crossroads. In fourteen days the Citizens of The United States of America will choose the future

McCain and Socialism

The McCain Campaign continues to fish for an issue that will stick in the throat of the American Public before the election. Week after week the McCain Campaign tries another lie to try to pry votes away from the Democrat Barack Obama. This week the tactic is to call Senator Obama a Socialist and to equate European Governments with the one that Obama will administrate in the United States. What could be more socialist than the United States Government nationalizing the Banking System? This was accomplished by the Republican Administration of George Bush which John McCain admitted that he supported 90% of the time. The McCain campaign has tried unsuccessfully to use the tried and true Republican tactic of fear. They have tried tying Obama to terrorism, to the inability to lead the military, to raising taxes, to Acorn, and this week to the old reliable "Communist", only this time McCain realizes that the term "Communist" was diluted because of the trade between China,