
Showing posts from September 28, 2008

A Strong Economy Requires A Strong Foundation

The passage of the $2 TrillionDollar "Bailout/Rescue" plan by the Congress on Friday shows the lack of leadership and foresight that we have in our Federal Government. The Democratic Leadership failed to seize a golden opportunity to present a vision and plan for real change. The Republican Leadership failed to stop the largest welfare check ever written. The Congress was lead into another Iraq by the same Administration that led them into the first one. Again the Congress blindly accepted the lies they were told by the Bush Administration without sitting back and looking at the situation logically. Both Presidential candidates are basing their campaigns on "Change". The "Bailout/Rescue" Legislation is not change, it is a reinforcement of the economic witchcraft preached by the trickle down Reagan crowd. Senator McCain of course sees this legislation as change so there is not any disappointment in his support of the legislation, he would not be expected to

Vice Presidential Debate

Well the Republicans succeeded in getting Sarah Palin to memorize the McCain Campaign talking points and she obviously became proficient in using her color coded notes to pick out which one she should read for each question. It was clear throughout the debate that Ms. Palin does not have the capability of thinking an issue through, but she is very good at acting the part she was given. Ms. Palin was quaintly charming and appealing as a hockey mom turned politician. However, it is also very clear from the 90 minute debate that Sarah Palin does not have the intellect to deal with the issues of running the World's Most Powerful Military nor of administering to the complexes of the issues surrounding the governance of our Nation. Joe Biden was a a bit too conciliatory towards Ms.Palin and in his case the obvious was that he was told to be pleasant and bite his tongue instead of lashing out at the absurdity of his opponent. The Democrats tend to be too nice at times and Mr. Biden may ha

The Sarah Palin Show

The Nation is breathless waiting for the prime time speaking role of Sarah Palin on the Network debut of the Sarah Palin situation comedy show. It is said that she has studied hard and has memorized her script perfectly. She will deliver the memorized lines attacking Senator Obama and the policies that he proposes for the future of America. We are persuaded by the Republican Spin Machine that we should not expect much substance because when she speaks about substantive issues the press "mocks" her, as she told CBS News in the Couric interview. So our expectations should not be raised, the Republican Spin Machine and the McCain Campaign have told us for almost a week now that Sarah is being unfairly victimized by harsh Press Coverage, therefore, she will deliver her lines as if she is speaking directly to the middle class voter and she will not lower herself to discuss real issue with the condescending reporters. The economy might actually receive a boost today, I don't kn

Where Did the Money Go?

As George Bush and the Secretary of Treasury continue to push for a "Bailout" they have begun to play the typical Republican language game. They have now started referring to the "Bailout" as a "rescue", as if it is not the same. Now that the vote in the House of Representatives has failed, the politicians are hitting the airwaves casting blame upon each other for the mess that we are in financially. The Republicans as usual are blaming the Clinton Administration. The Democrats are blaming the deregulation by the Republicans. Although the oversight issues and the regulatory issues are easy to see, none of them are blaming the real culprit in this financial meltdown. The Fiscal Policies of The George Bush Administration and the Iraq War are the reasons that America is in the current financial quagmire. Since the Bush Administration has come into power they have steadily guided the economy along the edge of a recession which began in the first year of the Bu

Republicans Break the Bank

The House of Representatives narrowly defeated the 700 Million dollar Bailout Proposal submitted by the President and The Secretary of The Treasury and modified by the Congress. Pressure from the American People prevented this Bill from passing. Luckily it is an election year and the Congress fears for their seats. If this had not been an election year, this Bill most likely would have sailed through without a thought about what the American People think. Senator McCain quickly grabbed a hold of the Bailout as a Political trick to enhance his failing Campaign. Although it is obvious to most of the American Public that McCain was politicizing the effort he continually tried to project that upon Senator Obama. Mr. McCain went so far as to blame the defeat on Senator Obama while House Republicans blamed the defeat on a speech by Speaker Pelosi before the vote. In the speech Ms, Pelosi laid out the facts, the Bush Administration took power with a record surplus that was projected to grow e


This Sunday, September 28,2008 John McCain was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos on This Week an ABC news Production. John McCain kept claiming to be a "Teddy Roosevelt" Republican; obviously Senator McCain doesn't know much about Teddy Roosevelt. Teddy Roosevelt had an agenda of regulating corporations; John McCain has proclaimed himself to be the "deregulator". Teddy Roosevelt supported the 8 hour work day, the right of workers to organize, workers’ compensation, and an income and inheritance tax on wealthy Americans. McCain opposes what he calls "the death tax" (Bush Jargon, there is not a "death tax" in America, what country are these nuts from?) and has voted against the minimum wage 19 times. Teddy Roosevelt sought to protect Public Land from being ravaged by the Private Sector and instituted the Bureau of Fisheries and National Forest Service to protect the Public Land from the corporate greed. Teddy Roosevelt was considered a Progr

McCain Ignores The Middle Class

If you watched the Presidential Debates you will have noticed that Senator John " Me First " McCain failed to mention the plight of the middle and working class. He talked about tax breaks for the wealthy and tax breaks for Corporations but not once did he mention the words "Middle Class" or "Working Class" or the impoverished of our Nation. In the mist of negotiations for the largest Corporate Welfare Package, Senator John "Me First" McCain is still claiming that giving tax breaks to the wealthy, the Corporations and lowering the Estate Tax will grow thew Economy. Obviously, Mr. McCain doesn't see the sun when it shines. The collapse of the American Financial System is a direct result of the faulty economic philosophy and policies of the Republican Party led by President George "Hoover" Bush. Although Mr. McCain insists that he is a "Maverick" and bucks his own Party, he still clings to the economic policies put forth by