
Showing posts from August 3, 2008

Can The Democrats Try?

We are three months away from the Presidential Election. The Democrats have a slight edge in the Congress with a small majority. The American People by an eight to one margin think that the Country is headed in the wrong direction. It would seem to be an easy victory for the Democrats being that the Republicans have controlled the Government and the policies unopposed for the last eight years. The polls show otherwise. The Presidential Polls are pretty close for such an overwhelming feeling among the American People that the leadership pf the Nation has led us in the wrong direction and will continue to lead us in the wrong direction in the person of John McCain. So that leaves one to the conclusion that the Democrats have either failed to present a message of a new, realistic direction or that the American People do not have faith that the Democrats can deliver. If the narrow margins are because the Democrats have failed to deliver a message that is realistic and offers real change, t

McCain Ad Lies and Fear

Today's ad from the McCain Fear Machine again tries to paint Senator Obama as a "celebrity" showing him on front of applauding crowds and with media. Then the Lies begin, the Ad staes that Obama would raise middle class taxes, raise taxes on Seniors and raise taxes on Familes and small businesses. All lies. The Obama Plan actually calls for lowering taxes on all of the above and raising taxes on those making over $250,000. While the screen shows the printed words the video shows a mother with children, a Senior , a florist with the lies superimposed over them, and then "Painful". Calling the Obama plan painful towards the America People. The reality is that the Bush Administration Tax and economic plans supported by Mr. McCain, and endorsed by Mr. McCain is what has caused the most painful 8 years for the American Family since the Great Depression. The McCain Plan would continue the Bush doctrine of cutting Corporate taxes and taxes for the wealthy, the same p

Presidential Briefing

Yesterday was the 7th Anniversary of a Daily Presidential Briefing that was titled, "Bin Laden Determined to attack within the U.S.". President George W. Bush was presented with a Presidential Briefing on August 6, 2001 that warned through the intelligence agencies that bin Laden and his group were determined to attack within the boarders of our Nation, yet after 9/11/01 the President and the Administration spokespeople continued to say that no one could have predicted the attacks of 9/11/01. Let's look at this logically without the political spin that the Administration and their mouth pieces have applied to the events of 9/11/01. If 37 days before the attack there is an intelligence briefing that states that the leader of an organization is determined to attack within the U.S. boarders, then 37 days later we are attacked within the U.S. boarders, it is obvious that "some one could have know" that there would be an attack within the U.S. by this organization co

Paris Hilton Trumps McCain

The McCain Campaign made a ridiculous commercial when Senator Obama gave a speech to over 200,000 people in Germany comparing his celebrity status to that of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. Well, Paris Hilton has now made a commercial accepting the endorsement of Senator McCain for her run for the Presidency. With the serious issues affecting the American People the McCain Campaign thinks that it is appropriate to bring the Presidential race down to the level of pop culture, well they have accomplished their goal. In her commerical for the Presidency, Ms. Hilton presents a more coherent energy plan than Senator McCain has presented. The McCain Campaign has now reveled that they know less about the problems that need solving than Ms. Hilton. Although Ms. Hilton's commercial was done as a sarcastic answer to the McCain Campaign using her in their commercial, Ms. Hilton shows that she is more intelligent and a more effective communicator than Senator McCain. Ms. Hilton even understan

McCain Pushes Phony Issues

Senator McCain continues with the drill here, drill now mantra. He went before a crowd in SD and laughed at Senator Obama's suggestion that people properly inflate their tires, which even the Department of Energy says will inprove your gas milage by 3.3%. Of course the McCain campaign keyed in on one sentence in a 7 page energy plan by Senator Obama. He completely ignormed a;ll the other progragms and intiatives that would reduce the dependence on fossil fuel and lead us to to a new age of clean, renewable, sustainable energy. The new McCain Republican trick is to say that Congress went on vacation while there is an energy crisis. Some House Republicans are staging a phony take over of the House calling on a vote for off shore drilling. McCain keeps calling on Congress to return and vote, will he show up? Senator McCain has missed over 72 votes in the last eight months. What a phony. Drilling here, drilling now will not affect gas prices now or in the future. Invading Iraq affec

Senator Obama Energy Plan

The Obama for President Campaign today released a comprehensive viable energy plan. It could be more aggressive but it is better than we have seen before and far superior to The McCain plans which relies on expanding the production and burning of fossil fuels. Senator McCain's plan would actually subsidize Oil Corporations with 5 Billion U.S. Tax Payer dollars. The Republicans are trying to put themselves in the light of fighting for lower fuel costs, but what they are really fighting for is to keep the fossil fuel suppliers as the only energy source for Americans. Read the Obama plan below as published by the Obama for President Campaign for a real beginning to changing America's Energy Future. BARACK OBAMA: NEW ENERGY FOR AMERICA America has always risen to great challenges, and our dependence on oil is one of the greatest we have ever faced. It’s a threat to our national security, our planet and our economy. For decades, Washington has failed to solve this problem because of

Republican Stunts

Judging from the comments posted across the Internet it seems that the Republicans with the help of their media minions have been able to twist the judgement of the suffering middle class again. The House Republicans pulled a stunt on Friday in which they refused to leave the House Floor after the session was adjourned, they staged what they are calling a revolt. They are demanding that the house take up a vote on off shore drilling which they have somehow manged to convince some People will lower gas prices. Approving off shore drilling and drilling on Public lands is another giveaway to the multi-billion dollar oil and gas industry. More free land for oil companies will not lower gas prices now or in the future. What will lower gas prices is a real energy plan that will fund and research alternative, sustainable, renewable energy sources which the Republicans have failed to respond to since 1977 when President Carter first tried to steer the Nation to a course of Energy Independence