
Showing posts from January 11, 2009

Obama Whistles his Way to Washington,D.C.

President-Elect Obama taking a page from the past is riding a train through the whistle stops of the East Coast on his way to Washington, D.C, for his historic inauguration on Tuesday, and not a day too soon. Since his election victory in November, the Nation's Economic crisis has gotten decidedly worse in both scope and depth with the bottom still many months away as the rest of Corporate America reacts to the worsening Financial Crisis caused by the Financial Institutions that were allowed to run amok under Mr. Bush and Company. President Obama is not taking office free of the encumbrances of the Corporate Financial protectors for along the way to Washington, D.C the train will stop in Wilmington, DE to board Vice President-Elect Joe Biden, one of the biggest supporters of the revised Bankruptcy Bill written by the financial lobbyists and one of the biggest causes of the American Middle Class' personal debt crisis. In the most recent Bankruptcy Bill were clauses that allow Cr

He Hasn't Got A Clue

Wouldn't you love answer the George W. Bush Presidential farewell Speech - He obviously lives in his own reality if he thinks that his Administration has done anything to progress the American Dream. Following is the White House Transcript of the speech, words in red are comments, words in blue are what he might be really thinking. Fellow citizens: For eight years, it has been my honor to serve as your President. ( REMEMBER WHEN HE SAID HE WISHED IT WAS A DICTATORSHIP , THINGS WOULD BE EASIER?) The first decade of this new century has been a period of consequence -- a time set apart. (WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN?) Tonight, with a thankful heart, I have asked for a final opportunity to share some thoughts on the journey that we have traveled together, ( We have not traveled a journey TOGETHER, dissent was treated as unpatriotic) and the future of our nation. Five days from now, the world will witness the vitality of American democracy. ( Thank God) In a tradition dating back to our

The Goodbye George Bush Tour Continues

Wow, talk about a long goodbye..... George W. Bush began his rewrite history goodbye tour almost as soon as Barack Obama won the election, it has been non-stop. Now he wants to address the Nation and has asked the Television Networks for 15 minutes on Wednesday Night. It is being billed as a recap of the accomplishments of his Administration. For fifteen minutes??? This is more than presumptuous of Mr. Bush, as Jay Leno said the other night, if he is going to talk about the accomplishments of his Administration with the 15 Minutes of air time that he has requested, what will he do with the other fourteen and a half minutes. George W. Bush and the Republican Party really think that the American People are morons, he continues to tout the achievements of his Administration, if only he could name one it might have some verisimilitude. But really, what are the accomplishments? The George W. Bush Republican Administration has decimated the American Middle Class with bad economic policies, h

Bring Back American Jobs With TARP

President G.W. Bush has requested the remainder of the TARP (Trouble Assets Relief Program) money, $350 Billion supposedly at the request of President-Elect Obama. Whoever is asking for its release by Congress is not relevant at this point, what is relevant is that the original $350 Billion was distributed to Financial Institutions with no accountability to the United States People, whose money it is. The Democratic Congress had better start showing some leadership and realize that they are the Majority Party in the Congress. If the Democratic Congress is going to approve releasing this money in the same way as the first half was released then they will have failed the American People again. This money should not be released without specific targets. Any Financial Company receiving any more of the TARP money should be mandated to bring their back office workers back to the United States and they should be mandated tire United States Citizens, all call centers and customer service ce

The Last Bush Press Conference

In Today's last George W. Bush scheduled Press Conference as President, Mr. Bush again showed signs that he lives in an alternate reality. Although this time he did admit that mistakes have been made throughout his Administration he in no way took responsibility for the blunders. He is still claiming that the Federal Response to Katrina was a viable response to illustrate that Bush said that over 30,000 people were rescued from rooftops. Nothing was mentioned about the people herded into the Super Dome for weeks. In any event, we all know the truth about the Bush Presidency and the Iraqi Invasion, the Afghanistan Invasion, and Katrina, no matter how Bush and his minions want to try to spin it now. The eight years of the George W. Bush Administration did not progress the American Dream in any way, shape, or form. the Republican George W. Bush Administration and the Congress that was complicit during his years in office not only stifled the progress of the American Dream but they se


<img alt="The Worst President EVER" border="0" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5290228783008544386" src=""

We Approach the End

The end of the long National Nightmare, the Republican Administration of George Walker Bush is almost over, the damage of this Administration will linger much more than the eight years that it occupied the White House. The immensity of the damage done by the George W. Bush and Dick Cheney Administration will fill volumes, some of the highlights are worth remembering. Failing to sign onto Global Warming Treaties -9/11/01 - The Iraq Invasion supported by the lies of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Mission Accomplished, Haliburton Contracts, Corporate Para-Military No Bid Contracts, Billions of Dollars in CASH distributed by the Iraq Provisional Authority under Paul Bremmer, Secret Energy Meetings by Dick Cheney, yellow cake lies in the State of the Union, the outing of a CIA operative, illegal wiretaps, condoning torture, GITMO, Iraq Prison Scandal, being wired during the Presidential Debate, Katrina, FEMA, That a Boy Brownie, The Super Dome, The Astro Dome, Thousands of dead Iraqis, the