
Showing posts from July 6, 2008

The Republican Compassion

So this week we saw one of the McCain Campaign's top Economic Advisers tell us that the recession is all in our minds. Former Senator Phil Gramm also said that we are a Nation of Whiners. Let's look at the career of Former Senator, and former Congressman Phil Gramm. During the first Reagan Administration Gramm was a Democratic Congressman who attended Democratic Caucus budget meetings then shared the Democrats strategy with the Republicans who were trying to pass the Reagan Budget, the budget that would trickle down to the poor. Gramm resigned from his seat forcing a midterm election. In the midterm election Gramm ran for the seat that he had just resigned from, but as a Republican. Mr. Gramm ran for a won a Senate Seat from Texas. In 1999 Gramm was successful in getting the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act through Congress which took away many of the Depression Era restrictions on Banks and Insurance Companies, and also took away most Government oversight from these financial industries

Mental Recession?

On July 10 Former Senator Phil Gramm, one of John McCain's top economic advisers said that the economic slowdown was a "metal recession" and said that the United States was a "nation of whiners". This is indicative of the McCain campaign and their concern for the American People. This is a campaign that only is concerned with the Corporations and the super wealthy. This is not the first ridiculous comment by the McCain Economic Advisers, Carly Fiorina said on a National Cable news show "Morning Joe" that "gas prices had no effect on the economy". This magnificent economic team that Mr. McCain has assembled is a reflection of the direction that a McCain Administration will take if elected. The McCain Administration will surely be filled with the wealthy that will insure that their fortunes are not lost in the current recession/depression fostered by the Republican Bush Cheney Administration that the McCain Administration will continue. If Mr.

Democrats and FISA

It is beyond comprehension that the Democrats would vote for the 2008 FISA Bill that was so desperately wanted by the Republican Bush Administration. The Amendments added to this Bill will give immunity to not only the Telecoms that were prodded into breaking the law at the behest of the Republican Bush Cheney Administration but will also grant immunity to the White House officials that were a part of this illegal wiretapping. The Democrats complain that they do not have a large enough majority to pass legislation, but they certainly have enough of a majority to stop legislation, yet they fail to act on behalf of the American People even during an election year. Even Senator Obama voted yes on this bill, after which the campaign offered an explanation that he felt voting yes on an imperfect bill was better than allowing the FISA Bill to expire. This explanation is unreasonable. Why would you vote to grant immunity to crimes that have not even been charged yet? If Senator Obama wants

McCain Thinks Social Security is A Disgrace

Senator John McCain, presumptive Presidential nominee for the Republican Party at a "Town Hall" meeting in Denver on Monday said," Americans have got to understand that we are paying present day retirees with the taxes paid by young workers in America today. And that is a disgrace. It's an absolute disgrace, and its got to be fixed." Has this man really been a U.S. Senator for decades? Does Senator McCain have even a rudimentary understanding of the Social Security System? Obviously not. Either Senator McCain is totally senile or he has no business being a U.S. Senator or for that matter running for the Presidency of the United States . It is bad enough when the Republicans like McCain come up with the wacky idea of privatizing Social Security, but now McCain tells us out loud at a public meeting that he doesn't even understand how the system works. We should now wonder if Mr. McCain has any basic understanding of the United States Government. Social Securit

Iraq Demands Withdrawal

As the Iraq Government sends their National Security Advisor Mouwaffak al-Rubaie out to the media to proclaim that Iraq will not sign another "Security Agreement" with the United States unless it contains a timetable for U.S. troop withdrawals the Pentagon announced the death of another U.S. Soldier. The Republican Bush Administration is planning on 59 permanent bases in Iraq and has even spent billions of U.S. Citizen dollars constructing them. The Country that the Bush Cheney Administration told the Nation that would welcome our soldiers with flowers and candy as liberators now want them out. The Republican Bush Administration promised the American People that the "war" in Iraq would be paid for with oil profits from Iraq. Not one dollar has been paid with Iraqi oil, and the Republican Bush Administration has not even sought repayment from the current Iraqi Government. The mission in Iraq was supported wholeheartedly by Senator McCain, he supported the invasion

McCain Economic Plan

Sen. McCain released his Economic Plan today with great fanfare saying that his plan will save America in four years. The cornerstone of the McCain Plan is a continuation of the Bush Administration rhetoric. McCain touts, oil drilling, and coal mining as an answer to the energy problem. In his speech McCain stated that we are in the current situation because of the lack of planning by political leaders of 30 years ago. Obviously Mr. McCain does not know that 30 years ago then President Clinton gave a major speech about alternative, sustainable, renewable energy and was shot down by the Republican party. The small amount of funds that the Carter Administration was able to get into the Federal Government Budget was cut by the succeeding Republican Reagan Administration. The Republican Party has consistently shown that their long term energy plan is to suck every drop of oil and every ounce of coal out of the earth, and McCain agrees. His mantra of more drilling is not a solution it is

Americans Think we are On The Wrong Path

An overwhelming majority of Americans now believe that the Country is headed in the wrong direction. If this is true it is about time. The Country has been heading in the wrong direction since the Republican Administration of Bush/Cheney obfuscated power. This Administration started by letting Corporatist control the Cabinet. Then the figure head that they decided would be President was too busy playing golf to read the Daily Presidential Briefing on a daily basis. They seized upon the events of 9/11 to push through an agenda that had no chance of seeing the light of day before 9/11. They used 9/11 as an excuse to edit rights, invade countries, plunder the Treasury, curtail aid to cities, states and citizens, to give no bid paramilitary contracts to Corporate friends and to privatize Government functions. The damage that this Administration has done will not easily be corrected, this is the first sign that Americans now realize the damage to our Nation caused by this Corporatist Republ