
Showing posts from November 2, 2008

Nobody Doesn't Like Sarah Palin

Well now that the Republican McCain campaign has finished using Sarah Palin, it seems they can't distance themselves enough from her. Rumors abound, anonymously of course because that is always the Republican MO. As the Press tries to guess the source the Sarah Palin stories are surfacing faster than the paper shredders in Dick Cheney's Office. So far we have rumors that she doesn't know one U.S. policy in the last ten years, that she doesn't know if Africa is a country, that she is a diva who demanded such extravagances as, Diet Dr. Pepper. Of course Sarah is denying all with the same simplicity with which she campaigned. Maybe she should get Joe Six Pack or Joe the Plumber to vouch for her. Well anyway, there is a whole wing of the Republican party that just adores her naivete and is willing to make her the Republican Nominee for President in 2012. I think we should encourage them, I think she will make a fine nominee for the Republican Party in 2012. It is just what

Obama Press Conference

How refreshing to see Senator Obama interact with the press in a Presidential manner after eight years of watching the embarrassment of the Bush Press Conferences. Senator Obama addressed the press with respect and his answers where succinct and to the point. With the announcement of the under reported unemployment numbers by the Bush Administration over the last few months, it was obvious that Senator Obama realizes that the financial disaster created by the Republican Bush Cheney Administration is worse than most people thought. Senator Obama showed and expressed the proper concern over the newly released numbers. Senator Obama showed restraint when questioned by the press on what immediate actions are needed and reminded the press that "The United States has only one government and one president a a time". Although true, it is too bad, because President Bush obviously doesn't realize the seriousness of the financial situation and the devastation that afflicts the Ameri

Change Begins

President Obama has already announced his first Press Conference for Friday. This is so refreshing already, after eight years of an Administration that has shunned Press Conferences, we will again see a vital part of participatory democracy returned to the the Executive Branch. It is obvious by the activity surrounding the Obama Team that President Obama is diligently preparing his Administration to take the reins in 75 days and to hit the ground running. As a sitting Senator, Mr. Obama can and should begin leading now. As a Senator he can propose and push legislation through the Congress that will begin to have an impact immediately. The first thing the Congress should do is get back to work, the party is over. We have taken back our Nation, now it is time to begin correcting the policy deficiencies that have led us to the worst Economic Crisis since thew Great Depression. Senator Obama should lead the Congress in peeling away some of the $700 Billion Financial Bailout money and apply

The Dawning

The Election of Senator Barack Obama begins a new chapter in the American Political History of the United States of America. In this, the dawning of a new century, it is fitting that there there is a New Dawn for the American Presidency. One that will break from the past eight years of Government for the Corporations, by the Corporations and of the Corporations. Barack Obama as he has stated must now begin to fulfill the Campaign rhetoric and move full steam ahead to begin to correct the problems created by the past Administration. As he said in his speech after the election, it won't be easy. I think all Americans realize that it won't be easy because this Administration has left the American People devastated. The Working Class is relying on food assistance and energy assistance to meet their basic needs, the middle class is stretching their last dollar to be able to meet their needs. There is the housing crunch, the lack of well paying jobs and the diminishing of assets that

Election Day 2008

Election Day 2008 opens another chapter in the History of the greatest human experiment in Governance that civilized society has ever under taken. Of course to us that have lived through the rancor, lies, slander and divisiveness it might seem that it is an archaic system, but time after time election day in the United States of America has allowed for the peaceful transition of power. A transition that is completed in an orderly manner based upon the best abilities of the bureaucracy to hold a fair and balanced election.There are cries of abuses and disenfranchisement, and these are complaints that must always be examined and corrected if needed, but for the most part the American electorate systems has endured over two hundred years and has led to the peaceful passage of power from one government to the next in a seamless manner. Election Day in the United States is one of the load bearing blocks in the foundation of the building that we call the United States Government. It is a fou

We Need You - OH, PA, FL, CO, NV

An open letter to the People of OHIO, Pennsylvania, Florida, Colorado, and Nevada. Please vote tomorrow for the future of our Nation. You have heard a lot of slander and innuendos from the McCain Campaign and the media that supports him. John McCain is a seventy two year old man in the sixth year of cancer remission who has chosen a novice as his Vice Presidential running Mate, who can't even tell a third grader what exactly the Vice President does. John McCain is not a "Maverick", he is a Republican. He believes in the Republican Philosophy of feeding the wealthy and hoping that the crumbs will fall off the table and feed the working and middle class. Before you vote, think about where you were financially before the Republican Bush Administration and where you are now. Think about history. Every Republican Administration from Herbert Hoover till now has caused the suffering of the working class and middle class, stripped them of their assets and caused their early dea

The Medicine Man from AZ

Looking at the playback machine the Medicine Man from AZ saw a likeness of himself proclaim, "I am the deregulator, I think there should be no restrictions on corporations, they should have the same rights as people." The Medicine Man from AZ felt trapped, his mind scrambled for a story that would draw the People's attention from what they just saw, he looked into the camera, "My Friends," he began, "did you know that the Dark Wizard has friends in the inner circle of the those that control the playback machine and I will expose who they are, and I will make them famous!!!". Looking around the crowd and realizing that the People were confused, the Medicine Man from AZ quickly took advantage of the situation and said, "As I travel the country in the True Talk Express Wagon, I see the pain of the working class, that is why I have decided on a plan that will put the teeth in the regulations that I have always fought for throughout my life. I have nam