Nobody Doesn't Like Sarah Palin
Well now that the Republican McCain campaign has finished using Sarah Palin, it seems they can't distance themselves enough from her. Rumors abound, anonymously of course because that is always the Republican MO. As the Press tries to guess the source the Sarah Palin stories are surfacing faster than the paper shredders in Dick Cheney's Office. So far we have rumors that she doesn't know one U.S. policy in the last ten years, that she doesn't know if Africa is a country, that she is a diva who demanded such extravagances as, Diet Dr. Pepper. Of course Sarah is denying all with the same simplicity with which she campaigned. Maybe she should get Joe Six Pack or Joe the Plumber to vouch for her. Well anyway, there is a whole wing of the Republican party that just adores her naivete and is willing to make her the Republican Nominee for President in 2012. I think we should encourage them, I think she will make a fine nominee for the Republican Party in 2012. It is just what ...