
Showing posts from January 4, 2009

Will They Take it All?

In the waning days of the Republican Bush Administration, they are still trying to distribute the remaining 350 Billion Dollars from the TARP program that Congress in one of their rare moments of wisdom kept locked away from the Bushites when they enacted the TARP legislation. Although in December the Treasury Secretary and The Bush Administration made remarks that the "new" President and Administration should determine how to distribute the remaining 350 Billion Dollars in the TARP program they are now reversing their course and trying to get Congress to release the money to Paulson to distribute before the Bush Administration says ta ta. I guess ravaging the Treasury since 2001, and creating the largest deficit in American History so that the millionaires in the financial industry could still receive their year-end bonuses even though they created financial instruments with no underlying asset value that has taken our Nation broke, invading two Sovereign Nations wasting bi

Like Father Like Son

The unemployment numbers for December 2008 were released by the Labor Department today showing that unemployment has topped 7% under the failed policies of the Republican George W. Bush Administration. Who was the last President to preside over failed policies that led unemployment to the top 7%, yes of course it was George H.W. Bush. Although George W. Bush has made it a point that his Administration was not a continuation of the George H.W. Bush Administration it certainly seems to have been. Besides stocking the Administration with armies of personnel from the Bush Sr. Administration, Bush Jr. also followed his Father's footsteps in invading Iraq. At least Daddy Bush knew better than to attempt to occupy a Country like Iraq or Afghanistan. Regardless they both invaded Iraq with no defensive purpose and no benefit to America. On the economic front although they both reached the same results through different policies they accomplished the same outcome, higher unemployment, more p

Can the Obama Administration Lead

It seems that the distraction of the Illinois Governor scandal has done more damage to the leadership capabilities of the Obama Team than first met the eye. The selection of Rahm Emanuel as the Obama Chief of Staff was touted as a selection made because Mr. Emanuel knew how to work through Congress. Mr. Emanuel seems to have disappeared since he was linked to meetings with the Illinois Governor over the selling of the Barack Obama Senate seat. At least he has not been in public view and the Obama Stimulus is tied up in Speaker Pelosi's inability to find a consensus even with a larger Majority. All of this and Inauguration Day is still over 10 days away. The Obama Plan has suddenly taken on the look of the same failed policies as the Republican Philosophy of the Bush Administration. Mr. Obama is now calling for the total stimulus package to contain 300 Billion Dollars of tax cuts. These tax cuts will only benefit those who are still earning enough money to pay taxes, which of course

Pelosi Gumming up the Works Already

After the Presidential Election, the Obama Team said they they would like to see Economic Stimulus Legislation on the incoming President's desk by the afternoon of the Inauguration, Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi agreed that was needed. Today, a mere 13 days before the Inauguration Speaker Pelosi announced that she hopes to have the legislation through Congress by mid-February. Obviously, the urgency of the situation escapes Ms. Pelosi's understanding and ability to lead a clear majority in the House to stand behind the Democratic Agenda as expressed by the President-Elect. Ms. Pelosi had no problem passing legislation through the House when it came to a pay raise for themselves. This most despicable legislation is no less offensive than spitting in the face of the American People. While the assets of the average American have been wiped away by the unregulated financial games that the traders, bankers, and insurance people played, Congress thinks they deserve a raise. Every

Pelosi REALLY?

Is Speaker Pelosi really worthy of reelection to the Speaker of the House? Her record says NO, a resounding NO. Speaker Pelosi has been the Speaker of the House of the most hated, do-nothing Congress in History, there is no way she should be given another chance at this most prestigious position. In this time of National crisis and with the Economy in the grips of a second Great Depression, Congress needs a Speaker of the House who can lead the membership to do the right things for the American People. What did the last House of Representatives accomplish under Pelosi, NOTHING. Ms. Pelosi blocked any challenge that Members wanted to pursue against the corrupt, illegal, Republican Bush Administration. When the Democrats won the Majority two years ago some Members were ready, willing and able to begin impeachment proceedings against Bush and Cheney but they were stymied by Ms. Speaker Pelosi. This was an egregious mistake that should not be rewarded with a second term as Speaker. The on

Obama Missing the Stimulus

Although President-Elect Obama realizes that the Economy is in much worse shape than was advertised and that the proposed stimulus package must be increased, the target of the proposed stimulus will miss the mark. While the President Elects proposals will aid the economy in the long run it does not address the immediate needs of the majority of the population. Tax cuts are great, but without a job, there is not much tax savings. A massive alternative energy project must be undertaken to get all state-owned buildings off of fossil fuels. A ten-year fully funded mandate should be given to the States, this will provide the immediate relief money that they are seeking to create jobs and will accomplish a long-term dividend to the Nation and the Nation's public expenses. Within the mandate, it must be clear that no funded project can buy any manufactured product not produced and assembled  100% in the United States by American-owned companies. The vision of alternative renewable energy

January 20, 2009

Tonight President-Elect Barack Obama arrived in Washington D.C, to prepare for his inauguration in in a little more than two weeks. I hate wishing time away because that is wishing your life away, however, January 20, 2009 can't come soon enough for me and for our Nation. On January 20, 2009, our 8-year National Nightmare of the Republican Bush-Cheney Administration will begin to end. It will only be the beginning of the end of the Republican Bush-Cheney Administration because regretfully when they leave Washington they will leave behind messes that have not come to fruition yet, leaving President Obama to try to mop up the damage that the failed Republican Philosophy has left behind. The continuing damage of the so-called "Bush Doctrine" of preemptive invasion against a sovereign Nation and in violation of International Law is now being acted upon by Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip. The Israelis are confident that Washington will not say anything about this invas