Will They Take it All?
In the waning days of the Republican Bush Administration, they are still trying to distribute the remaining 350 Billion Dollars from the TARP program that Congress in one of their rare moments of wisdom kept locked away from the Bushites when they enacted the TARP legislation. Although in December the Treasury Secretary and The Bush Administration made remarks that the "new" President and Administration should determine how to distribute the remaining 350 Billion Dollars in the TARP program they are now reversing their course and trying to get Congress to release the money to Paulson to distribute before the Bush Administration says ta ta. I guess ravaging the Treasury since 2001, and creating the largest deficit in American History so that the millionaires in the financial industry could still receive their year-end bonuses even though they created financial instruments with no underlying asset value that has taken our Nation broke, invading two Sovereign Nations wasting bi...