
Showing posts from September 25, 2011

Cairo or New York City, NY

This spring the world witnessed the citizenry of Arab Countries around the world rise up against oppressive government regimes and demand social and economic justice. The United States Government feigned support for these uprisings with support offered by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama along with a host of Republican and Democratic Party Leadership. Today in New York City, New York in the heart of the Financial District young people are occupying and protesting against the economic and social injustice that has taken hold in the United States. Looking at their future, they see none, as it has been stolen from them by the excesses of the Financial Industry which has thrown the world economy and especially the United States Economy into chaos with their greedy quest for profits over growth and stability. As the World watched the regimes of the Arab Dictatorships kill and arrest the protesters in an attempt to forestall the inevitab