
Showing posts from November 23, 2008

George W. Bush and History

In a story reported by By JENNIFER PARKER on ABC News.COM it was reported that in an interview given to his sister, Dorothy Bush Koch, George W. Bush stated that he wanted History to remember him as a liberator, claiming that he "liberated 50 million people and helped achieve peace". This man is clearly out of touch with reality. Who exactly does he think he liberated and what peace did he achieve. Does he think that invading Sovereign Countries is liberation? The only people he liberated in Iraq and Afghanistan are the people that he liberated from their lives with their untimely deaths from the destruction caused by his war of lies and mismanagement. There are thousands of Iraqi orphans who have been liberated from their parents, are these the liberated people to which he is referring. History will record the Presidency of George W. Bush as an Administration based on lies, deceit, corruption, and lawlessness. A Presidency that led to America being despised by the Intern

Black Friday Prelude to Gloomy January

What has become a new tradition in America, Black Friday, was celebrated today with predictions of the worst Holiday Shopping Season in years which is too optimistic. On the first day of the unofficial beginning of the Holiday Shopping Season shoppers were greeted with steep discounts on selected merchandise. Retailers desperate for cash after some very dismal months are willing to cast their inventories to the wind at any price even if their margins turn negative just to generate some cash during this crucial shopping season. The frugal shopper will be served by waiting till the end of this Holiday Season to really capture the best prices. As the end of the Holiday Shopping Season nears an end retailers will be panicking to remove inventory from their selves and will drastically mark down prices to bank as much cash as possible during this shopping season. With consumers still reeling from high energy prices that are just beginning to wane and feeling the pinch of deflated housing

The Events in India

The recent attacks in India reflect on the foolishness of the Bush Policies of invading and occupying Afghanistan and Iraq. The India attacks show that terrorism can not be squashed by occupying countries. Terrorist use gorilla war tactics in executing their demented attacks upon civilians to obtain press coverage for their mindless causes. Trying to pin down a gorilla army by occupation can never work. In this case in particular it can nor work because the terrorist were never from Iraq, they were attracted to Iraq because of the American Occupation. In Afghanistan, the terrorist seek haven where any sitting government would be unable to contain them Every Military expert throughout history has recognized the difficulty of trying to defeat an enemy in the terrain between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Yet the Bush Administration has committed a police force size Military presence to this most difficult region of the world. This Military force does not have the ability to stop the individu

Thanksgiving Day 2008

Although Thanksgiving Day is celebrated with a feast of Turkey and Harvest Vegetables to commemorate the Harvest Celebration of the Pilgrims, this year will be markedly different for millions of our fellow countrymen thank to the Republican Policies of the last eight years that have given rise to the largest increase in poverty since the Great Depression. Food banks and food pantries throughout the Nation are overwhelmed and are not able to accommodate all of those seeking food this Thanksgiving. Our Citizens starve as the Federal Government continues to hand out Billions upon Billions of dollars to multi-national Corporations so they they may continue to pay their Executives Millions of Dollars in compensation. Even if you believe that this corporate welfare is indeed necessary, shouldn't these Corporations be required to have their workforce in the USA? American Express was a benefactor to the largess of the Federal Government, have you ever called American Express? They answer

Thankful That the Republicans are Leaving

It is common on Thanksgiving for Americans to say why they are Thankful. In light of the current state of our Nation it is a wonder that there will be any reason to be Thankful. But I am Thankful even though I am living through the worst financial disaster in American History, I am Thankful that this will be the last Thanksgiving that our Nation will be controlled by the failed policies, and ridiculous assumptions of the Republican Party. I am Thankful that George W. Bush will be moving out of the White House soon. I am Thankful that the Republican Senators will be neutralized. I am Thankful that the House of Representatives will have less Republican Congressman representing Corporations against the American People. I am Thankful that the Secretary of Treasury will not have any more access to the Nation's money to hand over to his friends in the Financial Industry. I am Thankful that we, as a Nation, are on the verge of a new beginning in the pursuit of a Government By the People,

President-Elect Obama

It is so refreshing to see a man who acts and speaks like a President at a Press Conference, for that matter even seeing the President at a Press Conference. It seems like President-Elect Obama has already given more Press Conferences that G.W.Bush did for his entire eight years, not that that is a bad thing because just watching G. W. Bush at a Press Conference was usually an embarrassment to the Nation. President-Elect Obama is not only at ease with the Press, he is polite, informative and direct. I can't even remember the last President we had that made a Press Conference an interesting event to watch, I guess Kennedy. At least President-Elect Obama feels it necessary to reassure the American People that he recognizes the serious financial situation that this Administration has put the Nation in, and that he is fully aware of the consequences and is assembling a team of advisers to delve into the issues on day one. Remember all the rhetoric from the Republican Presidential Candi

Paulson and $700 Billion

On Friday, November 21, 2008 in an article by Aaron Task he reported that William Black, Associate Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri and Author of " The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One", said that Secretary Paulson committed fatal errors in dealing with the current fiscal crisis. In fact Professor Black said that if grading Paulson he would receive a F-. All of this hindsight and blame is academic. Right now we have a populace that is going to suffer the worst financial times in American History and because of the Republican Policies there are no easy fixes. No matter what the new Administration is able to accomplish when they finally get into office, there will be thousands of small businesses that will not be able to keep their doors open while waiting. What will the repercussions of thousands of small business people closing their doors and walking away in debt that they will never be able to repay. Who will bail them out Mr. Paulson, while

As GM Goes, So Goes the Nation

The old Axiom " As GM Goes, so goes the Nation" is sadly coming true thanks to the policies of the past eight years. GM is for all intents and purposes bankrupt and so is the Nation. Can the Auto Industry be revived? That is questionable, it will certainly not be a major job producer even if it is rescued. With the inability for the consumer to get auto financing will producing cars have any effect other than using the Federal money to stockpile cars? This situation is a direct result of the lack of direction from the previous Administrations from Reagan until now. United States Policy has been dictated by the oil lobby which has hindered the advancement of Alternative Energy on all fronts. The Nation that mustered the Technology to fly to the moon almost 40 years ago is still unable to produce a vehicle that is able to run without gasoline, yet a third world country like Brazil does not use gasoline to run their vehicles, what is wrong with this picture. The American Economy