
Showing posts from May 18, 2008

McCain Likes Bush Money But Not Him

The McCain Campaign has quietly scaled down some fundraisers featuring President Bush and has closed them to the Press. Senator McCain will try to walk the tightrope of needing Bush's fundraising prowess among wealthy Republicans and distancing himself from the most unpopular President in American History for the remainder of the campaign. The McCain fundraisers are officially closed to the press, presumably so that there will not be public exposure of McCain and Bush together. McCain realizes that the majority of the American People see this President as a failure and blame him for the uncertain turn that their economic life has taken. The House and Senate candidates will be in the same predicament, they will need the massive amount of money that the President can still generate from the Party faithful but they will not want to be linked to him or his policies. It will be the Democratic Party's job to constantly link these candidates to the President and his policies if they w

Senator Clinton Goes Too Far

Senator Clinton used the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in June 1968 in California as a reason that she should continue in her campaign for the Democratic Presidential campaign. In an interview to a South Dakota newspaper Mrs. Clinton cited the assassination as a reason that she should continue, but underlying her statement was the blatant statement that Senator Obama could be assassinated. There seems to be a pattern of Senator Clinton trying to put ideas into the heads of voters. First Senator Clinton makes remarks about White people not voting for Senator Obama now she is hinting that Senator Obama will suffer the fate of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. If Mrs. Clinton is relaying on tragedy to secure the nomination she should immediately quit this campaign. Senator Clinton seems bent on destroying the Democratic party if she is not chosen as the nominee. It is time for all Democratic leaders to stand up and speak out against the divisive campaign that the Clinton Team is run

Senate Leaders

Where are the Senate leaders. The three major remaining Presidential Candidates are all sitting U.S Senators. The three of them are crisis crossing the Country telling the American People that they posses the leadership qualities to turn the American future around, yet they have the power as sitting U.S. Senators to propose legislation now. None of the three have proposed any significant legislation to deal deal with any of the current crisis plaguing the American citizen now. None of the three sitting U.S. Senators running for President have stood up in the Senate and proposed any meaningful legislation dealing with, Veterans after care, energy crunch, usury laws, war policy, alternative energy funding and implementation, reforming FEMA, or rebuilding a stricken American City, New Orleans. What kind of leadership are they proposing when they have the power to lead now, and they are not doing it. The Democratic Senate leadership has failed to propose and push through any significant

Senator Obama - The People Need Action

As Senator Obama closes in on being the Democratic Presidential Nominee it is time that the Senator took a stand on the energy crisis. Mr. Obama is a sitting Senator and has the power right now to show his leadership by introducing legislation to immediately impact the energy crisis that is tearing at the fabric of the working class and will very shortly become a National disaster. With oil approaching $140 a barrel and predictions of $12.00 a gallon gasoline the Nation is in peril right now, today, May 21,2008. As the leading Democratic Presidential candidate it is Mr. Obama's obligation to put a spotlight on the effects of the price of oil and the devastation that it is and will be causing on the Nation's fiscal health. There is action that can be taken now and for the future. Right now, immediately, Senator Obama can initiate legislation and twist the arms of the Democratic leadership to push it through the Congress. In days the tariffs on imported ethanol can be lifted,

Solar Power

In 2000 Germany passed legislation that that would put solar power on 100,000 roofs throughout the Country through a series of grants and low interest loans. To accompany this plan the German Government mandated that the power companies buy the excess power from the building owners who accepted the low interest loans at 7 times the cost of energy for ten years, thus providing an income equal to the loan payments to the building owners. Basically this enables building owners to install solar power for free on their buildings. The power companies pay more for electricity than they would to generate it but they save on expanding capacity and plant maintenance. The Power Companies were going to build more Nuclear power plants to meet the increase in demand, but with the program demand was cut and the additional nuclear plant was not needed so the power companies did not need the capital intensive investment in a new plant. Everyone benefited from the German Plan. The Building owners were a

The Important Business of Congress

Today The House of Representatives started their day with a message from the Senate that they passed without amendment House Bill, H.R. 2356 which is a Bill to encourage the display of the American Flag on Father's Day. It would seem that with Food Prices skyrocketing and Energy Costs tripling and the Middle Class falling into Poverty and those in Poverty falling into despair, with an illegal occupation of a foreign Country, and Americans dying and being maimed and disabled by an insurgent civil war that thew House of Representatives would have a more meaningful agenda that encouraging that the American Flag be displayed on Father's Day. Does the House of Representatives think that displaying the American Flag is a way to honor the Nation's Fathers? Maybe a better way to honor the Nation's Fathers would be to have a serious legislative session that would reverse the most egregious violations of American Principals that the past seven and a half years of Republican polic

Out of Gas

CNN is running a special called "Out of Gas" in which they present a chilling scenario of a major oil disruptions to the United States. A disruption that causes truckers to park their trucks leaving store shelves empty, major stores closing their doors and leading to a food shortage throughout the country. Although this is a fictional scenario it is one that can easily happen because of the U.S. dependence on oil. The show goes on to show Brazil's solution, making ethanol out of sugar cane. During the oil crisis of the 1970's the Brazilian economy was crippled and thanks to the foresight of the Brazilian leaders at they time they were determined to never be in that situation again. At the same time the U.S. politics decided to do nothing to mitigate the forthcoming crisis in the U.S. Is the U.S. lack of planing and determination caused by the Politics or the lack of leadership? At this point it really doesn't matter, the point that matters is that in 2008 the po