
Showing posts from October 26, 2008

Cheney Finally Endorses McCain

Vice President Dick Cheney has come out from his bunker where is is busy destroying any records that can be used against the Republican Bush/Cheney Administration in the event of a Democratic take back of the Federal Government. He is most likely making enough paper shreddings to accommodate a New York City Ticker Tape parade. Today he took the time to endorse his buddy and fellow Republican who supports the same policies that he espouses, John McCain. Even though in 2000 as an executive member of the Bush for President Campaign Team, Cheney directed the operations that led to the slandering of Senator McCain during the primary, he now thinks that John McCain is "the right leader for this moment in history". In the endorsement speech at a McCain Campaign event in Wyoming, Cheney said, " John is a man who understands the danger facing America". If that were true, would John McCain have chosen Sarah Palin as his running mate, a running mate who will be one seventy-two


On the verge of an historic election is not the same as making it happen. The electorate must not be complacent. No matter what the polls in your State are saying, we all must still do whatever it takes to get out and vote and show the current power structure that is funded by the fossil fuel industry and the military industrial complex that enough is enough. We will not sit idly by and watch the last vestiges of our freedoms, rights and liberties be stolen again by phony black box computerized voting machines. Today's mantra by the right wing is that McCain is in the lead. There is no way in the world that McCain is in the lead. They are trying to set us up for another election night steal. Complacency will allow them to do it. Now is not the time for complacency , we must fight to wrest our Nation back from the daemons who have stolen our wealth, sent our fellow citizens to waste away in an occupation of attrition, and sucked the soul from our National Consciousness. Enough is

The Republican October Surprise Unleashed

Reuters has reported from Dubai that al Qaeda has released another video just in time for the U.S. Presidential Elections, what a coincidence. According to the Reuters report the video said, “O God, humiliate Bush and his party, O Lord of the Worlds, degrade and defy him," This is the same typical Republican ploy that we saw during the 2004 election. It seems every time that the Republicans are in trouble al Qaeda comes to their rescue, it makes you wonder does al Qaeda work for the Republicans. Isn’t it convenient for the McCain Campaign to have this video surface now? No doubt the McCain/Palin team will seize upon the words of this video and proclaim that al Qaeda is endorsing Senator Obama in the Presidential Election. I can just see the right wing minions on Faux News and talk radio saying, “see the terrorists want Obama”. Just as they used these tactics in the 2004 election very effectively to scare the American Population, here we go again. Do not forget that Tom Ridge, the

McCain's Fox and Friends

As the McCain Campaign continues on their path to self destruction the Fox News Network has become a twenty-four hour commercial for the McCain Palin Ticket. The shows on Fox News abound with stories about how the "media" is unfair to the McCain Ticket. Does Fox News realize that they are part of the Media and they have run pro-McCain, anti-Obama stories throughout this election cycle? As the Election comes down to the wire Fox News has switched from being a propaganda machine for the Bush Administration into a twenty-four hour commercial for the McCain Palin Campaign. The slanders and lies against Senator Obama are non-stop ranging from their normal propagandists to every "guest" that they give air time. Even the Weatherman on Fox and Friends and the Sportscaster get in on the act. No matter how many lies the Fox News Network tells in the next few days before the election, they cannot stem the tide of lies that John McCain and Sarah Palin continue to tell. This ti

Save Our Nation - Vote

The upcoming election will determine the policies that are pursued over the next four years that will dictate the swiftness with which we enter the future. One Candidate wants to cling to the past and continue on a path of burning our assets with fossil fuels, the other realizes that the future of our Nation depends on an Energy Revolution. One Candidate wants to continue the economic and tax policies that favor the rich and hopes that enough crumbs fall off the table to support the other classes of people, the other wants to rebuild the economy with a purposeful policy that will rebuild the infrastructure of the Nation while providing jobs and a living wage and he knows that the growth will enable all income levels to rise up again as they did in the 1990's under the last Democratic President. One Candidate wants to use our Military to continue to occupy Sovereign Nations, while the other wants to use our Military to protect our vital interests. One Candidate has supported the Bus

Sarah Has No Clothes

The Republican Party has begun bickering over exactly who bought the Sarah Palin Wardrobe. It was revealed that the McCain Campaign has spent $150.000 on Sarah Palin's Wardrobe, now the campaign is denying it, saying that the RNC bought the wardrobe for their Vice Presidential Diva. The RNC then said it was the McCain Campaign, the McCain Campaign said that the total expenditure would be much less because most of the clothing would be returned because it was not the right size. In the middle of the wardrobe malfunction it was revealed that the largest weekly expenditure on personnel was the makeup artists that accompany the McCain Campaign. Are you confused yet? All this from a Campaign that has taken on "Joe the Plumber" as their mascot. This from the "maverick" who claims to be on the side of "Joe Six Pack" as Sarah likes to call the working class. Is it abundantly clear now that the McCain Campaign is nothing more than a traveling side show, a tradi

McCain Meets McCain

Today, Sunday, October 26, 2008, John McCain appeared on Meet the Press and he met John McCain. He seemed very surprised to meet another John McCain, one who wholeheartedly supported the policies of George Bush. This week the John McCain who appeared on Meet the Press has been running around the country running his mouth about the failure of the Bush Administration. When confronted with video showing John McCain saying that he "fundamentally supported all the Bush Policies", he accused the host Tom Brokaw of entrapment. It is funny that John McCain feels entrapped when he meets John McCain. Whenever Mr. Brokaw confronted John McCain with statements that John McCain has made he either went off in another direction, attacked Barack Obama or denied that he said what the viewer just saw John McCain say on video. It has become so obvious to everyone that John McCain will say anything to win this election, he doesn't care how many lies he has to tell or how many times he has to