
Showing posts from October 5, 2008

The Corporate Government

The Republican Party philosophy seems to have disappeared. Since the Reagan fallacy, the Republicans have been touting an agenda of eliminating taxes on the wealthy while dismantling regulation, oversight and governance. They have opposed social services, rebuilding infrastructure, raising the minimum wage, increasing worker benefits, health care, head start, educational initiatives, energy independence, clean air, clean water, corporate tax and immigration reform. They have supported a nominal government, the repeal of the estate tax, lowering of taxes on the wealthy, lowering corporate taxes, lowering capital gains tax, capping the social security tax and letting corporations police themselves. What have their policies brought us in October 2008. A National Financial Meltdown causing a global financial meltdown. The Republicans solution is to Nationalize the Banks and Financial Institutions by buying equity stakes in the Corporations to prop them up. They still don't realize tha

John McCain and His Friends

The McCain/Palin rallies have turned into vicious antagonist attack forums on Senator Obama. Senator McCain and Governor Plain have taken the political campaign into the spectrum of dangerous personal attacks upon the opposition, and are encouraging unwarranted actions. They should present their ideas, policies and agenda instead of inciting crowds of angry people with unfounded, malicious attacks. Yesterday Senator McCain acquiescing to the angry crowd said, " we do have a right to know who his (Obama's) friends are. " Then Senator McCain the American people also have a right to know who your past associates are: Charles Keating - Major McCain Contributor - Center of S&L Crisis Ken Lay - Eron Ralph Reed - Lobbyist Jack Abramoff - Lobbyist Jack Oliver - Lobbyist Charlie Black- Lobbyist Wayne Berman - Lobbyist Randy Scheunemann - Lobbyist Frank Donatelli - Lobbyist Top Campaign Contributor to McCain: Citigroup - Sub prime Scandal Merrill Lynch - Sub prime Sc

Dow 6000

With another steep drop in the DOW Jones Industrial Average today it is clear that Wall Street has finally realized what Main Street has known for years. The Republican Bush/Cheney Economic Policies have been a failure. The Economic Policies of the so called "Conservative" Movement of the Republican Party preaches "free market" economics. What they mean by "free markets" are markets that remove all regulatory oversight, the result of removing regulatory oversight is the current economic crisis. Senator McCain throughout his career has often referred to himself as a "deregulator" along with his other self proclaimed title of "maverick". The result of maverick deregulation has arrived for all to experience. The Dow will seek its own level, a level that will be based on a realistic investment ratio. The traders, speculators and money mangers who have for years disregarded the fundamentals of investing must now recondition themselves to inv

Sarah Palin - Attack Dog With Lipstick

The McCain campaign has put their VP nominee Sarah Palin in the role of vicious attack dog. She goes from rally to rally giving the same speech, linking Senator Obama to a string of lies, innuendos and accusations while stirring up the crowds and ignoring shouts of hostility from the crowd towards Obama. The Straight Talk Express has been anything but, and has now sunk to the depths of slander politics. In the course of a "normal" campaign when the VP nominee goes into a town, he or she would meet with as much local press as possible, this is not the case with Ms. Palin. The McCain Campaign will not let her step out of their protective custody and talk to the press. Doesn't every American see this as an aberration of the Political System, that we will never hear from the Vice Presidential Candidate in any forum other than a stock campaign speech. From the beginning McCain said that his campaign would be an honest and truthful campaign, McCain has failed to live up to eith

John McCain Calls You "Friend"

During Tonight's Presidential Debate John McCain invoked the phrase "My Friends" countless times, as if by calling us his "friends" we will somehow join him in his alternate reality. Throughout the debate John McCain claimed positions on issues that he never acted upon in his twenty-six years in the Senate. His mantra of I know how to fix Washington is getting really tiresome coming out of the mouth of a Senator of Twenty-Six Years who has been in the lobbyists pockets for most of those years. Mr. McCain was a central figure in the failure of the S& L 's in the 80's with his involvement in the Lincoln Savings Banks founder and major McCain Contributor Mr. Keating . Yet, McCain with a straight face and a forced sincerity in his voice looks the American People right in the eye and claims that he is not an insider in Washington. He even went as far as to distance himself from an Energy Bill that the Bush/Cheney Administration supported by claiming that

Stock Market Fall

Today the Global Stock markets were beaten down followed by the U.S. Markets. Pundits are still claiming that the sell offs are in response to the liquidity crisis of confidence in the credit markets. After years of rising stock price that were way out of line with Price/Earnings (P/E)ratios could it just be reality setting in? Traditionally a reasonable P/E ratio was 7 times earnings before the stock markets were overrun with MBA's, derivatives and hedge funds. We then entered the age of "investing" wildly in companies that didn't have earnings and had little hope of posting earning in a reasonable time, yet the prices were driven up by speculation and anticipation. Suddenly investing was no longer calculated on trailing P/E rations but on projected (future) P/E ratios. This changed the whole dynamics of investing, stock prices became contingent on the future possibilities of a Company rather than on the current financial health and past performance of the Company. T

Democrats Fail Us Again

So, the Democratic Party bought into the lies of the Bush Administration again. You think that the resolution on Iraq would have taught them something, anything. The Democrats were hoodwinked into voting for the War Resolution that allowed the United States to invade a Sovereign Nation without provocation because of the lies and twisted intelligence that the Bush Administration told them. It took most Democrats years to admit that they were tricked and deceived into supporting the Iraq Policy. Now The Bush Administration comes to Congress with phony documentation that the Economy is going to collapse unless the Congress turns over the keys to the vault instantly. Without due diligence, without looking objectively at the situation, without offering any innovative or progressive solutions, in other words without leadership, the Democrats went along with the Bush Administration and committed the financial future of the Nation to the a lame duck Administration and Secretary of the Treasury