
Showing posts from April 13, 2008

Bill of Rights - 1st Amendent

Bill of Rights Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. It seems as if Congressman Vito Fossella (R-NY) is not aware of the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights, and has nothing better to do than to critique a comedy show. Congressman Vito Fossella (R-NY) along with some other elected officials , who should be doing the People's business, have now become television critics. Mr. Fossella and other elected elected officials made public a letter sent to HBO President, Ms. Sue Naegle . There are many problems with this letter besides the fact that these elected officials should be tending to the business of governance which they were elected and are paid to do. The first paragraph of this letter opens with, "We are writing to express

The Election is not a Sport

Yesterday on 4/17/08 Former President Clinton make comments referring to the previous night's Presidential debate towards Barack Obama, saying that this is a rough game and you shouldn't put on the uniform if you can't play rough. Mr. Clinton's contributions towards raising the standards of all classes while in office are certainly recognized. The Former President's view on the current Primary battle between Senators Clinton and Obama as a game is appalling. This election is not a game, it is of utmost seriousness. The Nation is in peril, it is not a sporting event. The United States of America is the greatest experiment that human kind has ever undertaken in the way of Governance, and it is now in jeopardy. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Our financial system is owned by foreign governments. Our currency is in trouble on world markets. Our manufacturing capabilities have deteriorated. We are reliant on a foreign energy supply. Our education system is lagging. Our

The Democratic Debate was a Shame

The Democratic Debate of April 16, 2008 moderated by ABC's Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos was entertaining at most. An excessive amount of time was spent on questions that rose slightly above the level of gossip. I was expecting better questions from Mr. Gibson, a seasoned newsman, and Mr. Stephanopoulos, usually a serious inquirer. The Debate, however was kept on the gossipy level that this campaign has taken. Very few serious policy questions were asked, and very few policies were presented by the candidates. The one chance to show unity that was given to the Candidates was met with blank stares. The Candidates were asked if they would each chose the other as a running mate to help unite the Democratic Party after the nomination was secured by one or the other, both Candidates stood staring blankly at the camera. An 8" x 10" still picture of this moment should be posted in every Democratic Party operative's office because this will be the look on every Dem

Tonight's The Night For Democrats to Unite

Tonight's featured debate between the Democratic Candidates will be the last chance that the Democrats have to unite. The bitterness of this campaign must be left behind and issues must be discussed. It is past time for the Democrats to propose an alternative to the Republican control that has gripped this Nation for the last seven years and has now led us into the quicksand of despair. Senators Clinton and Obama must show the American People that there is an alternative and the Democratic Party is that alternative. It is a night when the Senators should check their campaigns and egos at the door and give a message of change, hope and unity. Time is running short. The McCain campaign already has a head start and they are proposing changes that appeal to the American People. If the Democrats have any hope of winning in the fall election, they must stop this petty bickering and present the ideas of change in a concise and understandable debate. The American People are ripe for chang

Policies Please Democrats

Today Senator John McCain began laying out Policies that he would like to implement. It would be a good idea if the Democratic Candidates, Clinton and Obama took the same initiative and also made major speeches on Policy. Instead of bickering and attacking each other and giving the Republicans ammunition for the General Election, the Democratic hopefuls would do well to outline some major policy changes that will affect the American People. The longer the bickering continues between the two Candidates the more damage that is being done to the chances of a Democratic win in November. Both Candidates are sitting U.S. Senators, both should be in the Senate offering legislation that will affect change now. Both Candidates have the ability to put forth legislation that will put the Administration on the defensive instead of putting each other on the defensive. Senators Clinton and Obama should be offering legislation that will extend unemployment benefits, raise the food stamp allowance,

The People are Bitter

Mr. Obama was correct, the People are bitter. The People are bitter because politicians are playing games while the American way of life is being destroyed by an Administration that has run awry without any checks and balances as prescribed in the Constitution. The people are bitter because the Senators and Congressman have failed to provide oversight to an Administration that walks the line of dictaorial power. Senators Clinton and McCain now pounce and spin the statement of Senator Obama and turn it into campaign fodder, but the basis of the statement is true. The People are bitter. The People are bitter that the blood and treasure of our Country and their Children's future is being wasted without any action by the Senators. The People are bitter because they are being sucked dry by Corporate banks while the same banks are bailed out by the People's Government. The People are bitter because their jobs have left the Country, never to return and the Government continues to rewa

Constitution of the United States : Preamble

We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice , insure domestic tranquility , provide for the common defense , promote the general welfare , and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity , do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The Preamble of the Constitution establishes the reason for the formation of the Federal Government of the United States of America. In Examining the Preamble it can be seen that the authors saw the Citizens as the most important entity in the formation of the Federal Government. The five reasons cited for forming a more perfect union are to further the lives of the Citizen of the Union. First, establish justice , goes to the heart of equality, a system that will enable a just resolution to disputes is the foundation for this civilized experiment in governing. After Justice is established than the ground rules for the other objectives is spelled out. On