
Showing posts from May 4, 2008

McCain Plays the Politics of Fear

The Republican Presidential Campaign of John McCain has shown their hand this past week, they will use the politics of fear that they learned so well from the Bush Administration. John McCain actually had the audacity to say that Hamas supports Senator Barack Obama in his quest for the Presidency. How exactly does John McCain know that Hamas supports a Presidential Candidate in an American election? The McCain people learned well from the Bush propaganda machine which claimed that al-Qaeda supported the John Kerry Candidacy. The Bush Campaign actually attributed their knowledge that al-Qaeda supported John Kerry by virtue of a poll that was conducted throughout the al-Qaeda world. The American people were expected to believe that a pollster walked up to al-Qaeda members and said, “so who do you support in the election for US President?” Now we are asked to believe that Hamas is supporting Senator Obama. The past seven years the American Public has been kept in check and manipulated by

Senator Clinton Betrays the Democratic Party

The Democratic objective is to win the White House, something that Senator Clinton seems to have forgotten along the way. Senator Clinton is making comments aimed at separating the Democratic base from the party. What exactly is her objective? As a Democratic it would seem prudent to campaign on the issues that will unite a broad base of voters not to fragment them. Senator Clinton’s comments that white working class people will not vote for Senator Obama in the general election. Senator Clinton’s strategy to win the nomination now seems to be a divide and conquer policy, which is not appropriate amongst Democrats. The Democratic Party has always been the party of that united very different segments of the population to win elections. Mrs. Clinton seems hell bent on destroying this tradition. Throughout the primaries Mrs. Clinton’s campaign has consistently used negative campaigning whenever polls have leaned against her, now that it seems inevitable that Senator Obama will survive to

The Philadelphia Incident

In Philadelphia, PA, another brutal police gang beating was caught on video. The vicious, brutal beating of three black males by 14 white officers with a dog brings back memories of a sad era in the history of America. However, even if the root hatred is the same as that of the Southern culture of the early 20th Century in America, this beating is indicative of a thuggish mentality that permeates some police departments throughout the country. This police mugging in Philadelphia follows the acquittal of three police officers in New York City, who shot three black 50 times. As this video is shown throughout the world it is hard for America to have a creditable voice in the call for Human Rights. America can hardly be the moral authority of Human Rights throughout the world when such a clear violation of Human Rights is caught on video. In America, this beating is presented as the actions of rouge officers, not as a systemic problem. With the police state mentality that the current Feder

The Democratic Party Platform

Now that Senator Barack Obama is the presumptive Democratic Party Nominee for President of the United States of America, the Party must present a Platform on which to run their Nominee. The Party should be aware of the key issues that the Citizenry is expressing interest in and are looking for solutions for. Any Platform that fails to address the issues that pulled Senator Obama through the Primary process will be deficient. The Democratic Party must present a platform that will enhance and further the liberal tradition of the founding Fathers. The Founding fathers envisioned a Government that would secure the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To bring these ideals into reality the Democratic Platform must address the immediate and the future. The Platform must present the Democratic Vision of Governance, not the Public Relations talking points of a media campaign. Any failure by the Democratic Platform to put a realistic platform under the feet of their Nominee

The Bush/Cheney Oil Program

The Bush/Cheney Administration seems not to care that the rise in oil prices will cause economic collapse throughout the land. Remember in the the first Presidential debate against Al Gore in response to what he would do about the oil crunch, Bush Said " I'm an oil man, I know how to jawbone with the Saudis". Well America is sure glad he is good at jawboning. What is causing the rise in oil and gasoline prices? The media point towards a rise in world demand, the falling dollar, not enough refineries, world instability and sudden spikes are blamed on weather. All of these reasons are factors in the rise in oil and gas. The main reason for the U.S. is the failure of this administration to have a cohesive energy policy and the failure to negotiate with the oil producers. When Hugo Chavez offered gasoline to the U.S. , the Bush Administration rudely declined because Chavez is not a member of their club. George W. Bush walks around the Rose Garden of the White House holdin

Democrats and Fox News

The Democratic Candidates have decided that Fox News is a legitimate forum for the discussion of campaign issues. First Senator Clinton gives a sit down interview to the factor, and then Senator Obama appears. What can the Democrats gain by appearing on a network that is a propaganda arm of the Republican Party. There is only one show on the entire Network that might present news, Studio B, hosted by Shepard Smith, and even that show does not have news in the title because there is a fair amount of the Fox News Skew on there also. One of the worst offenders on the Network is The factor hosted by Bill O'Riely. Mr. O'Reily often makes up his own facts and presents them as true. Are the Democrats looking for the crossover vote in the primaries that do not have affiliate voting? The majority of the crossover vote is happening because the right wing radio hosts are encouraging their Republican lemmings to vote for Mrs. Clinton to keep the Democrats at a disadvantage by not having a

Obama Speaks at Jefferson Jackson Dinner

Tonight, May 4, 2008, Senator Obama spoke at The Jefferson Jackson Dinner in Indiana and hit some policy home runs. Senator Obama talked about all the right policies and gave hope to his battered campaign. Senator Obama covered topics ranging from the high energy costs caused by the failed policy of the Bush Administration and about making a major investment as a Country into Alliterative Energy. Mr. Obama covered the failures of the unfunded school mandates such as the failing Bush Policy of no child left behind. He spoke about using the money being squandered in a unjust war in Iraq and using that money to rebuild the infrastructure of our own Country. An articulate Senator Obama eased from topic to topic always sticking with solutions for the problems and even sounded a call once issued by President Kennedy, a call for Americans to get involved and volunteer for such programs as the Peace Corp. In his 31 minute speech Senator Obama spoke about making America Great again by uniting t