
Showing posts from October 12, 2008

Less than 100 Days of Bush - Part 2

It has been a long, arduous, painful, sickening seven plus years since the Bush Administration was created. We have lived through the attacks of 9/11/01, the invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq, the plundering of the Treasury, the dilution of the Bill of Rights, the dismemberment of the Geneva Convention, the appointment of an unconfirmed UN Ambassador , the phony press credentials and questions of Jeff Gannon , the establishment of GITMO, rendition, the steady stream of Republicans who resigned from Congress in disgrace, the phony terror alerts and on and on and on and on. One of the worst incidents of the Bush Presidency and one that reflects the backwards philosophy that the Republicans have perpetrated on the Nation is the response to Hurricane Katrina. An American City was devastated, American Citizens were drowning, television crews were showing people in distress and the response by the FEMA and the Federal Government was minimal. The United States of America Federal G

Sarah Palin Announces a Press Conference???

No, Sarah Palin has not announced a Press Conference. The McCain Campaign has to tell the American Public why Sarah Palin has not had a Press Conference and why there are no plans for her to have a Press Conference. Here we are only two weeks away from a pivotal election in American History and the Vice Presidential Candidate on the Republican ticket has not spoken to the press. How can anyone vote for her? She has not discussed any issues, she has not proclaimed any understanding of the function of the Federal Government or what her plans might be as part of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. The John McCain Campaign expects the American People to blindly vote for the McCain ticket without knowing anything the second person. It is sad that John McCain nominated a person who does not even have the basic knowledge of the issues to speak to the press without a prepared speech. This is another example of the disdain that John McCain has for the American People. It is a fundam

Obama Misses Opportunity

Senator Obama missed a golden opportunity during the October 15, 2008 Presidential Debate with Senator McCain. The moderator gave each Senator the chance to comment on the other's selection for Vice President. Senator Obama was very gracious in his comments about the selection of Sarah Palin while McCain used the opportunity to point out that Joe Biden is on the "right" side of issues in his eyes. Senator Obama obviously didn't feel the need to speak negatively about McCain's choice of Sarah Palin and might have felt that it would hurt the campaign more than help him with undecided voters. However, Senator Obama failed to go in for the kill. He should have been prepared for this question and should have slammed McCain for his Vice Presidential Selection. The Vice Presidential Selection is the first glimpse into a nominee's decisions that he or she will make during their Presidency. Although I personally am not thrilled with Senator Obama's Selection, at le

The McCain Campaign Friends

In Tonight's Debate between McCain and Obama it seems like McCain having thrown down the gauntlet with a steady stream of non-issue attack campaign advertising and a chorus of support from the right wing propaganda media outlets that John McCain is ready to make accusations against Senator Obama concerning past associates. If these happens Senator Obama should not only diffuse the accusations but he should also get down and dirty with the Republican. The McCain Campaign is riddled with lobbyists who lobbied on behalf of ACORN McCain also spoke at an ACORN rally in support of their work). William Timmons, the man that McCain has chosen to lead his transition should he steal the Presidency was a lobbyists for Saddam Hussein, this might explain why McCain cannot see the truth about Iraq. Going through the list of senior McCain Staffers is like going through a list of who's who of the lobbyist who lobbied on behalf of the fossil fuel industry, the coal industry and the financial se

McCain is Blowing in The Wind

The McCain campaign continues to announce "new" programs quicker than a tornado in hopes of coming up with a lie that will stick and save the faltering campaign. Today McCain announced that he will withdraw taxes on unemployment benefits without telling anyone that it was the Republican Congress that voted to tax unemployment benefits in the first place. No matter how many new policies are announced in the next 21 days the facts remain the same. John McCain throughout his Senate career supported and touted the failed policies of deregulation and trickle down economics as begun by his hero Ronald Reagan. The economic gloom of the present highlight the failure of the Republican Policies of the last 30 years. A new day is needed, an understanding and a policy that realizes the way to make an economy prosperous is to increase the buying power of the working and middle class. An economy grows from the bottom upwards not the other way. Until the Republicans realize as , Teddy Roose

McCain Thinks he Knows History

At one of his campaign rallies today Senator McCain compared Senator Obama to Herbert Hoover, then claimed that he knows American History well. Herbert Hoover was a Republican who believed in the power of Government to address social equality, and believed in the regulatory responsibility of Government to protect the People from the abusive power of big Government. McCain tried to tie Herbert Hoover to a tax increase that pushed America into the Great Depression, claiming that Obama calls for the same policy. How many times will McCain tell the same lies. Anyone who reads the proposed Tax Policies of Senator Obama will clearly see that the tax increase is geared towards the top 5% of the wealthiest Americans who have gotten a free ride under the Bush Tax Cuts supported by John McCain. Judging by his statement John McCain knows little about American History, two weeks ago he compared himself to Teddy Roosevelt. Teddy Roosevelt was on a mission to regulate the large industries that were

Less Than 100 Days of Bush/Cheney - Part 1

Yes it is true we have less than 100 days and nights till the end of our long National Nightmare, the Republican Bush - Cheney Administration. In less than four months America will be finished with the most failed Presidency in our History. A Presidency that saw America brought to her knees by the lack of National Security that allowed 19 Foreign Nationals of Arabic descent, most of whom were from Saudi Arabia, with box cutters. This even after Republican President Bush received a Presidential Daily Briefing over 30 days before the attack warning that Air crafts were to be used as weapons in an attack on the United States. This was confirmed weeks later by a warning from foreign intelligence to the United States Intelligence Agencies . Republican George W. Bush was on Vacation, golfing during the month prior to 9/11/01. Republican Dick Cheney was holding secret "Energy Meetings" with oil companies. With the collapsing of the World Trade Center Towers of 9/11/01, the Republica