
Showing posts from August 10, 2008

Repost Of Solutions for A Growing America - Part 1

The number one priority for the America today is of course a viable, cohesive, renewable energy policy. This Administration seems unwilling to tackle the issue of Energy Independence for America either because it will put a crimp in the profitability of the Corporations that have supported them or because they just plain don't care because they are an Administration that has always had a short term vision. It then becomes incumbent on The Congress to lead the way and hammer out a program that will fund the research, development, installation and distribution of renewable, alternative energy. By funding research and development through American Universities and colleges, The Congress can also at the same time improve the Educational System that has fallen behind due to lack of support for the last seven plus years from the current Administration. The Congress can implement and fund programs throughout the Country that would cost a fraction of what was spent on the invasion of Iraq.

Democratic Platform

The Democratic Convention should present to the America People with a platform that will lay out the foundation for the future course of the Nation. With 84% of the People polled thinking that the Country is headed in the wrong direction it is a golden opportunity for the Democratic Party to present a new foundation on which to build our future as a Nation. The Party Platform should address a major policy initiative that will put us on a course of Energy Independence with a timetable for achieving goals such as 20% of all buildings owned by all levels of government energy self sufficient within 5 years. All public lighting taken off the electric grid within 7 years and so on. Concrete funded objectives must be presented and met. The Democrats must speak out and have a legislative agenda to limit interest rate percentages to a reasonable level such as 7% above prime. Right now financial institutions can borrow tax paper money from the Federal reserve at below 2% interest, yet they char

The Future is Now

The campaigns continue to talk about oil and has prices, but not a plan to end our need to be concerned with oil and gas prices. The technology exists today to change the way we energize our life. Right now there is a Hydrogen Car Tour going across the country to demonstrate the viablility of a hydrogen powered car. The Federal Government is will to give billions of dollars in tax considerations to the dying fossil fuel industry, if this same money was given to Universities to research and develop alternative engines that run on hydrogen the industry would explode with innovation that would make such an alternatively run car a feasible alternative. If GM and Ford would like to rise up from the ashes and become the dominant automobile players that they once were, it would behoove them to put all their efforts into alternative engines at affordable prices. Henry Ford saw a market for a reasonably priced Auto and he went after it. If Either of the dying auto manufacturers would like t

Drilling Is Not An Answer

Again today President Bush continued on the Republican talking point of the Congress needs to approve more drilling. The facts have not changed, drilling will not solve anything. If off shore drilling were approved today how many rigs would be available to set up and start drilling within the next year, or two years or three years? The answer is none. It takes years to build oil rigs capable of deep sea drilling. Then after years of building the rigs it will take years before any oil is sent to market from any off shore drilling platforms. Yet, The Republicans, even using the President as a propaganda tool insist on telling the American People that if Congress would only pass some legislation giving more off shore leases to the oil companies, that the price of gas will go down. Drilling is not a solution in the short term or the long term. In the time it takes to build the rigs, drill for oil and refine and send it to market, the Nation could be well on our way to a New Era of energ

To Choose a Future

The Upcoming United States Presidential Election is of grave importance to our Nation. Not that every election does not have importance, but this election cycle our nation stands at a crossroads that will dictate the future for many generations to come. From the standpoint of just the domestic issues that must be on a new President’s agenda, it is clear that the person taking the helm of the Presidency will have to be able to deal with a multitude of crisis at one tome or a very competent delegator of Authority. We all know that when you delegate a job it is not the same as doing it yourself, however the next President will surely need to delegate to experts in many fields and be able to trust their judgment and expertise. The first task a new President will have on his agenda is the direction that the Nation will take on energy. Will we, as a Nation, continue to let conglomerates use national land to drill and mine more fossil fuels that they will sell back to the American People a

What Does the Next U.S. President Face?

With Labor Day, the unofficial end of Summer, close at hand, it won't be long before the Presidential race becomes the main focus. Soon the Conventions will occur, then the debates and in less than 90 days, the election. It is hard to understand how any person would want to be elected President in this cycle. The next President will face challenges not seen by a United States President since FDR. On the Home Front the Economy teethes on the verge of a very deep recession if not a depression. The Credit markets are a mess, on the one hand the serious slow down in economic activity cries out for low interest rates, but the rise in commodity prices foreshadows an inflationary period which would call for higher interest rates. Banks are loan shy because of the abuses that have put them in a precariously fragile asset state. Housing sales are slumping and prices falling, foreclosures are at record highs with many more to come. The Housing market can not recover because banks aren't

McCain Not A Maverick

Senator McCain is now going around the country calling himself a "Maverick". I can think of a lot of words that define Senator McCain's political career but "Maverick" is not one of them. The McCain Campaign is riddled with lobbyists and old time politicians who have supported the Corporate Government of G.W. Bush and think that Ronald Reagan was a Great President. Senator McCain should use the online dictionary where he would see that one of the definitions of a Maverick is: 2. a lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates. then he would know that he is not one. McCain's entire campaign is run by Corporate Lobbyists. His Campaign manager has lobbied for foreign governments, and has even lobbied McCain, what kind of dissenter is he? What has he dissent from? The only dissent I can recall easily is when he dissented from making Martin Luther King Day a Federal Holiday, he d