
Showing posts from May 25, 2008

Let the Campaign Begin

The upcoming week should finally resolve who will be the Democratic nominee for President. The Democratic nominee has a lot of ground to cover, McCain has been campaigning for weeks without opposition, while the Democrats have been still fighting amost each other. Hopefully, whichever Democrat becomes the nominee will begin a campaign of issues immediatley and not get sucked into the politics of antagoism that the Republicans would prefer. From the past couple of weeks it has become obvious the kind of campaign that the Republicans will run. They will run a campaign of fear and distortion. It is incumbent upon the Democratic Candidate to raise the level of the campaign to one of issues and solutions. The Democratic Nominee must engage the American Electorate with interesting and viable solutions to the economic instability that has gripped the middle class, working class and poverty stricken. The Democratic Candidate must address the energy issue with a long range cohesive plan that

Drill Here Not A Solution

Newt Gingrich has launched a Web Site called " American Solutions For Winning The Future". This Web Site has launched a petition campaign called, Drill Here, Drill Now, in which they are petitioning the Congress to open up more drilling land to the Oil Companies. Mr. Gingrich states on the Web Site in the Welcome letter that this is a bi-partisan group of Americans working for solutions for the future of American, yet if you look at the list of donors, also available on the Web Site you will notice that the contributors and supporters of this group are all Republicans and State Republican Parties. Starting with the Drill Here, Drill Now campaign the reader will notice that all of the platforms that this Site is advocating are all Republican ideals. Mr. Gingrich claims that by the Federal Government allowing drilling on Public Lands this will somehow lead to a solution of the energy crisis. As is well known the desire to have oil companies drill on public lands has been a pe

Get McClellan Under Oath

In the fervor over the Scott McClellan book, What Happened , the Congressional Leadership should get Mr. McClellan under oath before Congressional Committees. It is imperative that this man's recollections be recorded before there are any more distortions by the Republican propaganda machine. Obviously there is too much truth in Mr. McClellan's book for the Republicans to bear, they have reached into the third and fourth layers of the propaganda machine to insure that an Administration spokesperson is seen on every television station and heard on every radio station trying to discredit Mr. McClellan and his recollections. It is of vital importance that the Congress get sworn statements from Mr. McClellan for future references as the Congress pursues the investigation that led to the Iraq Invasion and Occupation. The knowledge that Mr. McClellan possesses about the inner circle of the Republican Administration occupying the Executive Branch is vital in pursuing the facts of the

Scott McClellan Cracks the Amour

The Scott McClellan book, What Happened , is the the beginning of the end for the lies and distortion perpetrated on The American People by The Republican Bush/Cheney Administration. It is a wonder that it took this long for a member of the Bush inner circle to have a pang of conscious. It must have been hard for Scott McClellan to sleep at night knowing that the death of over 4,000 American Service Personnel have died in a war based on lies, and McClellan obviously knew they were lies unlike most of the American People who could only believe that they were lies. Scott McClellan was a darling of the Republican Bush/Cheney Administration during the time of his service, now however within hours of the release of the excerpts the Republic attack machine was in full force calling McClellan a liar, an opportunist, unpatriotic and heaven forbid, " a liberal". The Republican propaganda machine was quick to have their right wing neo-con fanatical talk show hosts call McClellan every

McCain Issues Meaningless Challenge to Obama

In A Story on the AP,with bylines by By Liz Sidoti and Barry Massey Senator McCain criticized Senator Obama for not visiting Iraq since 2006. In the AP article Senator McCain is quoted as saying," Look at what happened in the last two years since Senator Obama visited and declared the war lost," Senator McCain continued", He really has no experience or knowledge or judgment about the issue of Iraq and he has wanted to surrender for a long time," . This is a totally disingenuous statement by the Old Republican Senator from Arizona, Senator Obama never used the word "surrender" and Mr. McCain is fully aware of that. If Senator McCain had any understanding of Iraq he would surely know that a Military force cannot surrender from an illegal invasion and occupation, the only thing they can do is withdraw. The United States lost this Military incursion the moment that they invaded a Sovereign Country under false pretenses and with manipulated intelligence. Mr. Mc

Memorial Day 2008

Each year that the Bush Administration has held the reigns of power Memorial Day has had more dead to remember. This administration has added to the dead that Americans memorialize for an invasion based on lies, phony intelligence and deception, and continues to occupy a Sovereign Nation based upon the same lies and deception. As President Bush participated in the solemn ceremony at the tomb of the Unknowns today at Arlington National Cemetery did it cross his mind that over 4,000 American Military Personnel died in the mistake we call the Bush War? This Memorial Day 2008 the number of those who served in World War II are dwindling at a rapid pace. The World War II generation fought a Noble Cause that truly protected the freedoms that are enjoyed throughout the World. It is a grave injustice to those who fought in World War II to have the generation of their grandchildren dying in an unjust war of aggression perpetrated by the Bush-Cheney Republican Administration. It was an aggression

Bush's War on Memorial Day 2008

Thanks to the Bush-Cheney War of aggression against Iraq, this Memorial Day Americans will honor over 4,000 Military Personnel who gave their lives in service to the United States Military in a war of Colonization perpetrated by the Bush-Cheney-Republican Administration. Over 4,000 American Families will suffer the memories of their family members lost in an illegal invasion launched by the Bush-Cheney-Republican Administration lies and deceptions. The Democrats are not blameless in this Bush-Cheney-Republican war, the only Senator to vote against giving the power to invade to the Republican War Mongers was Senator Paul Wellstone who is now dead from a plane crash shortly after the vote. Two of three Senators running for President also voted in the affirmative to give the Republican invaders the authority to launch an invasion against a Sovereign Nation with a duly elected President and government. Senators Clinton and McCain both voted for the War in Iraq. This Memorial day as most Am