
Showing posts from February 22, 2009

Where Did all the Money Go?

With Banks reporting losses in the Billions, schemes like Madoff perpetrated, and the world's largest Corporations posting losses in the Billions do you ever wonder where did all the money go? Isn't it odd that throughout the Bush Years, we were constantly being told that the Bush Tax Cuts had created a booming economy? Yet in 18 short months all of a sudden the entire world is broken. It has to make you wonder, where did all the money go. No matter how many plans the Obama Administration and other Central Governments throughout the world announce, the markets react as if that is not enough. So how much is enough and what money will it be replacing? Where is the original money that needs replacing, or was there any ever money that equaled what was on the books? How could the Largest Bank in the U.S.A. be out of money, if they lost it didn't somebody gain it? This is another mystery that we will never know the answer to in our lifetime, but one thing is for sure, plenty of m

The Obama Administration has established the website as the clearinghouse for information on the money being spent in the Stimulus Bill titled - The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Under Frequently Asked Questions there appears this question and response: Q: What type of programs will this recovery package fund?A: The Recovery Act specifies appropriations for a wide range of Federal programs and will increase or extend certain benefits payable under the Medicaid, unemployment compensation, and nutrition assistance programs. The legislation also reduces individual and corporate income tax collections and makes a variety of other changes to tax laws. The package provides funds that will: Create a framework for clean, efficient, American energy; Transform our economy with science and technology; Modernize roads, bridges, transit and waterways; Overhaul education for the 21st Century; Dispense tax cuts to make work pay and create jobs; Expand access to health care an

Gov. Jindal Republican Response to Obama

On the evening of February 24, 2009, President Barack Obama delivered a speech to Congress to discuss the state of the economy and the plans for its recovery. Because of what is left of the Fairness Doctrine, the Networks are required to air a response from the opposing party. Gov. Jindal of Louisiana was chosen by the Republicans to give the response to the Obama Speech. Jindal started by listing a history of the United States that included the journey from slavery to the first African-American President to address a joint session of Congress. He then went into why the Republicans opposed the Obama Stimulus Bill stating, "That is why Republicans put forward plans to create jobs by lowering income tax rates for working families, cutting taxes for small businesses, strengthening incentives for businesses to invest in new equipment and hire new workers, and stabilizing home values by creating a new tax credit for home-buyers. These plans would cost less and create more jobs." T

Obama Administration Amateur Mistakes

The Obama approval ratings after one month in office have come in at remarkably high numbers after some early mistakes. There were the nominees who had tax problems and had to withdraw, and one who was approved even after tax problems were revealed. The most amateur mistakes of the Obama Administration have been overlooked by the general public, but not by those who make their living trading in stocks and bonds. Obama and his Administration have made comments while the Markets were open causing some good trading days to stop in their tracks and reverse. The Obama Administration must establish a simple rule, do not make comments that will cause the markets turmoil when they are open. All such comments should be held off until after trading has concluded during the day. In this way, the Administration will limit the damage that occurs due to instant interpretation of what is said. When the markets are open, rightly or wrongly the markets instant calculate what is said and if a negative i

$900 Million to Palestine is Absurd

Talk is now floating around that the United States is prepared to send Palestine $900 Million in aid through the UN. In this time of financial crisis in the United States, all US funding should go towards helping AMERICANS. No matter what you believe about the Palestine Political Situation, The United States is not in the economic position to continue dispersing aid around the world until all American Citizens have the security of economic solvency. The Obama Administration had to water down the stimulus bill to get it through Congress, so we ended up with a stimulus bill that is about a third of what is really needed to revitalize the American Economy that was destroyed by the deregulation and tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations under the Bush Administration. If the American People can not count on the Government to do the right thing for our own Citizens, why should the American People continue to send economic aid to other regions of the world. The $900 Million that is being t

As Oil Falls

As world demand falls for oil due to a slowdown in economic activity the call for a new Energy Economy for the United States should not be placed on the back burner. The benefits of shifting the Nation's Economy from a Fossil Fuel Based Economy to an Alternative Renewable Sustainable Energy Economy have not lost its immediacy. Even if oil falls below $20 a barrel, the Nation's Future needs are the proper considerations. President Obama and his Economic Planning Team need to remember that this economic depression was fueled by a lack of planning for the future. No matter how the cost of changing the National Energy Infrastructure it must be addressed now, not when oil again approaches $90 a Barrel. The goal of a new energy policy and economy should be a nation that uses 90% less fossil fuels than we used at the peak burning year of 2005. Every gallon of gas and oil that is no longer burned in the United States will become a building block for the future foundation of a new Energ

Mark Levin

There is a new right-wing radio talk show host who is achieving National Syndication around the Nation named Mark Levin. Mr. Levin purports to be a Constitutional Attorney who worked under Edwin Meese in the Reagan White House. Mr. Levin is another of the Bush cheerleaders who thought that the Bush Policies were the right policies. Now that those policies have failed the Nation and led to an unprecedented Economic Downturn which will most likely last for the next decade, Mr. Levin finds it easy to blame the downturn on the Democratic Administration of Bill Clinton. These guys are simply unbelievable. The Eight years of the Clinton Administration are the only eight years that the Nation actually prospered since the Regan Administration and achieved a surplus rather than a deficit. Mr Levin has a problem with the stimulus plan, still insisting that tax cuts are the way to go even though the US has the lowest tax rate of developed countries. Mr Levin is one of those who thinks that the r