
Showing posts from March 1, 2009

Can Dow 3500 be Far Away

As share prices continue to nose dive the Dow Jones Industrial Average continues to follow a very similar pattern as the one seen in the early years of the Great Depression. If the pattern continues the Dow will fall another 50-60% from the current closing price average of the last few trading weeks, which would mean we will see a closing Dow Average of around 3500 before we can begin to regain the financial footing of the stock market if that is even possible. At Dow 3500 most individual investors will have lost over 70% of the value of their assets they entrusted to the stock market. It will be decades before Wall Street can convince the average worker to invest in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds again. This incredible fall of the Dow Jones Industrial Average points out the flaws in the Republican Idea of Privatizing Social Security. Americas should be thanking every Democrat who stood in the way of the Republican Bush Plan that would have invested Social Security funds in the Stock

Main Street Help Still not Addressed

As the Obama Administration continues to tinker with multi-national banks offering more bailout money and programs, Main Street Businesses continue to lay off workers, declare bankruptcy, and close their doors at an alarming rate. Yes, the Nation indeed needs banking, however, there is a world of banking that did not play the financial games that the multi-national banks played, thus they have well-balanced books and are doing quite well. Small community-based banks still thrive in most of America, but if all the attention is given to the multi-national banks and Main Street is allowed to continue to disintegrate these Community-Based Banks will fall into fiscal trouble. The Business Models of Community-Based Banks are simple, take in deposits from local businesses and local depositors, loan out that money to the same customer base and make a profit off the margins between the interest paid on deposits and the interest received on loans. These banks did not play the stock market, creat

Limbaugh Irrelevant

Rush Limbaugh in giving a speech to CPAC claimed that his wish that the Obama Administration Fails does not mean that he hopes the Country fails but rather that it survives. Mr. Limbaugh intimated that if the policies of the Obama Administration were to succeed the United States would fail to survive as we know it. In his speech, Rush Limbaugh misquotes the Constitution of the United States mixing it up with the Declaration of Independence then claims that the people he represents, the Conservatives, believe in the Constitution. "We want every American to be the best he or she chooses to be. We recognize that we are all individuals. We love and revere our founding documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. We believe that the preamble to the Constitution contains an inarguable truth that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life. Liberty, Freedom. And the pursuit of happiness. Those of you watching at home may wonder w

Obama Seeks to Fulfill Promises

President Obama introduced a budget that addresses many of the promises made during the campaign. You can disagree with the percentage applied to each but each item seems to be there. The proposed budget gives a tax cut to a large percent of the working population and slightly increases taxes for the more affluent. Of course the more affluent will squawk because in their view being patriotic means not paying taxes and contributing to the progress of the great experiment of the United States Government. In reality the Obama Budget is only restoring the tax rates that were in place before the irresponsible cuts on the top 2% on income earners. Because of the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthy and his irresponsible incursions into Sovereign Nations the Bush Administration left this Nation in the worst fiscal health since the Great Depression. The Obama Budget merely looks to begin the process of restoring responsible revenue streams to pay for the Federal Expenditures. The Obama Budget also po

House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio)

House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) claims that the Obama Stimulus Bill and the Obama budget are the first steps towards American Socialism. He claims this without any justification other than that the budget includes tax increases for the wealthy, and that the Stimulus Bill leaves debt to the next generation. Here Ladies and Gentlemen is yet another of the clear concise Republican hypocrites. Mr. Boehner spoke nearly a word as the Republican Bush Administration took the Nation's largest surplus and turned it into the Nation's largest historical deficit. Mr. Boehner had no qualms about the trillions of dollars spent on the Iraq invasion and occupation. He spoke not a whisper as the Bush Administration created the Home Land Security branch of government. Not a peep when billions of unaccountable dollars were spent in cash by the Iraqi Provisional Authority under the Bush Administration. Like his counterpart in the Senate, John McCain, Mr. Boehner still believes that t

Citi, Ford and GM are Penny Stocks

The rage before in the mid-1980s on the stock market was trading in what was then referred to as "penny stocks". These stocks were basically start-up companies that could be bought for a couple of dollars a share, and because of the media hype and stockbrokers pushing and churning them to their clients, they would go up a large percentage in a couple of weeks. Of course, like all fads on Wall Street, this soon came to an end when too many average people lost their savings in these ventures. After Eight Years of Republican Rule under the Bush Administration which squandered the Nation's Wealth on invasions and occupations of Sovereign Nations, refused to keep a watchful eye on the Financial Markets, and in fact, discouraged government regulatory agencies from forcing compliance, coupled with their quest for deregulation and tax cuts for Corporations and Wealthy Individuals, we know can look at a New York Stock Exchange listing that includes the biggest names in America'

More Money for Banks

The Federal Government has taken steps to bail out Citibank again, this is the third time. There is an adage on Wall Street, "Don't throw good money after bad". Obviously, this is not a concept that the Federal Government has embraced. Under Bush, Citibank was propped up twice, now the Obama Administration feels it was necessary for the third time. Someone needs to explain exactly why Citibank receives such favorable treatment. Lehman was allowed to fall, yet Citibank is somehow immune from this fate because the Federal Government seems intent on propping up this Bank which obviously had its own little pyramid scheme going on with its books. Citibank's last full-year earnings were reported at $159 Billion, it is mind-boggling that a company that has this kind of revenue stream is not able to maintain on its own. As the Federal Government continues to pour staggering amounts of money into propping up these bank supermarkets that gambled their money on Securities Ob