Oil Companies and the Future
Will the Oil Companies in 2020 still sell oil? With record profits some oil companies see the writing on the wall and are making capital investments in alternative energy research and development. Companies such as BP and Conoco Phillips seem to be at least willing to invest a token amount in alternative energy projects, that would certainly be a prudent idea for a company that knows the product it sells will be obsolete and will vanish from the earth at some point. The question is however, why would the profit laden oil companies even question making an investment in alternative fuel. If the fuel remains a liquid dispensed fuel the major Oil Companies have a tremendous amount of retail outlets. Wouldn't it make sense to develop a product that will utilize the infrastructure of their retail outlets. Exxon/Mobil, even though pushed by the shareholders, still refuses to make a major investment in the future. The Corporate leadership of Exxon/Mobil seems oblivious to the future. A tho...