
Showing posts from April 27, 2008

Oil Companies and the Future

Will the Oil Companies in 2020 still sell oil? With record profits some oil companies see the writing on the wall and are making capital investments in alternative energy research and development. Companies such as BP and Conoco Phillips seem to be at least willing to invest a token amount in alternative energy projects, that would certainly be a prudent idea for a company that knows the product it sells will be obsolete and will vanish from the earth at some point. The question is however, why would the profit laden oil companies even question making an investment in alternative fuel. If the fuel remains a liquid dispensed fuel the major Oil Companies have a tremendous amount of retail outlets. Wouldn't it make sense to develop a product that will utilize the infrastructure of their retail outlets. Exxon/Mobil, even though pushed by the shareholders, still refuses to make a major investment in the future. The Corporate leadership of Exxon/Mobil seems oblivious to the future. A tho

McCain Confused over Iraq War

John McCain at a town hall meeting today said, "My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East". On the surface this statement by McCain can be taken to mean that our young men and women are there to protect oil interests. Later in the day ,when challenged by the press, McCain trying to clarify his earlier hazy statement on war by declaring that he was talking about the first Iraqi War. "No, no, I was talking about that we had fought the Gulf War for several reasons," Mc Cain claimed. One reason he sighted was that Hussein had invaded Kuwait. Continuing to try to weasel his way out of the earlier statement Mc Cain blurted out the truth. "But also we didn't want him to have control over the oil, and that part of the world is critical to us because of our dependenc

May Day 2008

May Day is International Workers Day, a day to commemorate the workers struggle for an eight hour work day. The relationship between May Day and workers can trace back to The Haymarket Affair in 1886. May Day is now considered a day for any political protest. May Day is also an international distress signal deriving from the French word, m'aider, meaning help me. May 1, 2003 is also the day that President G.W. Bush declared " Thank you all very much. Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed" He stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln, with a professional printed banner behind him that read, "Mission Accomplished". As the death count of American Military members grew, our ever diligent press corp began to question the use of the banner and if it meant that the Iraqi occupation was a Missi

The Bush Years by The Numbers

The Bush Administration and their cheerleaders would like you to believe that the Bush Tax cuts have spurred on America to an unprecedented period of economic prosperity. As of two days ago the President said "we are not in a recession, it is just a slowdown" Today the Federal Reserve confirmed the President's statement that there is not a recession. How many Americans believe that. Taking a look at the past seven years, just in terms of numbers, in the year 2000 Americans were paying $1.15 per gallon of gasoline, in 2008 we are quickly approaching $4.00 with predictions as high as $10 per gallon. In 2000, Americans were paying .89 cents for a dozen eggs, today, $3.69, in 2000 bread was $1.49 per loaf, today $2.69, and in 2000 a pound of flour was .27 cents, today .98cents. When the Bush Administration took over in 2000, the previous 4 years the Federal Budget was at a surplus, it has steadily risen to the largest deficit in history. We are losing jobs at a record rate, p

Oil and Gas

Oil Companies reported another record quarter. American Drivers pay record prices. OPEC says to prepare for $200 per barrel oil because the dollar is worthless. Congress is sleeping. The President is counting the days. The Presidential Candidates are talking about Sunday Sermons. Farmers are hurting now because of the rise in Diesel which they need to plow their fields. Fertilizer will be the disaster. The price of oil will cause the price of fertilizer to skyrocket, and the America farmer is now addicted to fertilizer. There will be the inevitable shortage of fertilizer first, and then when the farmers are clamoring for the product, it will become available at a premium price which the farmers will be happy to pay. The American Consumer will ultimately pay in higher food costs. Does any Congress Member have a plan for energy solutions before the Nation collapses? President Bush says he is open to ideas. McCain and Clinton propose a gas tax holiday that will save the average driver the

Bush Knocks 'em Dead at Dinner

The President of The United States is a comedian. The Press has been gushing with praise over the performance of President Bush at The White House Correspondence Dinner. This year’s dinner pointed out more than ever before the two Americas that exist today. There is the America of privilege that attends a gala event in gowns and jewelry feasting on a gourmet dinner and attending extravagant parties while the American Family is suffering from the policies instituted by this Administration and that go unchecked by what is suppose to be the opposition. Celebrities, Politicians, Government Officials and the Press all get along and have a grand time at this event. This is the same dinner a few years ago where President Bush did his infamous routine of looking for WMD’s under the desk at the White House. Again this year the media covered Bush’s performance as if he is a regular guy with a great sense of humor. Even supposed liberal media types like Ed Schultz thought that the President gave

Energy Solutions

It is imperative that the Congress deal with energy immediately. It is a problem that should have been dealt with during the Ford Administration, which is five Presidential Administrations ago. Five Presidents and ten Congresses had the opportunity to lay out a cohesive, progressive foundation towards energy independence, and they all failed to act. Time is of the essence now. The high cost of energy now threatens the vitality of our Nation. Congress must enact a methodical, cohesive plan that sets goals and time tables towards total energy independence for our Nation. There are small goals that can be met with the technology that is available right now. As projects are implemented on a massive scale, the America way is that innovation and ingenuity will follow which will lead to larger projects being accomplished. Every street light on every Federal Highway should be taken off the power grid and lit with solar cells. If Congress would enact a Solar Street Light mandate and fully fund