
Showing posts from August 31, 2008

MIA - Bush - Cheney

Although President G.W. Bush gave a satellite speech to the Republican Convention that is about the only time he was mentioned by name. Even his acceptance speech Senator McCain does not utter the name President George W. Bush but rather refers to him in this way " I'm grateful to the president for leading us in those dark days following the worst attack on American soil in our history, and keeping us safe from another attack many thought was inevitable; and to the first lady, Laura Bush, a model of grace and kindness in public and in private. And I'm grateful to the 41st president and his bride of 63 years, and for their outstanding example of honorable service to our country. " Notice that he refers to Laura Bush by name, I guess her name isn't as toxic to the Republican Party as G.W.Bush. The Republican brand name is so soiled by the last eight years of the Republican Bush Cheney Administration that you couldn't even find the word Republican or the symbol G

McCain a Maverick In His Own Mind

It didn't take long for Senator John McCain to mention the attacks of 9/11 in his speech accepting the Republican Nomination for the Presidency. In fact it happened within 90 seconds, "I'm grateful to the President for leading us in those dark days following the worst attack on American soil in our history, and keeping us safe from another attack many thought was inevitable; and to the First Lady, Laura Bush, a model of grace and kindness in public and in private. And I'm grateful to the 41st President and his bride of 63 years, and for their outstanding example of honorable service to our country." The Official start of the speech was 9:11 PM - this was not a coincidence but a planned move by the Republican McCain Campaign. The Republicans can't seem to stop capitalizing on the attacks that the Republican President George Bush failed to prevent even after being warned in a Presidential briefing one month prior to the attacks. Here Senator McCain praises Bu

Sarah Palin Speech Forgets The Issues

Governor Sarah Palin accepted the nomination as the Vice Presidential Candidate of the Republican Party last night in Minnesota with a dynamic speech. In a speech that introduced herself not only to the Nation but also to her own Party, Ms. Palin was perky, snide, humorous and personable. She introduced her family, shared her political experience and delivered left hooks to the Obama Campaign. Ms. Palin was able to present herself as a Conservative Republican who will be embraced by the hard core base of the Republican Party. However, her speech lacked issues content. Ms. Palin failed to present her vision, ideas, and agenda that will deliver our Nation into the future. The only domestic issue she mentioned was Energy Policy. The Energy Policy that she presented was of course the mainstream Republican McCain Policy of more drilling and the continued use of fossil fuel. As a Republican beholden to the large Fossil Fuel Industry she failed to covey any leadership towards the future. Ms.

Lieberman as Selfish as McCain

"Tonight, I want to ask you, whether you are an independent, a Reagan Democrat, a Clinton Democrat, or just a plain old Democrat: This year, when you vote for president, vote for the person you believe is best for our country, not for the party you happen to belong to," Lieberman said in a speech before the Republican National Convention last night. Senator Liberman was the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate only eight years ago. After losing his Senatorial Primary Bid for re-election Senator Liberman bolted the Democratic to run as a an "Independent". For his entire career Senator Liberman was a democrat who professed the democratic ideals, after losing his democratic primary Liberman showed his real concern, not concern for ideals but a selfish concern to maintain the power of his Senate seat. Although he has caucused with the Democrats since being elected as an independent he has supported the Republican agenda that has sunk our Nation into despair and en

McCain gets Palin Pains

John McCain was visibly annoyed today when answering a question about the vetting process of Sarah Palin before he chose her as his Vice Presidential nominee. When asked by a reporter if she was vetted enough, McCain kept walking and answered quickly that he thought it was enough and that he was glad that he chose her and on his face was that snide grin that he has when he answers uncomfortable questions, the same sly grin that President Bush uses when he is asked an uncomfortable question. As much as the Republicans would like to present Sarah Palin as a person capable of leading the world's largest Military, the world's largest nuclear stockpile, and the free world, the facts just get in the way. Today's Republican mantra when the subject of Sarah Palin's ability to be the Leader of the free world, the most influential voice in NATO and a major partner in the complexities of the world economy, is a question instead of an answer. Today The Republican answer to the Sara

McCain VP Choice Still Stunning

Now that the McCain VP Choice, Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, a Governor for all of eighteen months begins to get some media scrutiny the foolishness of this choice becomes all the more apparent. The McCain campaign and the right wing media minions of the Republican Party are now hounding a talking point that Ms. Palin has more experience in Governance that Senator Obama. Their argument hinges on the facts that she was the mayor of a town of 7,000 and a Governor for 18 months. They conveniently forget to mention facts such as, she didn't even have a passport until 2007. It is hard to fathom someone running the United States who knows nothing about the rest of the world. It has also been noted that Sarah Palin is a Creationist, and supports Creationism being taught in Public Education as a matter of Public Education Policy. It is beyond resaon to think that the lessons of Creationism should be taught in the Public Education System. Those that preach Creationism believe that the

McCain Campaign Has Foot in Mouth

How in the world can John McCain pick Sarah Palin an unknown governor from Alaska after criticizing Senator Obama in ads for months as not having the experience to be President? Does McCain think he will magically get the woman vote now? The McCain Campaign and his right wing minions on radio and Faux News have constantly stated that Senator Obama is a Junior Senator and can not possibly have the experience to be President, yet the McCain choice to be one heart beat away from the Presidency is a first term Governor from an underpopulated State. This is typical of the lies and distortions of the Republican Party and the McCain Campaign. Governor Palin might have caught the eye of the McCain Campaign because she is under an ethics investigation which the Republican Party seems to admire. Let's think about all the Republicans who had to resign, and those that didn't since the Bush Administration assumed power. The list is almost endless, so I guess that having a Vice Presidentia