
Showing posts from June 29, 2008

Bush Heckled on 4th

On the 4th of July, at a Citizenship ceremony on the grounds of Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, President Bush was heckled by anti- war protesters. Although the Protesters were hustled away quickly they did mange to shout their messages for all to hear. The theme of their disenchantment was that President Bush is a war criminal, the war is illegal and that the war must end. If the spirit of Jefferson could still judge events at Monticello, one wonders would Jefferson consider the hecklers the true citizens and patriots of the United States that he envisioned, or would he view Mr. Bush's security detail who hustled the protesters away to be living up to the ideal of the United States that he envisioned. The fourth of July weekend is a great time to wonder about the Nation that the men of 1776 envisioned.

Independence Day

When in the course of Human Events, the established government of the Nation refuses to adhere to the will of the People, it is time to replace that Government with a Governing Body that will do the will of the People. That is the basis of the Declaration of Independence of The United States of America. This Nation was founded on the Principles of self rule, that the Government will be represented by employees of the People, and that those Government Employees elected by the People in free and fair elections shall pursue the policies and courses of action that the majority of the People of the Nation wish to pursue. The Government Employees of the United States of America over the last seven and a half years has failed to adhere to the will of the People. Not only have they failed to consider the wishes of the American for whom they work, but they have outright stated that they do not care what the American People think, care about or want. When the Government Employee filling the vice

On The Eve of Independence

On the Eve of this Nation's 232nd commemoration of the Declaration of Independence it is a time of reminiscence. It is a time to think about the document that formed this great human experiment in governance. The Declaration of Independence written by men of vision, wisdom and foresight is a simple, yet complicated expressions of the hopes and dreams of a people oppressed freeing themselves from rule by Aristocracy and establishing a self rule. In 2008 it is more important than ever to remember the hopes, dreams and visions that this Nation was established upon. This Nation has endured adversity before, and now must prepare itself to endure it again and hopefully rise up once again to be an International leader in Freedom.

Al-Queda Objectives

The Republican Bush Administration has claimed that the invasion of Iraq has protected the American People from Terrorist attack. One of the favorite lines they currently use to justify the invasion of Iraq is that "we must fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them here". It seems as if the Republican Bush/Cheney Administration has failed to watch the playing field, just as they failed to see the imminent attack of 9/11 even after repeated warnings from various intelligence agencies which summarized their finding in the Daily Presidential Briefing. Just as the Mujaheddin was able to facilitate the Soviet Empire falling into financial ruin, so too is Al-Queda now accomplishing the same thing in The United States. The Stated Strategies of Al-Queda in defeating their perceived enemies are: 1. Overwhelm the enemy 2. Strangle the enemy financially 3. Have the Enemy fight Amongst themselves 4. Stretch the Enemy thin These strategies were applied by the Mujaheddin in

Non Issues

The Democratic Campaign of Barrack Obama must not let the media and the right wing neo-cons drag the campaign down to a level of non issues. The statements by General Wesley Clark were personal observations that were blown into a major story by the Media. We are now in third day of dealing with the statements of General Clark, which in no way disparaged Mr. McCain. The Media seems intent on leading the American People into a quagmire of non issues to distract them from the real issues of the day. The Democratic contender must stay focused and talk to the American People about issues. The major issues that are affecting the American Electorate are: The Economy, The Invasion of Iraq, The Cost of Energy, The Cost of Food, The Disappearance of the Middle Class, The Trampling of the Bill of Rights and the crumbling infrastructure of the United States. These are the issues that most concern the American People. To argue who is ready to be the Commander in Chief is really nonsensical. There i

Lieberman Embraces Republican Fear

Senator Joe Lieberman (R) representing the State of Connecticut became the mouthpiece for fear on a Sunday news show. Lieberman, a one time Democrat and Vice Presidential Candidate who ran as an Independent with the help of the Republicans is now repaying them by touting the candidacy of John McCain with the often used tactic of fear that the Bush Campaign used so well in the last election. Lieberman stated that a terrorist attack is likely in early 2009 and the person who can best deal with it is John McCain. First of all unless Mr. Lieberman has some kind of secret intelligence that he gleaned from his constituency in Israel why would he state that a likely terrorist attack will occur? If Mr. Lieberman did receive secret intelligence data from his Israeli Constituency he should be sharing it with the proper U.S. Agency and not be using it as a Political tool. Mr. Lieberman has shown his true colors already, he is a selfish political hack who only loves the power of being a Senator, h

The Energy Revolution

This is a pivotal year in American History. After nearly eight years of a stagnant government shrouded in secrecy, America must choose to continue on this path or to regroup and start on the road to a new future. There have been pivotal times like this before in American History, and America has grown as a Nation. The challenges for the Nation are many, first and foremost America must decide on the way in which we will power our Nation. Fossil Fuels have served their purpose, they were a necessity to fuel the Industrial Revolution, a revolution which changed the face of the Nation. Now it is time to change the face of the Nation again. America must begin a new era, an era fueled by renewable alternative fuels. The Industrial Revolution enabled America to lead the world in innovation and quality, now it is time to lead the world again, this time in Energy. America must teach the world how to power their societies by using and renewing the natural forces that surround us without destr