
Showing posts from June 22, 2008

Crash on The Levee

The breaking levees that are flooding town after town are very symbolic of the plight of our Nation. The Mighty Mississippi River that runs through the center of our Nation has had enough, and is now over running her banks to flood and devastate cities and towns. The levees have received less and less funding year after year by the Bush Administration, and the result is catastrophe. The Financial Markets are akin to the mighty Mississippi, the Bush Administration ignored the speculation and manipulation of the markets and they are now ready to over run their banks and drown the American People. The Commodity Markets are driving up the prices of the necessities of life, energy, corn, sugar, and wheat are all subject to the pressures of the speculators who are moving the markets by unregulated trading. The American People will drown in the rising tide of prices that they can no longer afford. Just as the Government response to New Orleans and The Floods of the Mississippi was too little

GM at $11.55 Per Share

When G.W. Bush took office the price per share of GM was over $80.00 which would have bought you over 80 gallons of gasoline. Today June 27, 2008 you can buy a share of GM stock for $11.55 which will buy you less than 3 gallons of gasoline. There was an adage in the 1950's thru the 1970's that said, "as GM goes, so goes the Nation", which meant that when GM was doing well financially, so too was the Nation. If we apply that adage today, when G.W. Bush took office GM was doing very well financially, and by coincidence so was the Nation. When the Republican Bush/Cheney Administration took power GM stock price was at an all time high and the Nation had a surplus in the budget. Today, June 27, 2008, GM is at an all time low, and the deficit in the budget is at an all time high. The Republican National Committee and the members of the party are quick to say that Republicans are fiscally responsible and that the Democrats will just tax and spend and grow the Government. The

Protecting The Vote

The Democratic Leadership has done nothing to protect the vote in the upcoming election of 2008. The last two Presidential Election cycles saw questionable outcomes in two States, the first in Florida and the second in Ohio. Which State will be targeted this cycle? It is most likely going to be a couple of Western States that will be used to turn the tide in favor of McCain. The Corporations that control the voting machines throughout the Country have admitted ties to the Republican National Committee and have even contributed money to them . In 2004 the Corporate CEO of Diebold even guaranteed the win for G.W. Bush, and sure enough a State that used Diebold machines produced a questionable voting result for the 2004 Presidential election in favor of G.W. Bush. The media, who are suppose to be the watchdog of Democracy failed to follow through and investigate the stories of election machine irregularities, and the Democratic Leadership has done the same. While there is still a bit of t

Obama and Energy Policy

Unlike Senator McCain who plans on solving the energy crisis by awarding prizes to Corporations for energy solutions, Senator Obama has some clear policy initiatives on his Web Site . Reading the Policies stated on the Obama Web Site one can see that Senator Obama gets it, he calls for massive long term investments in research, development and deployment of alternative, renewable fuel sources and the infrastructure to implement them. This past week we saw John McCain offer two solutions to the energy problem, the first being continue drilling for oil off shore and on public lands, the second being a $300 million dollar prize to the corporation that can develop a better car battery. Mr. McCain seems to be very limited in his vision of the future of energy. Neither McCain solution will have any significant impact on the way America produces and uses energy. Although Senator Obama's policy pronouncements are lacking , at least they have a vision for the future and

Focus on Senator Obama

James Dobson the self proclaimed Bible interpreter has challenged some statements that Barack Obama has made concerning the Bible and the Government. Mr. Dobson says that Senator Obama is distorting the Bible. Taking the Bible for what it is, a collection of stories mixed with pieces of history and social guidance for the times that it was written in, can the interpretation of the Bible be anything but subjective? Even if accept the Bible as some kind of code book by which to live, just by the fact that it is written from a translation of a translation there would of course be subjective interpretations of the writings. The catholic Church does not have the same interpretation of the Bible as Mr. Dobson, is the Catholic Church misinterpreting the Bible or is Mr. Dobson? Because the written word and language is naturally subject to interpretation based upon the reader's life experiences there will always be different interpretations. It does not matter how, if, or when Mr. Obama qu

McCain Wants a Game Show

The presumptive Republican Presidential nominee John McCain offered another one of his daily proposals. The McCain campaign seems to think that if they offer enough proposals they will attract voters. It seems that each day Mr. McCain offers a foolish new proposal. Today the proposal is to offer a 300 million dollar prize to whoever can develop a better automobile battery. The standard that McCain is a battery that will have " the size, capacity and power to leapfrog the commercially available plug in hybrids or electric cars." Just last week McCain said drill, drill, drill, offshore, in public lands wherever, just drill. That will attract those that work for and are related to the manufacturers of oil drilling equipment, who must have a lobbyist in the McCain campaign. Today Arizona Republican Senator John McCain wanted to appeal to the game show constituency. If Mr.McCain should become President, the National will have a game show host as President announcing the winners

End The Tariff on Brazil

Brazil has positioned itself to become a dominant producer of ethanol from sugar cane, the most energy efficient ethanol that can be produced right now. Brazil has excess capacity and is building more. The foresight of their leadership during the Gas Crisis of the late 1970's has put them in the forefront of energy independence. When President Carter proposed the same kind of program for America in 1977 the Republicans refused to consider an alternative energy program and the Democratic leadership of that time was not much help in focusing the attention of the Federal Government on Alternative Fuel. The little funding that President Carter was able to accomplish was cut in half by the Republican Administration of Ronald Reagan. Now Brazil in in the position to send 8 million gallons of ethanol into the United Sates each week and could increase that to daily if the U.S. Government would remove the fifty four cents a gallon imposed on Brazilian Ethanol. and welcome their Eco-sustain