Democratic Debate Oct 30,2007

What were the most interesting comments of the Democratic Debate on Oct 30, 2007, in Philadelphia? Chris Dodd voiced concern over the prison population and mentioned decriminalizing marijuana. Is this a notion that is long past due? How many lives will continue to be ruined by imprisonment for marijuana? What is the cost of incarceration for marijuana? What are the benefits to Society for this practice?

The price in terms of costs to the taxpayers is excessive. There is the cost of enforcement, these resources can be redirected toward preventing violent crimes and property crimes. There is the cost of incarceration, again, a huge amount of taxpayer dollars going towards warehousing people who would otherwise be productive members of society. Then there is the human costs, how many families are without fathers and mothers because they are in prisons.

What can be gained by decriminalizing marijuana? The over-stressed resources of the law enforcement, court system, and penal system can be preserved for the more important efforts related to violent and property crimes.


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