Earth Week

On Earth Week it has been customary to see how we as a population are affecting the earth, our home and what we can do to improve our interaction with our environment. Although awareness has risen tremendously over the years, thanks mostly from the Global Warming PR campaign, there really has not been an equal amount of real change.

It is the year 2008 and American, the leader of the industrial revolution, is still running industries in the same way by burning fossil fuels to produce energy. America was the leader in the industrial revolution so too it must take the leadership role in the Energy Revolution. America must harness the ingenuity, inventiveness and drive to lead the world in an Energy Revolution that will free Society from the bondage of fossil fuel.

The importance of an Energy Revolution has never been clearer than it is on this Earth Day in 2008. America is being held hostage by the importers of fossil fuels. The American Family is suffering economically on all fronts by the effects of rising energy prices. The price of Energy shows up in all consumer goods from apples to soup. The farmer pays more for diesel and fertilizer, and trucking his food to market, costs that have gone up due to the destabilization of the oil markets because of the Iraq War and the greed of market speculators. America should realize that it is time to look to the future and begin an Energy Revolution.

The American Government must be the catalyst to spur on this Energy Revolution. Congress must act to begin a serious, well funded alternative energy crusade that will encompass getting all government buildings on all levels off of fossil fuels. In creating a large market for alternative energy on all public buildings this will give the impetus to entrepreneurs and corporations to envision products and solutions to make buildings energy self sufficient. As the program progresses and the solutions become more viable and less costly, private buildings would start to adopt the alternative innovations. This will cause job creation, decrease a dependence on foreign energy supplies and make a long term investment in the American infrastructure.


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