The People are Bitter

Mr. Obama was correct, the People are bitter. The People are bitter because politicians are playing games while the American way of life is being destroyed by an Administration that has run awry without any checks and balances as prescribed in the Constitution. The people are bitter because the Senators and Congressman have failed to provide oversight to an Administration that walks the line of dictaorial power.

Senators Clinton and McCain now pounce and spin the statement of Senator Obama and turn it into campaign fodder, but the basis of the statement is true. The People are bitter. The People are bitter that the blood and treasure of our Country and their Children's future is being wasted without any action by the Senators. The People are bitter because they are being sucked dry by Corporate banks while the same banks are bailed out by the People's Government. The People are bitter because their jobs have left the Country, never to return and the Government continues to reward the Corporations that have fled over seas. The People are bitter because the cost of energy rises unabated and the government does not have a plan. The People are bitter because their unalienable rights have been eroded.

Yes, Senator Obama, the People are bitter.


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