Republicans Wish You A Happy Father's Day

Isn't it nice that the Republicans can wish you a Happy Father's Day. It will be a Happy Father's Day when you pull into the gas station. It will be a Happy Father's Day for the Hundreds of Thousands of Fathers whose Sons and Daughters are serving as occupiers for the Republican Bush/Cheney Administration. It will be a Happy Father's Day for thousands of Fathers whose children were needlessly killed as occupiers. It Will be a Happy Father's Day for tens of thousands of Fathers whose children have been maimed and disabled as occupiers of a sovereign country. It will be a Happy Father's Day when Fathers go to the grocery store and decide which items they will have to do without because of the stagnant wages and higher prices from the Republican Bush Cheney Administration Policies.

It will be an extremely Happy Father's Day as Fathers across the Nation reflect on the prospect of not being able to maintain the family home, or take their children to a doctor. It will be a Happy Father's Day as Fathers throughout the land realize that they will not be able to leave their Children the promise of America, a promise that each succeeding generation will live a better life than the one before it. For the first time in the History of the Great American Experiment, hundreds of thousands of Fathers will leave their Children with less.

Happy Father's Day Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, Mr. Republican Senator and Republican Congress People. The Fathers of America thank you for destroying the American Family and spending the hopes and dreams of a generation in an endless illegal occupation.
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