Is Senator Biden On The McCain Ticket?

Why in the world would Senator Joe Biden say that he was not the best choice to be the Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee? Senator Biden has just armed the Republican Spin machine with enough ammunition to distract the electorate for another couple of days. Right Wing Radio was having a feast today with Senator Biden's comments about Senator Clinton being the best choice. What does that say about your running mate, Senator Biden, if you just told the world that he picked the wrong person to be his running mate?

These statements would have been expected from the Republican Vice Presidential Nominee, but not from Senator Biden. As a seasoned campaigner Senator Biden is aware of the detrimental effect on the Democratic Ticket that his statement will lead to. So, the question becomes, why. Why would Senator Biden make such statements, is he in working for the McCain Campaign. I agree wholeheartedly that Senator Biden was not the best choice for the Vice Presidential Nominee for the Democrats, if fact he wouldn't even be in my top twenty-five, but the fact is, Senator Obama offered the nomination to him and he accepted. By accepting this Nomination Senator Biden it means that you have an obligation to work for the election of the Democratic Nominee and not the Republican Nominee.

At this vital time in the history of America, Senator Biden should resign now while there is still enough time to fill the nomination and still competitively contest for the election. There are a number of real Democrats who could easily fill the spot and add to the ticket. Senator Obama should consider replacing Senator Biden while there is still time, he has brought nothing to the ticket and now it seems by his ill conceived remarks that he he trying to insure that the Democrats don't win the election. Is Senator Biden a closet Senator Lieberman?
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