Rape-The-Public-Con Tidbits
In order to keep the lunacy of the Sarah Palin Cult on the Front Page of the Blog as long as possible today's Post will be short.
Today George "Hoover" Bush, made a 260 word statement on the Economy assuring the Nation that the Government was taking action, too bad he doesn't understand what is going on and what action the Fed is taking. Remember during the last campaign it was revealed that he was a "C" student in Economics.
Meanwhile, John McCain is running around the Country blaming the Democrats for the Republican Policies that got us here.
Here's an interesting one from Reuters, August 30,2008:
"NEW YORK, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Lehman Brothers has hired Jeb Bush, brother of the President of the United States, as an advisor to its private equity business, a source familiar with the situation said.
Lehman hired another relative of U.S. President George W. Bush last year--George Walker, a second cousin, who heads up the bank's asset management business.
Jeb Bush is the former governor of Florida.
Lehman Brothers declined to comment."
Hmmmm, it only took Jeb two weeks to wipe out Lehman Brothers, George "Hoover" Bush takes much longer to Bankrupt a Company, and 8 Years to Bankrupt a Nation.... These Bushes are good aren't they???
Could Sean Insanity drool anymore over Sarah Palin?