The Republican October Surprise Unleashed

Reuters has reported from Dubai that al Qaeda has released another video just in time for the U.S. Presidential Elections, what a coincidence. According to the Reuters report the video said, “O God, humiliate Bush and his party, O Lord of the Worlds, degrade and defy him," This is the same typical Republican ploy that we saw during the 2004 election. It seems every time that the Republicans are in trouble al Qaeda comes to their rescue, it makes you wonder does al Qaeda work for the Republicans. Isn’t it convenient for the McCain Campaign to have this video surface now? No doubt the McCain/Palin team will seize upon the words of this video and proclaim that al Qaeda is endorsing Senator Obama in the Presidential Election.

I can just see the right wing minions on Faux News and talk radio saying, “see the terrorists want Obama”. Just as they used these tactics in the 2004 election very effectively to scare the American Population, here we go again. Do not forget that Tom Ridge, the Homeland Security Minister admitted after the 2004 election that the color codes were raised and lowered according to the polls during the 2004 cycle. Now they will call on the American Electorate to vote for McCain so that al Qaeda is not gratified by his defeat.

This cycle of fear must be broken right now! We cannot have the Republican Party working in conjunction with the boogeyman al Qaeda every time the political decisions of the United States are at stake. The Republican Party uses fear to obtain votes. This can not go on. Let us look at the facts.

It was the Bush Cheney Republican Administration that ignored the warnings of 9/11/01. It was the Bush Cheney Republican Administration that was not vigilant in preventing 9/11/01. It was the Bush Cheney Republican Administration that allowed the Bin Laden Family to flee the United States by Jet after 9/11/01 even though all other flights were banned. It was the Bush Cheney Republican Administration that failed to find, capture, and put on trail the people who they claim caused 9/11/01. It was the Bush Cheney Republican Administration that did not commit a viable force to Afghanistan where they claimed the terrorists operated. It was the Bush Cheney Republican Administration that lied about the links between al Qaeda and the Government of Iraq. It was the Bush Cheney Republican Administration that declared Victory in Iraq over 5 years ago even though American Troops are still being maimed and killed today in Iraq. It was the Bush Cheney Republican Administration that issued phony terrorist warnings during the 2004 Campaign.

Don’t be fooled again. This is another Republican last ditch effort to keep hold of their power. Vote for American’s future. We will never free ourselves from the terror that the mention of al Qaeda brings if we do not spit in their face and vote for ourselves.

The Republicans kept telling us that al Qaeda hates our freedom, well here is the chance to exercise our freedoms and vote for an American future that will be free from the tyranny of the Fossil Fuel power base and their Republican party. The stated goal of al Qaeda was to crush the American Financial System, it looks today like the Republicans let them almost accomplish this, don’t let them fully accomplish the destruction of the American Financial System by electing the economic ignorance of the John McCain, Sarah Palin ticket. Vote for our future.
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